Chapter 1218

“Mingming is really…”

“Should it be worthy of him?”

“Hu Tailang is amazing.”

“Great, Zhu Yin was awakened by Hu Tailang.”

Seeing that Zhu Yin was awakened from the projection, the four birds breathed a sigh of relief, and then unanimously showed a complicated wry smile. They looked at each other, as if they had reached an agreement, and nodded at the same time.

“When things are resolved, trouble him again.”

Xie Ming, who was flying down from the island, suddenly shook his whole body. The premonition of the crisis from the great master of swordsmanship made him vaguely feel dangerous. Immediately, he looked at the monster Hua Sakiya.

Is this smiling tiger butler so strong? Can he have a sense of crisis?

Then, get serious.


“Moss Moss!!”

The two giant beasts fighting underneath seemed to have also discovered Xie Ming’s arrival. The monster Hua Sakuya made a roar that could shatter the building, and the waves caused by layers of sound even broke Qibi Moss like steel. Hard fur.

Life energy is declining, the earth is drying up, and the trees are withering. In this short period of time, Sakuya has absorbed most of Tushan’s life energy. If there is an observing instrument, it can be known that most of the source rock veins under the Tushan stratum are converted into ordinary ores.

If the root system of the World Tree did not consolidate this piece of land, then there was no need for Sakuya to continue destroying it, and this piece of stratum would directly sink.

Sakuya, who is constantly absorbing his vitality, and the giant cannon on the Niederhogg Fortress are the two cards at the bottom of Kashima Zhu Yin’s box. No matter which one succeeds, the world tree will be destroyed and life will disappear.

With so much life energy absorbed, Sakuya’s body shape naturally grew and strengthened. Dark red flames slowly burned on the iron-gray shell, and all the open wings seemed to cover the entire sky.

Qibi Moss was already a little bit unable to hold on.

Well, although there was also Xie Ming’s arrival, the reason that made him even more frenzied was in it.

Countless vines woven into an overwhelming giant net, slammed to Xie Ming fiercely. If every blow hits the ground, it will cause a crack of at least 100 meters.

The demon sword slowly pulled out, and a crimson flame burned on his body, and the pressure that was even more terrifying than the two giant beasts fell on this area.

“The state of the Chilong Emperor.”

The bright red flame cloak turned into sparks and dispersed, and the dark black battle skirt drifted with the howling wind, the devastating rainbow pupil calmly watched the slapped Tenman, and gently swung the long knife in his hand.


The knife screams, and the flower is scattered.

All the vines are broken inch by inch and become beautiful fireworks like fireworks. Xie Ming stepped forward, traversed the space, and directly came to the core flame area on the chest of the monster Hua Sakuya. The black-haired butler was sleeping with his head down.

“I know you have a lot of dissatisfaction with me, a lot of opinions. But these things need you to wake up, and then talk to me. At that time, whether you want to fight with me or do anything, I will accept it. ”

“So, why don’t you wake me up soon!? Feng Saki night!!”

No demon sword was used, just the hot flames wrapped around the outer layer of the hand armor, and the power continued to double and double, making the flames more concentrated and calmer.

Five fingers clenched a fist, embedded in the shell of the dragon-shaped monster.

With the fist as the center, the cracks began to spread, and countless crimson rays of light permeated from the cracks.

Subsequently, it broke out.


The emerald green light and dazzling flames filled everyone’s sights in Tushan, Chihaya gently stretched out his hand to catch a little spark that had fallen.

“This is…..”

The flame brings warmth, not harm. After the warmth dissipated, what remained in the palm of the hand was a petal.

Sakura flower, petals.

The scattered Sakura flowers sprinkled on the ground, giving the dry trees back to life. Most of the energy Sakiya absorbed was returned to the earth following the destruction of her huge body.

“…Sakuya.” Chihaya raised his head and ran towards the center of the light: “Sakuya!!”

“Little Qian!?”



After Xiaoniao waited for people to catch up and ran for a few steps, but slowly stopped. Because they realized that at this moment, it would be better to give the three people a period of time.


The armor on his body disappeared, his feet fell, and Xie Ming calmly looked at the young man in front of him: “Oh, are you awake?”

“Well, it’s still sober.”

Squeezing his eyebrows, the butler in a black battle suit replied.

“But Gu Yutaro has grown to this point, which really surprised me a lot.”

“Of course.”

Xie Ming smiled, then his emerald green eyes glanced at Sakuya, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

“Body, it’s dying.”

“……. Can you see this thing?” Sakiya smiled: “I am an old antique, and I can’t stand the toss. I can stay with Miss Chihaya for such a long time like this. It’s already a very cost-effective thing for me.”

“Old antique…”

Through the memory of reincarnation on the moon, Xie Ming understood the meaning of Sakiya’s words.

He was originally a human being and he was in the human era. In the current time, he should be the owner of the Rewrite ability in the human era. But in the end, relief took place, and his body was demonicized due to excessive rewriting, becoming a Sakura flower tree.

Consciousness slept in the spirit tree until it was awakened by Chihaya.

In terms of actual age, Sakuya is probably more than three thousand years old. If Xie Ming hadn’t counted the years spent in the reincarnation, I am afraid that he would not be able to compare it to Sakiya.

Originally, after Chihaya entered into a contract with the World Tree, Sakiya’s body slowly recovered through the nourishment of the World Tree’s life energy. But after the toss of Kashima Zhu Yin, he is now in a state of extremes.

“How long do you want to sleep?”

“Sa, I don’t know.” Sakiya chuckled: “But with the existence of the World Tree, the time should not be too long. After all, I and Chihaya-san are not the same, they are monsters.”

“As for the absorption and digestion function of life energy, you just saw it, didn’t you?”

“I’m so embarrassed to say.”

“Well, it’s no better than Yutaro’s cheeky.”

Having said that, Sakuya’s expression became uncomfortable: “This is also a major disqualification in my housekeeper’s career. You actually let you, a flower pest, approach Miss Chihaya. In one word, it is more appropriate to introduce a wolf into the room. ”


In any case, Xie Ming couldn’t refute this incident. He had no choice but to cheek: “Well, that’s why you want to wake up quickly, don’t you?”

“When you say that, I really think it should be like this.”

Sakuya held his chin and nodded thoughtfully.


Not far away, Chihaya’s shouts gradually approached, attracting the eyes of the two of them.

“All in all, let’s explain this to Chihaya first, but don’t cry her out.”

“This…this is really a bit difficult for me…”

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