Chapter 1216 The Way To Awaken Zhu Yin

“Why, don’t you go down to stop Sakiya’s rampage?”

Controlling the air fortress to fall slowly, Kashima Zhu Yin sneered and looked at Xie Ming: “What a cruel man, isn’t Sakuya your brother and friend? Are you watching him destroy Tushan like this?”

“If I go down to stop Sakiya, won’t there be no one on your side?”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “Although I don’t know what functions this island has, it is certain that this island definitely has the ability to instantly hit hard, and even destroy the World Tree.”

“Although Sakuya after the runaway is equally dangerous, there is Qibimos who is stopping him for a while, and he will not be able to cause fundamental damage. In that case, take advantage of this time to solve your problem and stop it. Sakuya is the best choice.”

“Well, it is true.”

Zhu Yin Kashima nodded in agreement, and then laughed: “So, how are you going to stop me? Awaken the main soul? Or knock me out? What are you going to do?”

“You can’t do anything.”

“You should be aware of the awkwardness and blackness of this person Qianli Zhuyin. The wake-up conditions she set at the beginning were purely guessing without any prompts, even I would not be able to guess as a ghost.”

“And do you think I will give you a hint?”

“As for the choice of knocking me out or making me weak, judging from the fact that you haven’t done so yet, you should know that I will take precautions against these.”

The finger lightly tapped his chest, and Zhu Yin Kashima smiled seductively.

“If I lose consciousness, then this body will directly cut off the contract with the world tree, and then through the contract that I forced to conclude with Sakiya, inject my memory, soul and vitality into Sakiya’s body.”

“In this way, Sakuya’s dying soul will be completely controlled by the darkness and become a pure monster.”

“Then why didn’t you do this?”

Xie Ming asked in turn: “As the saint of Gaia, you should not have obsessions with any life, including your own life. If the goal of destroying the world and destroying mankind can be achieved, it doesn’t matter if you die. Isn’t it?”

“Yes, if it can be achieved, it really doesn’t matter. But, isn’t there a variable like you now?”

The dark red pupils stared at the man in front of him, and Kashima Zhu Yin seemed to be mocking, but also as if he was mocking himself.

“I don’t know if it is caused by the memory of the main soul. I always feel that even if I do this, you can still save the situation and defeat the violent Sakiya. In fact, because of your return, my foolproof plan has become now. Such a desperate move.”

“I, must succeed. Therefore, I must hold back such a variable as you. As long as my distracted soul is still here, and this body can breathe, you won’t do anything.”

“Your only turning point now is whether you can awaken the main soul. But, can you do it?”

Kashima Zhu Yin chuckled lightly, stroking Xie Ming’s face, her breath on the tip of the youth’s nose. Like a whisper between a lover, a small sound is transmitted into his ears.

“You can’t do it.”

Pushing Xie Ming away, Kashima Zhu Yin walked out from between the thrones and came to the observatory. From here, she could see the huge world tree, and the inscriptions flashing on the metal ring in the middle of the island.

You can see Qibi Mos standing in a stalemate with the monster Sakuya, and you can see most of the Tushan that has been in ruins.

“Humans, I curse you. Life, destroy them all! Gaia’s long-cherished wish, the pain of the saints through the ages, the darkness and despair passed down through generations, today, I finally have to draw a sentence!!”

“Well, I only agree with the last sentence you said.”

Floating in front of Kashima Zhu Yin, Xie Ming smiled: “All this will indeed come to an end today.”


“All this will indeed come to an end today.”

Right below the island, a large projection screen that can be seen by the entire Tushan area is showing the conversation between Xie Ming and Kashima Zhu Yin. Behind the projection, Otinus, who was in a fairy state, pulled the brim of his hat.

Don’t ask how to do it, as a demon god, although she can no longer control the aspect in Otherworld like in the forbidden world, but with enough energy support, she is still a fourth-order magic god.

There are only two things that Otinus can do with magic. One is that a soundproof barrier with a radius of five meters was placed around Xie Ming’s body. The person in the enchantment can only hear the voice that the enchantment controller wants her to hear.

The other is to broadcast the conversation between Xie Ming and Kashima Zhu Yin to everyone.

The further the distance between these two kinds of magic, the more energy needs to be consumed. That’s why Xie Ming dragged it until the island descended before allowing Otinus to activate his magic.

As for why this is done, it is naturally to wake up Zhu Yin.

Now, the entire Tushan people, even the people who stayed in the refuge, were attracted by the screen under the island.

“You just said that with Zhu Yin’s awkwardness and dark belly, I can’t guess the wake-up conditions set, right?”

Xie Ming smiled: “This sentence can only be said to be half right and half wrong. Indeed, our Minister has a dark belly and awkward, and he feels joy because of the helpless and embarrassing expressions of others.”

“But she is also an idiot. An idiot who is willing to abandon the prejudice between Gaia and the Guardian to assist my baseless promise because of the fetters with everyone. A idiot who does things silently but says nothing. , An idiot that makes everyone happy.”

“She is beautiful and mysterious, and she always speaks as if there is something deep inside, so she is called a witch. But this is a kind of protection for other people out of her own identity. It is she deliberately between herself and others Ditch erected.”

“As the saint of Gaia, she will one day inherit Gaia and continue to destroy mankind. She understands this, how can she have too much contact with others?”

“How can I not know what Zhu Yin is thinking? How can I not know what Zhu Yin wants me to do? How can I not guess what Zhu Yin’s awakening conditions are? Kashima Zhu Yin, you are too underestimated. I’m so underestimated the bond between us.”

“Hey~ anyone can do what you say, if you say it like that, then just say it, just make it, and awaken the main soul of Qianli Zhuyin.”

“Of course, this is what I have to do now.”

Hearing this, Otinus canceled the soundproof barrier, and immediately put on a smile of ‘watching a good show’ on his face.

Because she knew what Xie Ming would do next.

That is the same shocking battle as the special film scene of the dragon-shaped Godzilla vs. the behemoth and mammoth. It can embarrass the person who hears it on the spot, make the person spoken to be extremely ashamed, and to Xie Ming himself. They are all public executions.

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