Chapter 1209 Space Black Hole

Almost at the same time that the Xiaoniao and others exclaimed, Xie Ming stretched his mental strength upwards in a straight line. Afterwards, he felt the existence of the object.

There are many, almost tens of thousands, and each one is not too small, and extremely unstable energy is stored inside.

Air strikes, bombings.

These four words instantly popped out of Xie Ming’s mind, and in the next moment, he made a decision.

“Tu Shan immediately entered the state of wartime! If there are air defense measures, don’t be stingy, I will stop the wave first, and get in touch!”

At the same time as the words fell, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared from the sight of everyone, and came to an altitude of about 1,500 meters. Here, he was able to clearly capture the floating Sky Island hanging high in the low-Earth orbit.

It can also be caught, that all kinds of bombs that are continuously thrown down from the floating Sky Island are densely black. If this wave of bombing were to come to the unprepared Tushan region, I am afraid that a radius of a hundred li would become a hell on earth full of screams, screams and flames.

“It really doesn’t leave a little bit of affection…”

The thumb gently pushed out the sky and the pure flames, the dark blade showed a part in the air, and the invisible power appeared on Xie Ming’s body.

Lv5, vector control.



The powerful mental power, combined with the computing power of the etheric body, compiles the vector control, the more refined and more powerful it is, into an interception net. All bomb magic weapons stopped in this high altitude the moment they touched this interception net.

Of course, the more magic weapons intercepted by the interception net, the more quickly Xie Ming’s mental energy was consumed.

If the opponent is a simple enemy, then Xie Ming doesn’t need such a lot of trouble. Suddenly drawing a knife and slashing it up, it can directly cause a series of serial explosions. Not to mention the power of the explosion, a simple blast wind can lift that island away.

However, there is Zhu Yin on it.

So Xie Ming could only use this force-consuming method to softly intercept the bomb and prevent it from exploding. Then these bombs are safely transferred to another place. If he changed to the previous one, he could only rely on the ability of Justissa or Oetinus to deal with these bombs.

But now, he has the best means to deal with troublesome things.

“Space black hole.”

With his right hand clenched fiercely, a crisp sound of cracking spread into his ears. Countless transparent space debris shattered everywhere, and a pitch-black hole with a radius of about ten meters appeared 100 meters directly above him.

The powerful suction force began to continuously attract the bombs stuck in the air. There is no need for Xie Ming to perform any operations at all, these bombs were sucked in one by one, and the day may never be seen from then on.

As for why it is possible?

Because no one knows, someday in the future, a brain pump with spatial power may create a white hole in space and eject all the things sucked into the black hole in space.

The possibility is very small, but not necessarily not. What if you really won the jackpot?

Congratulations, incense, carry the coffin, and be buried.

There will always be a professional team to take care of these things.

It seems that the people on the island also discovered that the thrown bomb was intercepted by an unknown ability, and finally stopped the dangerous operation of throwing objects from high altitude. Upon seeing this, Xie Ming also stopped vector manipulation and the maintenance of the space black hole, and continued to fly upwards.


“That is, the man who saved this planet, Uranus Temple Huta Lang…”

Between the thrones, everyone saw Xie Ming’s handling of the bomb through the projection, and there was deep fear and unwillingness to admit it in his eyes.

They are the strongest in each region, and they have reached the strength of the Demon Emperor. There are even some people who have accumulated hundreds of years in the field of Demon Emperor, and they are the most powerful people in the world today.

But in such a bomb rain, all they can do is to protect themselves and run far before the bomb explodes. If everyone unites, they might be able to resist the explosion of this batch of bombs.

But they absolutely can’t do it so easily and safely. Those magic bombs that have almost the same value as the total economy of the Central Plains for fifty years, are they so gone?

What a joke!

Even Kashima Zhu Yin, who had already expected Xie Ming’s strength, could not help but gritted his teeth in silence at this time. Uranus Temple Hu Talang, what did this man go through to gain such power?

Why, he wants to come back at this time!

But the arrow was wound and had to be sent. No matter how strong he is, he has the means to deal with him. Since he took the initiative to go to Niederhogg now, then Tushan was equivalent to missing an open-hang-level combat power.

“Everyone entered the projection warehouse and began to fight against Tushan.”

The dark red eyes glanced at the fearful demon emperors one by one, and Kashima Zhu Yin said calmly: “Uranus Temple Hutalang is stronger than expected. But when he came here, he must have come to see me.”

“In that case, I have a way to drag him in this Niederhogg. During this period, if you successfully suppress Tushan and threaten the lives of Kobe Bird and others, then no matter how strong he is, he will compromise.”

“Too many variables have happened, and the time has come to have to fight. Desperately, there is still a chance of success. Retreat and surrender will only be death. How to choose, you understand.”

There are no words to motivate the military, because all the people present chose this path because of their own desires. Then just tell them the result, and they will naturally make a choice.

In fact, it’s the same, it’s death anyway. There are monsters, humans, and evils among them. Moreover, all of them who joined the Celestial Organization knew the battle that gave birth to the Monster Race a thousand years ago.

They understand very well how important the World Tree is to Tushan, Xiaoniao and others. People who have greed for the world tree have only one dead end. Although they didn’t understand why Zhu Yin wanted to betray and eradicate the world tree. But they understand that this is the best time to accomplish their goals.

Want to live forever, want to become stronger, want to obtain that huge high-quality source stone vein. Things have become like this, and they have nowhere to go.

Then, there is only one fight to the death.

“I’ll repeat it again.” Kashima Zhu Yin’s cold voice awakened them who were in a trance: “Everyone immediately entered the projection warehouse, and projected together with the’puppets’, and began to suppress Tushan.”


In the blink of an eye, only Kashima Zhu Yin was left between the thrones. She slowly sat back on the throne, calmly watching Xie Ming who had flown over the island.

“A thousand years of hard work and thousand years of preparation, how can it be so simple and miserable? Uranus Temple Hu Tailang, I know you very well. Therefore, I understand your greatest weakness very well.”

Touching his neck lightly, Kashima Zhu Yin’s face was only indifferent.

“If you care about the life and death of this body, then stay and see the last with me.”

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