Chapter 1215

“Damn it…. Damn it! Damn it!!!”

Obviously it was about to be cut in half, but the cut surface on Jiang Xin’s body was still broken, sticking and wriggling like a worm. He wanted to restore the broken body to its original appearance, which looked abnormally nauseous.

“How could you be so strong!! Could it be that it was Qianli Zhuyin who was her!!?”

“Please don’t call the wrong name.” Lucia raised her knife and pointed at Jiang Xin: “Now it is Gaia’s remnant Jiadao Zhuyin who is holding Hu Tailang on it, not our minister Qianli Zhuyin.”

“Who cares!!”

Jiang Xin’s pupils were full of bloodshot eyes, and his hoarse voice was as harsh as nails scratching a blackboard: “The old man must live forever! The old man must never die!! I will kill you, eat you, and live on!!!”

With that, he swallowed all the pills floating around him. At the same time, Jiang Xin took out a few bloody scarlet demon pills from his sleeves to bite them into pieces.

The huge demon power and spiritual power instantly propped up the thin body like a dead tree, and the powerful aura even stopped the rapid offensive and defensive actions of Sakiya and Shiryu in an instant.

“Hahahahaha, although this monster body spends a lot of resources, it’s fine! If your body is used as the material, the old man can create a stronger and more powerful monster body!”

“So, hurry up to die and turn it into old material, old monsters!!!”

The wooden staff swung down fiercely with the momentum of blasting the sky. If it was hit, not only Lucia would die, but even the barrier protecting Tushan would shatter.

However, Lucia didn’t make any movement, she just watched calmly.


“………… Ahem Ahem Ahem cough, Why …. why would I poisoned !!!? I Dumo Dan refining the beginning, you will be poison It is only right to absorb all the energy that is refined into harmless life!!!”

“If I hadn’t been able to control the poison in the past, maybe your pill would be useful. But now, it doesn’t work anymore.”

The scattered poisonous mist condensed in Lucia’s hands, turned into an amethyst rose, and then turned into mist again.

“I have completely controlled this power that has troubled me for thousands of years. Your medicine can extract the poison of mist, can it also extract toxins whose concentration can be turned into crystals?”

Seeing the purple-black Madara dots all over her body, Jiang Xin started to melt, Lucia didn’t have the slightest sympathy in her eyes.

“When I discovered that you could absorb the poison of my mist, I began to deliberately relax my control. Without you rubbing it off, I used toxins to erode your body step by step. It was a few minutes later. The toxin will explode completely and take your life.”

“But since you took the initiative to swallow the pill that has condensed my toxin, these few minutes will naturally be shortened to tens of seconds, a few seconds.”

“From the beginning, you have no chance of winning.”

When the words were over, Lucia turned around and began to help kill the other demon emperors. As for Jiang Xin, he was completely corroded by toxins and turned into a puddle of black and purple liquid that exuded a foul smell.

The battle at this time has completely turned to Tushan’s side.


“Tu Shan Honghong… This flower Lucia…”

At this time, Kashima Zhu Yin no longer had the same smile that was all in the Master, and stared at Xie Ming with a cold expression: “The changes in them are all due to you.”

“I just started, and I can grow up to this point, and I sometimes rely on the efforts of the two of them.”

Xie Ming said without changing his face: “The current battle has completely fallen to our side. If you still have any means left, it will be too late if you don’t use it.”

“Means… Since you want to see it, let you see it.”

Incomparable viciousness appeared in the dark red eyes, and a black light flashed across Jiadao Zhu Yin’s body.

At the next moment, the static stream who was fighting Sakuya on the screen was directly shaken off, leaving a trace of Bloodline at the corner of his mouth. And the butler in the black red pupil, screamed up to the sky.



Wielding the huge weapon in his hand, he smashed a Demon Sovereign level monster into fragments, Chihaya yelled anxiously. In her perception, Sakiya had completely lost control. The contract still exists, but it can’t even strengthen the connection.

The body was getting bigger, the human form was collapsing, his body started to burn flames, the iron-gray wings spread out, and the head that had turned into a dragon made an inhuman roar.

Get bigger, get bigger, keep getting bigger.

Tengman like a plant, and a dragon-wing dragon head like a creature, the dark red flame burning on his body looks like despair and darkness burning. Like a black hole, all the life energy around him is being absorbed by him.


The barrier shattered, a kilometer-high monster fell to the ground, and the surrounding trees were withering at a speed visible to the naked eye. And he, Sakuya, he is still growing.

It was a real monster, and given him enough time, he could even absorb the life of the entire planet from the hurried planetary monster.

In the flames in the middle of the monster’s chest, Sakiya was lowering his head, completely losing consciousness.

Tenman sweeps the surrounding buildings as simple as a person sweeping fallen leaves and dust with a broom. Having great power does not mean having a huge body. But the huge size brought by it is bound to be a powerful force.

After beheading all the enemy remnants, Lucia and others came to the front of the Red Line Fairy such as Tu Shan Rongrong. They all had Bloodline at the corners of their mouths, and looked at such a monster in despair.

“Sho… what to do…”

“Tushan, is it going to be destroyed…”

Even if it is Tu Shanhonghong, even if it is Lucia, even if it is still flow, there is no way.

However, one person still has a way.

Tushan’s real trump card is a monster that has also reached the monster level after a thousand years of sleep.


The lovely voice at this moment sounded like dull fangs, piercing into the body of the dragon head monster fiercely. The strong elephant’s trunk bound the dragon’s neck, making it impossible to move forward.

The original soft pink fur was exploded like barbs, dropping soil and plants continuously. The big dark eyes were full of hostility and fighting spirit at this time.

Compared with the planetary monster that Sakuya transformed into, this huge mammoth was less than half of his height. But when it comes to accumulation, it will never lose.


“Master Demon Ancestor!!!”

“Moss, Moss Moss~~”


Xiaoniao ran and came to everyone. After a few breaths, he hurriedly said: “Mingming has a solution, so don’t worry, Xiaoqian, you don’t want to do something stupid.”

“Hu Talang him?”

“Yeah.” Little bird glanced at Qibi Mos, who was stalemate with Sakiya, with some worry, and then smiled softly to everyone: “Trust Mingming.”

“Leave aside for so long, but Mingming has never let us down, has he?”

Everyone who heard this, although still a little uneasy, still felt a little relieved.

At the same time, the aerial fortress Nidhog was also rapidly landing.

Looking at Kashima Zhu Yin who was sitting on the throne, Xie Ming didn’t do anything, just waited calmly.

The time is almost here.

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