Chapter 1225

“Girl Rongrong, do you have time now? I want to talk to you about something.”

Knocked on the wooden door lightly, Xie Ming asked softly.

“Master Xie Ming?” Tu Shan Rongrong’s somewhat surprised voice came from the room: “Please wait a moment.”

Hearing this, Xie Ming took a few steps back. Accompanied by the slight sound of footsteps and the rubbing of the long skirt, the wooden door was opened.

“Master Xie Ming, please come in.”

Tu Shan Rongrong smiled and said, “The room is simple, I hope adults don’t care.”

“So sorry, I will interrupt you for a moment.”

Xie Ming didn’t care much, and walked in and sat on the wooden chair in the living room under the guidance of Tu Shanrongrong. Tu Shan Rongrong walked into the kitchen and brought out the teapot and cup.

Unlike the indifferent and gentle appearance outside, Tu Shanrong Rong’s room feels like a little girl. There are two cute little fox dolls on the top of the bookcase or beside the desk. There are light green patterns on the curtains, and wind chimes hang on the balcony.

The first feeling you get when you come in is comfort and softness. It really looks like a literary girl’s room.

Of course, Xie Ming didn’t look around impolitely. He just came in and glanced at it, and there was so much Master. After all, in battle, it is also very important to grasp the details of the battlefield.

The steaming tea was poured into the cup with a clear sound, and was gently placed in front of Xie Ming by Tu Shanrongrong.


Picking up the teacup and sipping his mouth, the light tea aroma and slight bitterness, accompanied by the not-so-hot temperature infiltrating the mouth and intestines, made Xie Ming squinted with some satisfaction.

Seeing Xie Ming’s appearance, Tu Shanrong couldn’t help but laugh.

“Master Xie Ming, I like tea very much.”

“After all, drinking tea is another kind of relaxation.”

Xie Ming smiled and said softly: “Tasting tea is not the tea, but the mood of the tea drinker. Tea is tea, but because people have different moods, tea is given a different meaning. The so-called tea Culture comes from this.”

“Tea culture?” Tu Shan Rongrong said thoughtfully: “As Master Xie Ming said so, Rong Rong also raised a little interest. In the future, please pay attention to collecting ancient books about tea culture. ”

“An ancient book…Yes, it is indeed an ancient book.” Xie Ming reacted and couldn’t help laughing.

The materials left over thousands of years ago, no matter what they are, can be called by the terms ‘ancient books’ and ‘ancient books’. This made Xie Ming realize once again that he really made the girls wait for so long.

Thoughts flowed, Xie Ming opened his eyes and looked at Tu Shanrongrong.

“I came to see Girl Rongrong at this time, in fact, I wanted to discuss something with you.”

“Master Xie Ming, please tell me.” Tu Shan Rongrong smiled slightly, “Actually, adults don’t need to be so polite. Tu Shan has always been your home.”

“But the current Patriarch is your three sisters, not Xiaoniao and the others.”

Xie Ming shrugged and said jokingly: “What matters, I still have to discuss with the family owners.”

“My lord is really…”

In this regard, Tu Shanrongrong could only show a helpless expression.

“Hmm…actually, in a week or so, I will leave again.”


“But this time I’m sure that I won’t be like the previous one. It will be a thousand years after going away. If nothing else, I will be back in about a week or so.”

“But anyway, I haven’t been together for a long time, and I will leave again. Even in my heart, I feel a little bit sad. So I want to spend a happy holiday with them before I leave.”

“That’s why I wanted to ask Rongrong if she could hold an event similar to the harvest festival in Tushan in the next time.”

“If nothing else…”

Tu Shan Rongrong clearly grasped the most important words in Xie Ming’s words, his squinted eyes opened slightly, his expression no longer the soft smile, he looked a little serious.

“Then Master Xie Ming, what will happen if there is an accident?”

“Then I can’t come back.”

Xie Ming said very simply: “This time I left, if I don’t come back after a week or so, then there is no need to wait any longer, because I’m already dead outside.”


He clenched his fists suddenly, and a rare trace of anger appeared on Tu Shanrongrong’s face: “Master Xie Ming, are you serious?”

“Does Rongrong think that I am someone who likes to make jokes about this kind of thing?”


The living room fell silent. Xie Ming sipped his tea, while Tu Shanrongrong lowered his head and pondered.

“No, not to leave such a choice?”

“If anything, I won’t come over at this point to tell you about it.”

“So… Regarding your leaving, Lord Zhu Yin and others…”

“I have already told them.”

Putting down the tea cup, Xie Ming said calmly: “Actually, one of my purposes when I come back this time is to meet you again before facing the challenge of unsuccessful benevolence, and to solve Lucia’s physical problems, and Everyone has a happy time.”

“In simple terms, it is to solve some of the regrets and concerns in my heart, so that I can face the challenge wholeheartedly.”

“So, I hope Girl Rongrong can do me this favor.”

“Master Xie Ming, you are really…” Tu Shan Rongrong opened his bright red eyes: “You should know the friendship of adults towards you. But why, you can leave so easily! Yes! Say the word’death’ so easily!”

“If you die, what should the adults do!? Have you ever thought about these things!”

“Of course.” Xie Ming smiled: “But in this matter, all I can do is to try my best to make the challenge successful. What else can I do?”


Tu Shan Rongrong heard the helplessness and perseverance in Xie Ming’s words, and saw the bitterness in Xie Ming’s smile. So she understood how impulsive what she just said.

If it were not helpless, why would the young man in front of him want to leave? There are just things to do and challenges to complete.

The so-called man is to take responsibility and obligation to accomplish his goals.

It is precisely because they understand these things that Master Xiaoniao didn’t say anything that would trouble Xie Ming or give up.

“Master Xie Ming, I…”

“It’s okay, it’s better to say that you can say this for the birds and the others, I’m very happy.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “If you tell Miss Honghong about this, I’m afraid we have already started fighting.”

“Sister Honghong won’t…”

Halfway through the conversation, Tu Shan Rongrong stopped the car. Because with her sister’s personality, the moment she heard that Xie Ming was leaving again, she would have punched it.

“So, if it is possible, please trouble Miss Rongrong to keep it secret.”

“…….I see.”

After a moment of silence, Tu Shan Rongrong sighed deeply, raised his head and said softly.

“I will help organize the harvest festival, but I also ask Master Xie Ming and me to make an agreement with Master Xiaoniao.”

“Please, be sure to come back.”

“Everyone will be in Tushan, waiting for you. No matter how long it has been.”

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