Chapter 1204 The History of the Northern Territory

The Northern Territory is the country with the largest area of ​​the five major forces, and the climate is not much better than that of the Western Regions. But with the World Tree constantly pouring life energy into the planet, it wasn’t too desolate.

Mountains, forests and wasteland, as well as a handful of farmland that can be cultivated, can sum up most of the topography of the Northern Territory.

The situation here is a bit close to that of the Western Regions, and it’s the cooperation between humans and monsters. The monsters are responsible for the military, and the humans are responsible for the political affairs.

It’s just that one day, human beings are no longer satisfied with being equal to the demon race, and want to completely control the demon race in order to obtain more benefits. At that time, the Demon Slayer and Demon Doctor who was seriously injured by the Celestial Organization just fled to the north.

After the emperor at the time knew about this matter, he secretly summoned the monster-slaughter and demon doctor and asked him to radiate the waste heat and cooperate with the imperial palace warriors in the north to develop methods of controlling monsters. In the end, a magic weapon extremely vicious to the monster race was born.

Child and mother control demon charm.

This magic weapon is divided into two parts, the mother talisman and the child talisman. After the Yaozu swallowed the sub-talisman, if the antidote was taken irregularly every year, the whole body would suffer unbearable pain. If the human side destroys the mother talisman, the demon clan that swallows the corresponding child talisman will also directly dissipate its demon power and die.

After the development of this magic weapon, the human emperor at that time decisively announced that he would lock the country and no longer have diplomatic interaction with any forces. Begin to buy all kinds of manpower to let the monsters who control the military swallow the sub-talisman.

In the two hundred years since then, the Northern Demon Race can be said to have lived like a slave animal. The kingdom of the north was officially renamed the kingdom of imperial monsters.

When this news officially came out, the dust had already settled. The Southern Demon Race is too far away to support it. The Western Regions are chaotic, and the Central Plains is led by humans, and none of them can help the Northern Territory Monster Race. As for Tushan, the number of people is too small.

If Tushan learned about it at the early stage of the incident, Tushan could still solve it. But when the news came out, almost all the monster races in the Northern Territory were under control, and Tu Shan had no choice but to pay attention to it silently.

The son-mother controls the demon talisman and can control the demon clan, so naturally there is also a way to release it. Only the emperor of the Kingdom of Demons, the Demon Slayer and a few practitioners who participated in the research knew how to make it, so the emperor naturally wanted to kill other people and monopolize this secret recipe.

When the birds are exhausted, good bows are hidden; the cunning rabbits die, and the lackeys cook. Everyone understands the truth of these twelve words. After developing the letter control demon talisman, the Demon Slayer and the Demon Doctor died contentedly, while the other warriors had escaped the palace with their own methods.

The area of ​​the north is so large, how could the Emperor of the Demon Kingdom find them?

But what the son and mother control demon talisman brings is power. Some people choose to take responsibility after gaining strength. But after most people gain power, they will choose to release their desires.

As a result, the Northern Rebellion unfolded completely.

Several warriors relied on the child-mother-control demon talisman to quickly gain enough power to resist the king of the north, each established a different country, and united to fight against the demon kingdom.

Because of Chihaya’s character, the people who followed Chihaya and Sakiya at the time were basically those monsters with strong strength but very simple and dull personality. It is precisely because of this that the monster races in the north are so easily deceived by humans.

The monster races who have become war weapons and slaves finally ushered in the dawn after more than two hundred years of life. At that time, the entire Northern Territory was dying of national power due to the perennial war and chaos.

Even if it was the Demon Kingdom that inherited the original Northern Territory’s accumulation of more than 500 year-end children, the country’s resources were almost exhausted at this time. As a result, the final battle of the Northern War broke out.

A rebellion broke out in Yuyao, and the other small countries joined forces with Yuyao rebels to attack the palace. However, the army was guarded by a demon clan outside the gate of the imperial palace.

Shi Yao: Shi Kuan.

Because of his extraordinary talent, he has swallowed the talisman since he was a child to guard the contemporary princess of the kingdom of demons. The two have also been to Tushan and made a wish for reincarnation and renewal under the World Tree.

When the rebels and the enemy came to the city, the princess of Yuyao Kingdom was marrying a man. Shi Kuan alone guarded the city gate alone, with the heart to fight to the death. At this time, the city gate opened, and the princess in the wedding dress came out.

“Stone head!”

“Your Royal Highness!! It’s dangerous here!!!”

“Don’t worry about this, stone head!” The princess happily raised the magic weapon in her hand: “I got your mother talisman! Now, I will relieve you…”

The words were not finished yet, a sharp dagger penetrated the princess’s heart from behind. And Shi Kuan’s mother talisman also fell into the hands of the palace lady.

The court lady is the undercover of the rebels.

Regardless of his mother talisman or the rebel enemies behind him, Shi Kuan hugged the seriously injured princess at his fastest speed. However, at this time, the princess was already dead.

At the last moment, she told Shi Kuan to lift the spell of controlling the demon talisman by the mother and son, and asked Shi Kuan to end the war and unify the northern territory. And gave him the demon emperor of the North, the nickname of Ruotian-kun. Shi Kuanqiang endured grief and agreed.

The method of cracking the child-mother-control demon talisman can only be known when the royal family officially reaches adulthood. And the princess of Yuyao Country officially comes of age, which means marriage. Therefore, even if the enemy soldiers approached the city, Princess Yuyao insisted on marrying another man.

Bearing the pain and anger in his heart, bearing in mind the princess’s entrustment, the northern demon emperor Shi Kuan, -kun approached this area. After more than two hundred years of war, the northern territory was finally unified again. After more than two hundred years of enslavement, the demon race in the north finally gained freedom again.

Since then, there hasn’t been much movement in the Northern Territory, and it has been developing and recovering silently. The northern demon emperor Shi Kuan has also been silently guarding this land, and has inherited the obligations and responsibilities of the northern king.

These things are not secrets, so even Tu Shan knows them in great detail. After all, if it is said that the closest relationship with Tushan is now, it should only be the Northern Territory.

After all, every time the princess reincarnated, the Red Line Fairy Tushan took Shi Kuan to find the reincarnated body. But so far, there has been no success in renewal. Every time, Shi Kuan could only leave sadly.

Because the matter was important this time, Tu Shan Honghong also gave Xie Ming the method to contact Shi Kuan. At this time, he followed the demon emperor who was as steady as a mountain, walking under the palace grounds.

That’s right, the place where Qianzao slept was the underground of the Northern Territory Palace.

“Sakuya-sama said before leaving that the underground of the palace is an absolute forbidden zone. No one is allowed to enter, except for a bastard.”

A deep voice echoed in the tunnel, and Shi Kuan, wearing a battle armor, said calmly: “During the time of the Royal Demon Kingdom, the King of the First Generation of the Royal Demon Kingdom broke this taboo and established an experiment in the underground of the imperial palace to control the demon talisman. room.”

“The method of making and disarming the child-mother control demon talisman is recorded in this laboratory. The outside is guarded by the veteran demon clan, and you cannot enter it unless the royal clan reaches adulthood.”

“I have also entered that laboratory before, and there is nothing strange in it anymore. Deeper, it is completely inaccessible.”

“Because the passage there is completely blocked by layers of thick bandages. On the outermost layer of bandages, there are pale pink petals of Sakura flowers. Those who want to break through forcibly died in those petals. Above.”

“…When Sakiya left?” Xie Ming found something wrong in Shi Kuan’s words: “Sakiya left?”

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