Chapter 1224

“Harvest Festival?”

These familiar and unfamiliar three words successfully attracted the attention of the women.

“Yes, harvest sacrifice.”

Xie Ming smiled and said: “If you think about it carefully, our Supernatural Research Department has never spent festivals together, hasn’t it? It just happened that the Tushan Wind Festival City was rebuilt and held a festival to celebrate. Isn’t it just right?”

“So the harvest festival is going to be held?” The little bird said tangledly, “Is it a little too casual.”

“Hu Tailang, this is really messy…”

Lucia also frowned slightly: “Although I also want to spend the celebration with Hu Taro, but now the Xinfeng Festival City has just been rebuilt, and there are still wounded. In this case, it is a bit… …What does Jingliu think?”

“Huh? Hmm…”

He took the chopsticks out of his mouth, quietly bulged his cheeks and chewed, and swallowed the food: “Lucia, I think there should be no problem.”


“Um… because of intuition?”

Jingliu tilted her head and said the answer that made Lucia choke.

“Where is Chihaya?”

“Hey? My words…” Chihaya, who was full of oil, took the paper towel handed over by Xie Ming, wiped his mouth, and thought about it carefully: “Isn’t it good, harvest festival. If you can let everyone If you are all happy, I don’t think it’s a problem to hold it.”


There was still a little entanglement in her heart, and Lucia finally set her eyes on Zhu Yin. After all, since Xie Ming’s absence for so long, most of the ideas have been decided by Zhu Yin.

“Although it will be very troublesome, it’s not that bad to hold a festival at this time, Lucia.” Zhu Yin shrugged: “Well, it is precisely because of this time that a grand event is going to be held. .”

“Economically, activities can attract tourists from all over the world, better sell goods and food, and subsidize Tushan’s lost financial resources.”

“From the perspective of diplomacy, holding event festivals can show Tushan’s strength outwards. Even if Tushan suffers such a great turmoil, it still does not hurt the roots. It is still easy to do. It can increase Tushan’s influence and deter some thoughts. The culprits who want to take the opportunity to plot something in Tushan.”

“It can be said to kill two birds with one stone, isn’t it?”

“It’s so dark…”

“Is it so dark behind the event…”

“I always feel that the impression of those previous festivals is shattered…”


The eyes of the four birds were round, and there was a feeling that their dreams were shattered. Looking at the expressions of these people, Zhu Yin couldn’t help holding his forehead with a headache.

“Never mind the little bird and Chihaya, Lucia and Jingliu, you are also the people who created the power anyway, why can’t you even analyze this thing?”

“Wow, Zhu Yin is too much, just forget what we call.”

“That’s it! Xiaoniao and I have worked very hard too!”


Hearing the retort of the two, Zhu Yin showed subtle eyes.

“You guys, have you really managed the operations of Tushan and Northland?”


The little bird’s eyes and tone were a little erratic: “Rongrong is a very powerful child~”

“What’s the operation?” Chihaya blinked, “Did you sign the relevant documents?”


“Well, from a realistic point of view, it’s the same as Zhu Yin said.” Xie Ming casually changed the subject and said with a smile: “But this doesn’t mean that the joy of festivals and activities is fake.”

“What is important, what is incidental, everyone thinks differently. But for me, I just hope that I can spend the rest of the time happily with everyone, nothing more.”

“Everyone, do you have any objections?”

“I have already said that, and I have no reason to object.” Lucia and Bird looked at each other and nodded lightly.

“Then… Host it.”

“OK, consensus reached.”

With a snap of his fingers, Xie Ming said with a smile: “Then, I’ll go to Rongrong and the others to negotiate. I’ll leave it to everyone about the specific activities.”

Watching him walk out of the room, the women looked at each other and fell into silence again.

“Mingming, he is really busy…”

“Although he told us all the things he experienced, he also omitted all the hard and painful parts.”

“I’m afraid, there is a strong enemy who is chasing him, so he can only seize the time to become stronger.”

“Hu Tailang…”

During this time, Lucia, Jingliu, Qianzao, and Zhu Yin also saw Xie Ming’s self-abuse exercise every morning, and even his little apprentice Dongfang Yuechu was doing it with fierce energy. train.

If there is no reason, who would exercise in this way as long as they die without exercising? And still every morning.

“But the part that’s bothersome is honestly explained.”


Hearing Zhu Yin’s ill-tempered voice, the expressions of the four changed again. The bird is helpless, Lucia is sighing, Jingliu is silently lowering her eyes, Chihaya is bulging her cheeks.

“It’s better than…. It’s better than hiding, not telling us, isn’t it?”

In the end, Xiaoniao stood up and reluctantly said a word for Xie Ming: “Moreover, he travels to different worlds alone. We can accompany each other, but he can only be one person.”

“…Hu Tailang, I am very afraid of loneliness.”

“Well, we can’t understand.” Lucia sighed: “After all, if we change to the position of Hu Tailang, we may not be better than him. However, understanding is understanding, but… ”

“Unacceptable.” Jingliu silently added what Lucia hadn’t finished.




“Little Qian?”


“But this is a fact that has already happened, isn’t it?”

The decision simply made Chihaya’s tone a little lighter: “Everyone likes Hu Tailang, and Hu Tailang also cares about everyone. In this case, why don’t everyone stay together forever!”

“Everyone eats together, laughs together, and thinks about ideas together. Sometimes I deliberately embarrass Hu Tailang as a price for his care. I think this kind of future is also very good.”

“It is much better than Hu Tailang’s heart to choose someone, let everyone be hurt and separate, or endure uncomfortable and forceful smiles together!”

“But, everyone will be cheaper, that man?” Zhu Yin said quietly.


Chihaya’s face gradually turned red, and he slapped him quickly to calm himself down: “It’s not cheap or anything, I don’t think Hu Tailang is that kind of person.”

“He was with everyone, not for…for that kind of thing…otherwise, Lucia would have been defeated by him a long time ago, right?”


“Isn’t it?” Chihaya asked back: “If Hu Tailang asks, can you just refuse it, Lucia?”

“This this……”

After thinking carefully, Lucia lowered her head. Everyone seemed to be able to find a few laps of steam on her head.

“Anyway, I have already decided like this!” Chihaya said simply, “Although I would never tell him, I won’t be entangled like this forever!”

“Compared to these, everyone should first think about the harvest festival and how to hold it. This is the first activity after the reunion of the Supernatural Research Department.”

“Yes… it can only be done first…”

After all, everyone needs to go back and think about it.

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