Chapter 1203

Using a hand towel to gently wipe the oil stains on the corners of the girl’s mouth sitting next to him, Xie Ming slowly explained what he had experienced over the past long time and his current situation.

Regarding Xie Ming’s explanation, Jingliu did not ask any questions. Just sitting on the grass so quietly and listening, eating the saury on the plate with chopsticks. Occasionally blinked, showing a happy smile.

It seemed that Jingliu didn’t listen to Xie Ming’s words seriously at all, but that was not the case. She is in her own way, understanding and tolerating Xie Ming.

Of course, there are also reasons to concentrate on enjoying delicious food.

It seemed that it was in line with Xie Ming’s speaking speed. When Xie Ming finished speaking, all the saury, which was almost 1 meter in size, had also entered the still little belly.

After all, every Superman possesses extremely exaggerated digestive functions. Although there is now life energy to replace the energy needed for digestion, this does not mean that the body’s original digestive function is gone.

“The coral is too long, there is no dirty fish.”

“Huh?” Xie Ming was stunned for a moment: “I remember you said that you don’t like bitter fish dirty?”

“That was when I was young.”

Jingliu puffed up his face slightly: “I’m an adult now.”

“Really….. Next time you cook saury, leave the innards.”


Nodded, Jingliu stood up and patted her skirt. He proficiently picked up his long golden hair that was scattered behind his back, tied it into a double ponytail, and nodded slightly again, seemingly satisfied.


Xie Ming asked with a smile.

“Um…” After groaning for a moment, Jing Liu shook his head: “I’m sorry, Hu Tailang. Although Zhu Yin’s affairs are very anxious, I still feel that I need to stay in the Western Regions for a while.”

“In order to prevent the current chaotic situation in the Western Regions?”


A little sadness appeared in the pupils of the heterochromatic color, and Jingliu whispered: “The chaos in the Western Regions is the reason why I didn’t have a good rule. This is my responsibility. I can’t just leave like this, I must be responsible. .”

“And if the problem of the Western Regions is part of another Zhu Yin plan, then it is also important to prevent the chaos in the Western Regions.”

Raising her head, Jingliu said softly: “After Hu Tailang wakes up Xiaoqian, it will not be too late for me to go back. Now, I stay in the Western Regions, but I can help Hu Tailang even more.”


Jingliu was right. If the four of them are not gathered, Zhu Yin’s position will not be found at all. The rebellion on the southern side, Huandu Qingtian, who has the Huandu family, carried out the suppression of the chaos. But here in the Western Regions, the relationship between humans and monsters has been broken for thousands of years.

If it were not for the Li family to still act as the link between the two races, I am afraid things would be even worse. Why does the Fox Emperor stab his own son back? I am afraid there are related considerations in it.

If the sand fox clan that rules the sand demon marries with the Li family, it will definitely be hostile and attacked by the humans in the Central Plains and the locals, as well as the evil side. What kind of changes the marriage with the Li family can bring to the demon clan, this should be the matter that the fox king is most concerned about.

This also means that the fox king is now making choices. Whether to maintain the status quo or change the status quo. He gave this choice to the young people, namely Fan Yunfei and Li Xueyang.

It is proof that Fan Yunfei has not stopped coming to ask for a kiss every day.

Can the two young people overcome the obstacles and come together to bring a change between the sand monster and the humans. If even these obstacles cannot be overcome, then even if the two get together, they will only end in tragedy in the end. The identities of the two are destined to how difficult the road they are going to embark on.

While analyzing, Xie Ming told Jingliu the information he had learned. And Jingliu listened and thought very carefully.

“So if you want to restore the relationship between the sand monsters and humans, Fan Yunfei and Li Xueyang will be the top priority.”

Xie Ming said softly: “What’s reassuring is that the original dumb and weak Sha fox prince is now rapidly improving. Although Li Xueyang’s head is a bit stupid, her enthusiastic and high-spirited personality is suitable for Fan Yunfei. This kind of non-aggressive person.”

“Between the two, Jingliu, you can help a little bit, but you can’t help them overcome the difficulties directly. Because in the end, the Western Regions will be handed over to them. The Fox Emperor may also add some obstacles to them, but these Blocking is also necessary for the two.”

“Then, you try your best not to expose your identity to untrustworthy people. For us, this is something we must do to buy time. The rest…”

After thinking for a while, Xie Ming took out a wooden sign-like object from the portable space, as well as his own Kabuto cap cloak and black coat.

“This wooden sign is a magic weapon that can connect with Tushan. After inputting the life energy, you can talk to that side. The cloak and coat are for you to disguise. As for disguising and disguising your identity, I shouldn’t need to worry about you. Almost, That’s it.”

“Well, thank you, Hu Tailang.”

“You’re welcome.”

Xie Ming smiled, then bent down and took the initiative to hug Jing Liu into his arms.


The youth’s sudden bold behavior caused Jingliu to make a cute weird cry, and her petite body was extremely stiff: “Hu…Hu Tailang?”

“Sorry, I am such a selfish person. I am so selfish that I want to keep all of you by my side. I am so selfish that I don’t want to let go of your hands even if you waited so long.”


Jing Liu, who was originally shy and flushed, heard Xie Ming’s words and endured his shyness and stretched out his arms around Xie Ming’s neck.

“It’s okay, Hu Tailang.”

“I am willing to stay by Hu Talang’s side…”

When the voice fell, Xie Ming only felt that his face was lightly pecked. Then the girl in her arms disappeared instantly with what she gave her.

“…Alright, let’s go too.”


Otinus appeared on Xie Ming’s shoulder and looked at the man with a very strange look.

“What…. what’s wrong?”

“No, nothing.”

With a slight sigh in his heart, Otinus sat down: “Let’s go, now there is only one person left.”


As the space fluctuated, Xie Ming’s figure also disappeared in the cave.


“Jingliu is awakened.”


From the wooden sign, the young man’s voice came: “Next, only Chihaya is left. With Sakiya’s character, the northern side should be the least worrying. How about Tushan?”

“Everything is fine.”

Putting the tools in his hand aside, the little bird stretched out: “The defensive power is increasing, and Qibi Moss can wake up at any time. Hong Hong and the others are fine. Your little apprentice is playing with Lucia and Ya every day. Working hard under the guidance of Ya.”

“That’s great.”

“Well, Mingming, you have to find everyone back quickly. Remember to contact Lucia. The girls are all so proactive, and it takes a month for you to leave. Even if it’s Miss Bird, I feel a bit too much~”

“……. Sorry, I will be back as soon as possible. Huh? Wait, bird, you……”

“Ah, I hate Mr. Mingming, you don’t think Miss Bird can’t tell Lucia. Lucia, but a very simple girl?”


“Really. Okay, if something really happens, here will take the initiative to contact you.”

After speaking, without waiting for a reply, the little bird took the initiative to dissipate the life energy in the wooden sign, and then picked up the tool again and started the creation of a new monster.

But obviously, her movements are much lighter than before.

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