Chapter 1223

“Thank you, Xie Ming.”

In the inner space of the World Tree, Bonbon looked at Xie Ming guiltily: “You have to bear so much again.”

“Well, I’m used to it, it’s nothing.”

Xie Ming waved his hand and said indifferently.

What a thing, compared with the real life-and-death battles he experienced and the feeling of powerlessness when facing Otinus, it was nothing to mention.

“got used to….”

The three words made Bonbon momentarily speechless.

“Compared to these, how is the state of the World Tree?” Xie Ming saw that Bon was still paying attention, and promptly changed the subject: “It shouldn’t have any impact anymore.”

“Well, it’s gone.”

Bonn smiled slightly and brought Xie Ming into that space again. Those creepy black spots have disappeared.

“As you can see, the malicious interference from humans has disappeared. The self-check system of the World Tree has also been checked many times without any problems. Now, the World Tree has entered the stage of awakening.”

“In this way, the velocity of the plane will change under the influence of the World Tree, and there will be no such thing as a thousand years after you come back.”

“Uh, sure enough…”

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Xie Ming couldn’t help covering his face.

He had been speculating before, why when he entered the forbidden world again, only less than a week passed. In the Rewrite world, more than a thousand years have passed. Is there any difference between the Rewrite World and the Forbidden World?

Of course it was different, because this was the world where he planted a plane-level treasure like the World Tree. Perhaps the difference in time is caused by the world tree.

Now, it’s finally a real hammer.

“The main god space can invest you into other planes at a suitable time by adjusting the flow rate. However, there are only two ways to invest your substitute in a world with the master of the plane.”

“One is with the consent of the other party. The other is forced investment.” Bonn explained softly: “The former will be controlled by the master of the plane and the choice of the world line. The latter is the choice. Completely random.”

“And because Xie Ming, you have a very close relationship with the World Tree, and you already have the qualifications of the Lord of the Plane of this world, so when the main god space came to you forcibly, Bonn received the news and barely controlled the World Tree. Some adjustments.”

“Although the time has been adjusted as early as possible, but still…”

“However, this kind of thing will not happen anymore. When the world tree is fully recovered, it can grow to the next stage. Use the world tree as a bridge to communicate with other planes. Inject life into the desolate plane and give birth to a new one. Life. Then rejuvenate the new world, and then feed back the world tree.

“This is the main usage of the World Tree.”

Bonn looked at Xie Ming: “It will take about half a month for the World Tree to wake up. During this half month, you can take a good rest. After half a month, Bonn will give you the current contract with the World Tree. , Transformed into the real and only life contract.”

“In this way, the world tree will become your second source of life, and the creation catalog behind you will be truly activated. Even if you reach a different plane, this contract will not be cut off.”

“…I understand.” Xie Ming pondered for a moment: “Then half a month later, I will set off again.”

“Yeah.” Bonn said softly: “Be with the children. And…”

“I understand.”

Looking up slightly, Xie Ming said softly.

“On the moon, there are still people waiting for me.”


Although it is said that I will take a half-month break, everyone is actually very busy. Jingliu returned to the Western Regions, trying to make the Sand Monster and the humans go hand in hand again. Zhu Yin also went to the Central Plains and continued to clean up the big mess of Yiqi Dao League.

However, because Xie Ming printed space marks on both of them, as long as they contacted, they would be able to return to Tushan in an instant. Therefore, Jingliu and Zhu Yin still return to Tushan every night to have dinner with everyone.

The little bird is manipulating the industrial monsters on the Niederhogg Fortress and begins to rebuild the Tushan Mountain.

Of course, Xie Ming, Lucia, and Chihza also all joined in. With extraordinary powers, things like rebuilding towns are relatively easy. What’s more, there are monsters who specialize in the construction industry.

Don’t underestimate Tushan’s network of relationships, this is the root and origin of the demon clan. The bird is here, the demon ancestor is here, and the world tree is here. In these years, there are quite a few big demons who can find a place with rich life energy and get into the secluded mountains and forests.

There are also many monsters who like to travel and develop all kinds of strange spells. And the contact information of these monster races are all here in Tu Shanrongrong.

And now that the problem has been solved, Xiaoniao and others don’t need to hide. As soon as their names are said, the number of monsters who came to Tushan to help instantly surged to tens of thousands, and their strengths were good.

So it only took less than a week to complete the reconstruction of the city. The opening of the business, the work of the job, everything is back on track.

But the girls sitting at the dinner table were not so happy.

Because Xie Ming frankly told everyone about what he was leaving again.

“Don’t show such an expression.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly and explained softly: “This time I won’t be away for that long. I promise that I can come back again in one week at most.”

“One week…”

The girls looked at each other and continued to remain silent.

They believe in Xie Ming, saying that one week will never exceed one week. But this week is for them. For Xie Ming, how long and how long is this week?

No one is a fool. After hearing Xie Ming say so much about his experience along the way, how could they not realize what Xie Ming left to do.

But, what can I do if I know it? Prevent? Why do you stop it?

Xie Ming also didn’t want to go, but he had to go. The main god space allows the substitute to enter the personal world, but it does not allow the substitute to escape and fall into the gentle land.

For the main god space, Xie Ming is a special individual and an individual worthy of preferential treatment. But Xie Ming also knew what this preferential treatment was built on.

The so-called preferential treatment is to create greater value for people. Teachers treat good students preferentially in order to make good students have better grades. The company preferentially treats members in order to allow members to have better cohesion and to attract more talents.

And the main god space preferentially treats him because he has the possibility of defeating the Sprite God King and destroying the Sprite Clan. If he loses fighting spirit, then he loses value to the main god space.

So no matter what, he must keep going. Only if you have enough power to deal with everything, can you truly live a peaceful and happy life.

But now, we still have to think of a way to change everyone’s mood.

After thinking for a while, an idea appeared in his head.


Clapping his hands, Xie Ming suggested to everyone.

“Let’s hold a harvest festival!”

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