Chapter 1211

Xie Ming is telling the truth, the best plan to think rationally. If Kashima Zhu Yin really wants to use this to completely control him, then it is undoubtedly a daydream. As long as he goes to the Moon World and obtains the Holy Grail again, then all the problems in the soul can be solved.

Even if you lose Kashima Zhuyin’s soul, Qianli Zhuyin sleeping in the world tree can regain his body by relying on the Holy Grail, and his soul will be repaired.

But intellectual thinking is one thing, emotional decisions are another.

Xie Ming would never adopt this plan as a last resort. But at that time, Xie Ming would naturally not lose his coldness in making this decision.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to fight for Zhu Yin’s life, but he doesn’t want to fight for life meaninglessly. If the decision to fight for his life would lose his last hope, then he would naturally not make it.

The reason these words are said is to calm Kashima Zhu Yin.

For Xie Ming, the life of Kashima Zhu Yin is the bottom line. But for Kashima Zhu Yin, destroying the world tree is her bottom line. Once Xie Ming officially intervened in the battlefield, her only hope of destroying the World Tree would be shattered.

Xie Ming and Bon are not clear, but Jiadao Zhu Yin knows that the inheritance of the saint to her is the last generation. After that, no one will inherit this despair and darkness.

This also means that the plan this time is the last chance to fulfill the tragic wish of the saint to destroy mankind from generation to generation. Therefore, Kashima Zhu Yin will not give up anyway.

Both sides have grasped the other side’s bottom line. Therefore, neither side will cross this bottom line.

Unless it is, it’s really up to the moment of deciding the outcome. The winner is the Tushan battlefield below.

“By the way, can you tell me what are the conditions for awakening Zhu Yin?”

Suddenly, Xie Ming asked Zhu Yin Kashima a question she could never answer.

And Kashima Zhu Yin naturally did not answer him.

“Guess what?”

Sure enough, she was a part of Zhu Yin, the part that showed the harsh and twisted part to the fullest.


“It’s almost like this.”

As a contracted spirit who can talk to Xie Ming, Otinus calmly explained the situation of the island above: “So the battle of Tushan below determines what will happen next.”

“If I use my strength, it will consume Xie Ming’s energy greatly. So I can only rely on you to solve this battle. It is estimated that in one minute, the airborne troops will come down.”

“Zhu Yin, Hu Tailang, Sakuya…”

Chihaya showed a worried look and raised his head to look at the sky. As the projection warehouse approaches, the weak contract between her and Sakiya has begun to continue to strengthen. But what is strengthened is the contractual connection, not the control and sensibility.

She still couldn’t summon Sakiya, she still could only feel the darkness and despair from Sakiya. And this kind of negative feelings seems to have been further expanded, even reaching the point where it can be called crazy.

“Then, immediately turn on Tushan’s air defense mechanism.”

The little bird said decisively: “You can intercept as many paratroopers as you can, and speed up the evacuation of non-combatants. You are responsible for the demon king’s combat power and Lucia.”

“I am in charge of controlling the monsters to support the fox guards, so I trouble Otinus to be with me and tell me the news from Ming Ming at any time.”

Everyone nodded silently, no one had any objections.

Now, they can only do this.

Tu Shan Honghong’s pupils turned into a bright red color, and his mind quickly spread through the powerful demon energy, passing the words to every guard of Tu Shan on the post.

The method of the fox demon, the fox reads a message.

In the next moment, countless air warfare weapons hidden in various parts of the city slowly raised their angles, bringing the entire airspace of Tushan into the attack range, waiting for the target to enter the shooting range.

Lucia drew the magic weapon long knife from the pitch-black scabbard and pointed it diagonally at the ground. On the knife body, the black and purple poisonous mist began to wrap around.

Jingliu took out a pair of daggers, and the golden and blue pupils calmly stared at the sky.

Chihaya picked up a metal weapon the same shape as a square wood from the ground, and carried it easily on his shoulders.

Countless monsters walked out with the light green magic circle, and the monster races took out all kinds of magic weapons from the arsenal.

Tu Shan Yaya carried the huge hip flask behind her back, flexing her hands with a belligerent smile.

Tu Shan Hong is lightly dressed, and accompanied by bursts of crisp bells, standing on the tallest building in Fengji City, after silently watching the city she has been guarding, she slightly raised her head.

In her bright red pupils, countless black spots can already be captured.

All anti-air warfare magic weapons have been charged, just waiting for her order. In her heart, the countdown was also peacefully proceeding.

“3, 2, 1….. The first wave, launch.”

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom b

Like the roar of the earth, the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple rays of light instantly filled the entire sky. Immediately afterwards, there were deafening explosions and fires. Countless dust filled people’s vision.

Without any movement, when black spots appeared in his field of vision again, Tu Shan Honghong gave the order again.

“The second wave of attack, launch.”

“The third wave of attack, launch.”

The so-called war is about continuous and effective attacks. If there is no weapon that can attack without interruption, then a one-time full bomb launch is a desperate option.

Energy magic weapons need to be recharged, heavy crossbow magic weapons need to be reloaded, and the number of enemies is only known. No one can guarantee that it can be cleaned in one go. That being the case, it is necessary to maximize the use of weapons to Ultimate.

That is, an uninterrupted attack.

Of course, for a world with individuals with high combat power, the strong can only be solved by the strong in the end. However, the battle between the strong will inevitably spread to countless.

Therefore, the youngest of the Tushan sisters has already gone to make preparations.

Countless shelling sounds continued, but only a dozen projecting bins were still intact after receiving several waves of bombardment.

Seeing this scene, Tu Shan’s red face did not change, and he continued to give orders calmly, calmly watching the approaching projection warehouse.

Until Hu Nian was talking, Yaomei’s voice came.

“Sister Honghong, sirs, are ready.”

“Then let’s start, Rongrong.”


Standing in the forefront of the many fox demon red line immortals, Tu Shan Rongrong opened his squinted eyes, and the demon power on his body resonated with the demon power of the fox monsters behind him. All the fox demons uttered a clear drink at the same time.

“The method of the fox demon, the fox mind barrier.”


In an instant, a thin transparent barrier enveloped the entire Tushan Mountain. And all kinds of magic weapons also emit energy, which is injected into this layer of barrier. Lucia and the others tapped their toes and landed on the barrier.

The monsters on the ground and the monsters of the guards were also teleported to the barrier, while the flying monsters rushed to the sky to start the final wave of interception.

Among the few people with peak combat power, they are basically good at mid-to-close-range combat. Originally Lucia was the same, but after she was transformed into a witch of the Star Vein generation, that was no longer the case.


Countless black and purple poisonous mists gathered in her hand and turned into an arrow and a bow. The arrow hit the bowstring, and the quasi-head raised the sky, the dark and purple stardust light faintly drifted away.

The young girl lamented, and the words of enlightenment sounded in everyone’s ears.

“Dead Poison, Sanhua.”

The pitch-black poison arrow went against the sky, hit a projection chamber and exploded, and a poignant purple rose bloomed. In an instant, the wailing sound resounded above the Tushan Mountain.

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