Chapter 1228

Seeing Chihaya eating crepes happily next to him, Xie Ming couldn’t help smiling.

Today is the last day of the harvest festival. Soon, this five-day festival will come to an end. It really is, fleeting.

On the first day, spend leisurely with the bird.

The next day, I helped Lucia, keeping the street safe and going on a date. After the patrol time was over, the two ate and chatted in front of the sunflower bushes.

On the third day, I stayed in the office with Zhu Yin and played games for a day with Xie Mingbei’s laptop in the portable space.

On the fourth day, driving the Infinite Gundam, let Jingliu experience what it is like to actually drive the mecha. Although it was not Jingliu’s favorite turtle fighter, it did not affect the girl’s interest.

Then today, I opened a snack bar with Chihzao, and Chihzao is the chef. He is responsible for layup and worked all day. After closing the store, and Qianzao walked around for a while, and walked directly to the scene of the Suffering Tree Confession Conference.

“How is it, is it delicious?”


With cream on the corner of his mouth, Chihaya passed the crepe in his hand to Xie Ming: “Taste Hu Tailang, too.”

“Then I’m not welcome.”

Gently took a bite next to Chihaya’s bite mark, and then scraped off the cream from the corner of her mouth with her index finger.

“Really, no matter how long it takes, you can’t get rid of your clumsy problem.”

Wipe off the cream from the fingers with a towel, fold the towel a few times and wipe the corners of the girl’s mouth, Xie Ming said with a chuckle.

“With the development just now, shouldn’t Hu Tailang put the cream in his mouth?”

“Chihaya, do you want me to do that?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, “Why don’t you do it again?”

“Um… as expected, I don’t want it anymore.” After thinking about it carefully, Chihaya reacted and turned his head: “Hu Talang, you are nothing, but I am very slender.”

“That’s it… Then, Chihaya, come and help me do this.”

After thinking about it, Xie Ming deliberately let the cream touch the corners of his mouth and moved his face to the side.

“No~~I want~~~”

Chihaya blushed and pushed Xie Ming away, but didn’t use that much effort. There was no resistance in her voice, it seemed she was simply shy.

Well, it’s Tsundere after all. What’s more, Chihaya is Tsundere plus natural. Faced with a girl with this kind of personality combination, if the man does not take the initiative, the relationship between the two will never be able to make breakthroughs.

“Really… You don’t want to be in the early days…” Xie Ming said deliberately, somewhat disappointed: “I’m obviously looking forward to it.”

“Um… Doing this kind of thing in a place with so many people, Hu Tailang, wouldn’t you be shy!?”

“I see….”

“……Alright! I get it!”

Staring at Xie Ming in embarrassment, Chihaya quickly stretched out her finger to erase the cream from the corner of Xie Ming’s mouth and put it into her mouth: “So you are satisfied!”

“Thank you~”

Xie Ming said with a smile.

“Really, I said, Hu Talang, you are not like a child, you are really naive.”

Although there were disgusting words in their mouths, the hands held by the two did not separate for half a second. To treat Tsundere is to distinguish between their words and actions, which are true and which are deliberately ironic.

People like Chihaya need to be distinguished even more. For example, she used to say “I just hate you” to Xie Ming before, but that doesn’t mean that she really hates such behavior. It was because that behavior would make her shy and at a loss.

Of course, Xie Ming slowly learned to distinguish after getting familiar with it. After all, if you really hate someone, it’s impossible to say such things in person, right?

Even if it was Chihaya, he wouldn’t approach a disgusting person.

The two of them were talking and laughing, following the flowing sea of ​​people, slowly approaching the vicinity of the World Tree. There, the platform has been set up.

“Ah, it’s the birds!”

“Little Bird and the others came so early.”

Seeing the little bird jumping not far away and waving to this side, Xie Ming said dubiously.

“Let’s go quickly!”

Pulling Xie Ming’s hand, Chihaya waved happily and shouted, “Little bird~~”

“Xiaoqian~~!!! Mingming~~~!”


Xie Ming didn’t resist, but kept up with Chihzao’s accelerated pace.


“Oh oh oh, you two are making good progress~”

Looking at the hand held by Xie Ming and Chihaya, the little bird monster laughed and teased.

“Listen to me, little bird, Hu Taro deliberately put cream on the corner of his mouth, and asked me to wipe it off and eat it.”

“Huh huh~?”

The little bird raised his eyebrows and looked at Xie Ming, who was helpless. A smirk appeared on his face: “So, Xiaoqian, did you help?”

“Well…. After all, he looks disappointed… There is no way.”

“Huh huh huh~?” The little bird blinked his eyes: “Then, what else is there?”

“What else? Nothing.”

Chihaya asked suspiciously, and then reacted.

“Oh! By the way! Today, I opened a store with Hu Tailang and made a lot of money! There are three or four lines in front of the store!”

“Opening a shop?”

Xiaoniao was shocked: “Mingming and Xiaoqian, you opened a snack bar for a day today?!”

“Yeah.” Chihaya said happily, “I wanted to try this with Hu Taro a long time ago.”

“Uh…what about the others? Didn’t do anything else?”

“Other things? What’s the matter?”

Chihaya asked confusedly.

“It’s…” reaching Chihaya’s ear, the little bird whispered, “Kiss or something.”


Hearing this word, Chihzao’s face instantly became extremely red, and her voice became louder.

“With so many people here, how could it be possible to do that kind of thing!!!”

“In other words, didn’t do it?”

“No! Isn’t it possible, Xiaoniao, you and Hu Tailang!?”

“Um…” Xiaoniao turned his head and scratched his face: “Well…it is also true. After all, that kind of thing really needs to be divided into occasions and atmospheres. I hope Xiaoqian will consider this, It is my fault.”

“I always feel….. I seem to have suffered a lot unknowingly…”

Be confident, and get rid of the feelings.

The little bird thought silently in his heart, judging from the situation when everyone came back a few days ago, I am afraid that they have achieved their respective goals. All, it’s cheap this big carrot.

Thinking of this, the girl couldn’t help but stared at Xie Ming next to her fiercely.


Xie Ming can only watch his nose and heart with his eyes, acting as a deaf and blind man. To be honest, in these five days, he was really scumbag enough. If you date a young girl a day, there are probably only a few who can do this.

Among them, naturally included the high school student who arrived on the sad side.


The bottom was already in my heart, and the bird just simply vented his little emotions. After venting, I started to feel a little distressed for Chihaya, Tsundere’s natural friend.

Everyone is hurrying to output, but you are simply here to play.

If I hadn’t reminded the guy next to me to take the initiative, I’m afraid he and Chihaya would have passed by with a little ambiguity on this day.

“Alright, let’s go, Jingliu and the others are already waiting for us at their positions, let’s go over quickly.”

“Yeah! Let’s go, Hu Tailang.”


Seeing the bird who came to his left and held his hand and smiled at Chihaya on the right, Xie Ming’s eyes twitched a few times after looking at the weird, contemptuous and envious gazes around him.

Tonight, I’m afraid there will be some. This is just an appetizer.

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