Chapter 1219 Dark Memory

Sakuya fell asleep and turned into a Sakura flower tree, not far from the World Tree.

Chihaya did not cry. Although the girl was very sad, very unwilling to give up. Having been by my side all the time, and being like a family member just left, who would not have any emotions in his heart?

However, people will grow, and Chihaya is also growing. With a smile on her face, she said ‘goodbye’ to Sakiya. This is only a short-term separation, not a permanent departure. After all, someone made her wait for more than a thousand years. Compared with this, a few years is just a blink of an eye.

The two of them just stood in front of the Sakura flower tree, quietly watching the fading and falling pink petals until the bird and others arrived.

Because a lot of preparations were made in advance, Tushan did not suffer a very serious loss.

There were wounded, but no dead.

But this war also destroyed the economy of Tushan for many years. The battle between the two giant beasts changed the terrain of the entire Tushan Mountain. Countless buildings collapsed and the loss of military magic weapons made Tu Shanrong Rong horrible.

But it is not without gain. The aerial islands that Kashima Zhu Yin spent thousands of years to create, and the numerous industrial monsters on the islands can all help. There are also many magic weapons, as well as a huge amount of high-quality source stones used to activate the giant cannon, which immediately fills this economic vacancy.

After Kibimos played a role, he went back to the place and fell asleep. After all, its battle requires a lot of life energy, even a little bird can’t support it. And Gibbimos is like Saki Yoruichi, too old.

Continued activity will only exacerbate its physical breakdown. Sleeping is the best choice for Qibi Moss.

On the other hand, after Zhu Yin stopped the activation of the Niederhogg’s Corruption Cannon, he also began to clean up the mess that Kashima Zhu Yin had left for her over the years.

The information of the southern rebel army was passed to Huandu Qingtian, which ended the civil unrest in the southern country.

The data of the demon disaster in the Western Regions was handed over to the King of Fox, and the demon hunters who were constantly creating chaos in the Western Regions were ordered to stop their missions and return to the Central Plains.

As for sending troops to attack the Yiqidao League army in the north, Zhu Yin didn’t care.

“Anyway, they are all unstable factors, so Shi Kuanquan can solve them.”

This is Zhu Yin’s original words.

For the benefit, Kashima Zhu Yin’s behavior has concentrated all the dangerous elements accumulated over the past thousand years. After they were dealt with, the world became more stable.

After handling everything, Zhu Yin originally wanted to help Tu Shan Rongrong with Tu Shan’s internal affairs, but was stopped by Xie Ming and others.

Although Tushan was destroyed like this, he was not in a hurry. The most important thing now is to help Zhu Yin solve the problem of dividing the soul and adding Zhu Yin to the island. Regardless of Zhu Yin, who is now the main soul, is leading, maybe Kashima Zhu Yin is still accumulating strength, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

So the sooner you deal with it, the safer it is for Zhu Yin.

“Alright alright.”

Sitting helplessly on the stone bench, holding his chin, Zhu Yin fiddled with his hair: “So, how do you plan to solve it?”

“Very simple thing.”

Sitting opposite Zhu Yin, Xie Ming said softly: “The appearance of Jiadao Zhu Yin, in the final analysis, is that Zhu Yin cannot bear the darkness and despair inherited from the past. I am not wrong about this.”


Zhu Yin didn’t speak, but his hands on the table began to tremble. Of course she understood why Kashima Zhu Yin appeared, and she also understood how to solve it. However, she couldn’t do it.

That kind of darkness and despair, that kind of bloody reality, the ugliest and darkest place of mankind is just before her eyes, how can she accept it! ?

If she really accepts all this, then she will not be her anymore. She will no longer believe in Xiaoniao, Jingliu, Lucia, Chihaya, and Sakuya, and she will also despair of Xie Ming who has not returned, and despair of everything in the world.

She didn’t want this, so she resisted this memory. Therefore, Fenhun Jiadao Zhu Yin was born.

“It’s fine.”

The big warm hand gently held Zhu Yin’s catkin, and Xie Ming said gently: “Since you can’t bear it alone, I will bear it with you and face it together.”

“If the two of us can’t do it, then we will face it together. Come along this way. Whether it is me or you, both have experienced so many difficulties, but they have all come together hand in hand. Then this time, we can also get through. Isn’t it?”


“I have an ability that can enter the memory of others. I will use this ability to enter your conscious memory. You shouldn’t mind this, right?”


“Uh…” Looking at Zhu Yin’s teasing smile, Xie Ming pretended to be vicious: “Since you mind, I can only use the strong one!”

“Wow~~, help~~”

“No one will come to rescue you if you break your throat!”

“Break your throat~~”


Xie Ming understood that Zhu Yin was relaxing in her own way, because she was really scared. I am afraid that because of this incident, other people will be hurt again. Destroying Tushan into this, making the world turbulent like this, Sakiya had to fall asleep.

How could Zhu Yin not feel any guilt for doing these things? In the memory of reincarnation, Xie Ming didn’t know how many times he had seen Zhu Yin with a nervous breakdown.

Therefore, he had to solve this matter completely and completely put an end to Gaia and the Guardian.

The two concepts are not wrong in some ways, but the two concepts cannot bring the future to the planet. Human beings are creatures that want to go to the future with hope.

“This time, just rewrite everything completely.”

Tianhuo Jingyan is slightly out of its sheath, and its own skills are activated.

Lv5, psychological control.


Darkness, incomparable darkness, as if there was nothing, and as if everything existed in this darkness. Xie Ming’s consciousness walked in this darkness, looking for Zhu Yin’s consciousness.


The foot seemed to kick something away, and the moist touch and kicking feeling made Xie Ming frown.

Following the feeling, he walked over, fumbled and picked up the kicking thing, and then fell into silence.

“This is really…”

Gently lowering the object in his hand, Xie Ming raised his head and found that the darkness had faded at some point. What replaced it was the smell of blood, and the blood-red color that could not wait to drown people in it.

Withered bones, broken hands, stubborn body, these are the most basic things in this hell.

The blood of the corpse was dripping, and people’s wailing, grievances and screams lingered in their ears. Suddenly, Xie Ming’s ankle was caught by something.

Xie Ming looked down. It was a thin girl with only bones left. Yes, I can barely tell that this is a young girl.

“Help me…help me…please…please help me…”


Kneeling down and covering the girl with only a few rags to cover her body, Xie Ming said softly.

“How should I save you?”


The girl raised her head, the skin on her face began to rot, and blood overflowed on the soles of Xie Ming’s feet. The eyeballs fell into a pool of blood, and the mouths of the remaining teeth were opening and closing.

“Then, die for me, okay?”

“Sorry, this is the only thing I can’t do.”

Watching all this happen calmly, Xie Ming’s voice is still gentle: “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

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