Chapter 1210


After seeing the whole picture of the island, Xie Ming couldn’t help but squinted his eyes. Originally, he thought that the island should have a lot of armed forces, and it was an air fortress. But the actual defensive armed forces are not many.

There are huge cannons, heavy crossbows, and energy projectors for deploying protective shields, but they don’t match the entire island. In other words, the armed forces are too little.

These are nothing. What he cares most about is the huge circular pothole in the center, or the muzzle? Various giant god-tier secret inscriptions are engraved on the huge metal ring. Up to this moment, there are still many industrial monsters busy near this pit.

Even Xie Ming now has a creepy feeling when he sees this muzzle-like pothole.

I’m afraid, this is the hole card used by Kashima Zhu Yin to destroy the World Tree.

Throughout the entire island, there are almost no logistics personnel and scientific research personnel. It is almost like a school city that has entered full automation. Only a few people manage the work of monsters.

Frowning, Xie Ming looked at the most magnificent building on the island. Presumably Jiadao Zhu Yin, it should be there.

If he had been within his calculations so far, he couldn’t guess what would happen in this aerial island. However, the things to be done have not changed. Go in, wake up Zhu Yin and solve the problem.

Extending his finger, he gently cut a hole in the protective cover that protects the island, and Xie Ming stepped in and flew to the building.

“……come yet.”

Seeing Xie Ming flying here quickly on the projection, Kashima Zhuyin pressed the button on the armrest of the throne.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

In an instant, hundreds of crackles came from below the island. All the shot positions have been launched. At this time, apart from Kashima Zhu Yin and a few logistics personnel, there were really only monsters left on the island.

Xie Ming’s mental power naturally saw the launch of the projection chamber. He just wanted to transfer it out and intercept it through his spatial ability, but was stopped by a voice.

“Uranus Temple Hu Tailang.”

On the magnificent building, a huge projection screen appeared. Kashima Zhu Yin, dressed in a luxurious black dress, came into Xie Ming’s sight. She held a dagger in her hand and placed it gently next to her neck.

This action made the youth’s eyes become cold.

“Oh, sure enough.” Kashima Zhu Yin smiled: “If you want Qianli Zhu Yin’s body to be safe, come in and accompany me.”


The blade approached, and a small cut was cut in the snow-white skin, and traces of blood dripped down the neck and blade.

“…….I see.”

Enduring the anger in his heart, Xie Ming said calmly: “I will go in now.”

“Very good, good boy.”

Seeing Xie Ming’s compromise, Kashima Zhu Yin’s smile became brighter, giving people the feeling of “finally revenge”. Xie Ming sighed slightly in his heart. Sure enough, Kashima Zhu Yin is part of Zhu Yin.

This kind of retaliatory petty temper is the best proof.

The mental power quickly scanned the entire building and found the location of Kashima Zhu Yin. For a moment, Xie Ming appeared in front of the girl.

Sitting high on the throne, the dark red pupils are full of malice, and the despair and darkness towards humans are exactly the same as Sakura in Xie Ming’s memory.

“It’s been a long time since I saw you, Uranus Temple Hu Tailang, or it would be better to call you Xie Ming?”

Getting up from the throne, stepping on high heels and slowly walking down the steps, Kashima Zhu Yin walked to Xie Ming’s front. He stretched out his finger and gently raised Xie Ming’s chin, looking like a domineering female president.

“Why? Seeing an old lover, showing such a cold expression?”

“You are Zhu Yin, not Zhu Yin.” Xie Ming looked at Jiadao Zhu Yin calmly: “At least, the Zhu Yin I know will not threaten me with his own memory no matter what happens.”

“So, what do you say I am?”

Standing on tiptoe slightly, Zhu Yin exhaled like a orchid, like a thorny rose, full of danger and temptation: “It looks like you know what you look like.”

“That’s it.”

Taking a step back, there was a distance between Xie Ming and Kashima Zhu Yin.

“The inheritance of Saint Gaia, I didn’t expect that after the death of Gaia’s patron saint Earth Dragon, it would still be passed on to Zhu Yin. Therefore, Zhu Yin split a personality like you, or split your soul.”

“As the subject of the soul, Qianli Zhuyin fell into a deep sleep, and the body was led by you, the soul-separated, Kashima Zhuyin, and restarted the plan of destroying human beings and destroying lives, right?”


Kashima Zhu Yin narrowed his eyes, smiled and applauded gently: “I’m a little curious, where did you know so much.”

“But it doesn’t matter, if you don’t care about the idea that I am a’fake Zhu Yin’, then I will be upset. After all, there are really very few methods that can contain you as a variable.”

“Sa, who knows, or guess what?”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha, guess?”

Kashima Zhu Yin, who was still smiling at Mimi the last moment, became extremely cold the next second, and he took out a dagger and pierced Xie Ming’s chest directly. Of course, no stabbing.

“Yeahhhhhhhhhh, don’t make such large movements in high heels, what should I do if I get a foot?”

“That’s really thank you for your worry.”

Seeing that he missed a hit, Kashima Zhu Yin cut the dagger to his neck decisively. However, Xie Ming grabbed his wrist.

“I said, Kashima Zhu Yin, did you make a mistake?”

Xie Ming said with a light smile: “The reason why I didn’t interfere in the battlefield below is because you threatened me with this physical safety. But that doesn’t mean that you can play countless times in this hand.”

“Your purpose is not to rely on that group of people to suppress Tushan, and then use the birds and their safety to continue to make me compromise? If I completely ignore you at this moment, go to the following to support, then you destroy the world tree The purpose will fail completely.”

“Then why don’t you go?” Kashima Zhu Yin sneered: “Doesn’t this prove that this hand is very effective.”

“Well, it’s quite effective, but it’s effective and limited.”

Released the hand holding Zhu Yin of Kashima, Xie Ming said lightly: “If you lose your soul, then Zhu Yin’s main soul sleeping in the World Tree will be affected and lose his body. But these, I have a way to make up for it. .”

“But if I die, then everything will be empty. Therefore, this body and your soul separation is effective, but it is also limited. If possible, I don’t want to affect Zhu Yin’s main soul. But if you have to make an inch, then I too Can only do things absolutely.”

“How to grasp this scale, you should understand in your heart.”

“…… Are you really willing?”

Kashima Zhu Yin gently stroked her body and said teasingly: “Really willing to watch me commit suicide?”

“You can bet.”

Xie Ming said blankly: “Betting to see if I will stop you again, or just watch you.”


The atmosphere gradually became cold.

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