Chapter 1229

“Thousand, little bird.”

“Hu Talang…”

“Hmph, the harem king is here.”

Looking at Xie Ming, who was holding Xiaoniao and Chihaya on the left and right, Jingliu, Lucia, and Zhu Yin showed different expressions.

The place where a few people sit is naturally not the same as other audiences. Under the arrangement of Tu Shanrongrong, six people are the top compartment with the best view. In the next few compartments, there are important figures sent by the other four forces.

To be honest, Xie Ming is not really interested in this kind of emotional show. No matter how much blood, can there be those emotion shows that he saw before entering the main god space?

However, for the Yaozu, the Confession Conference of the Suffering Tree is definitely the largest event in the support rate. This is not only because the program is special, but also because of the characteristics of the Yaozu.

There are a hundred kinds of demons, all of which are good and evil. There is a human heart, but it is unpredictable.

The creature that values ​​feelings the most in the world, then the Yaozu is definitely ranked first. Ru Shikuan has been waiting for five centuries. And among the monsters who value feelings the most, then the Tushan Fox Demon ranks first.

For example, Tushan Honghong, for the sake of Xiaoniao and others, shoulder the responsibility of guarding Tushan. From the little fox demon who loved to act like a baby at the beginning, he has become the cold demon emperor now.

The business of reincarnation and renewal has been going on for thousands of years. In the past thousand years, the Tushan Red Line immortals have witnessed how much life and death, and how much love and hatred they have witnessed. And these experiences made the fox monsters pay more attention to their emotional choices.

Either choose not, or choose not to leave for a lifetime, and to depend on life and death.

Therefore, the vast majority of Tushan Fox Monsters are single. There are also many people or monsters, and they have the idea of ​​finding a Tushan fox demon mate so that they can rely on the big tree Tushan to enjoy the cool.

But a person or a monster with such thoughts in his heart must be excluded from the list of fox monsters in the first place.

There is no creature more sensitive to emotions than the fox demon.

Why didn’t the three sisters Tushan embarrass him too much when Xie Ming arrived? Why would Tu Shan Rongrong take the initiative to introduce the situation to Xie Ming? Why is Tu Shan Yaya, who likes Tu Shan Honghong the most, still actively approached Xie Ming even knowing that Tu Shan Honghong was not waiting to see Xie Ming.

Without him, just because they can feel the emotional changes in Xie Ming’s heart. This kind of intuition is exactly one of the strong points of the Tushan Fox Demon.

But even the demon emperor who valued feelings the most and became powerful has things that he is not good at.

For example, hosting this kind of show.

Seeing Tu Shanhonghong who was holding the speech on the stage and introducing the guests who participated in the event with no expression on his face, Xie Ming couldn’t help but laugh.

It was not just him, Xiaoniao, Zhu Yin and others couldn’t help being amused when they saw this appearance of Tu Shanhonghong.

This kind of black belly, no matter how you look at it, is the work of Tu Shanrongrong. And according to Tu Shan Rongrong’s personality, in all likelihood, Tu Shan Honghong could not refuse to make Tu Shan Honghong agree.

Well, this kind of little joke between sisters that promotes feelings, no one will interfere.

But in a sense, this is another test.

After all, under Tu Shanhong’s expressionless gaze, those who can confess to their favorite objects are basically true love. And those who are not confident, or want to confess on impulse, when she sees it like this, they must be immediately persuaded.

“It’s worthy of being the apprentice taught by Zhu Yin. It kills two birds with one stone.”

Xie Ming couldn’t help but praised with a smile.

“That is.” Zhu Yin accepted Xie Ming’s praise without humility: “Rong Rong is a child who has learned the essence of my intelligence.”

“Well, Rong Rong is very clever to learn all the advantages of Zhu Yin.”

Chihaya nodded in agreement: “How do you describe it in the slang of Hu Taro’s hometown…well…what Sakiya taught me at that time… By the way! Take the essence and discard the dross.”





Jingliu covered her mouth, Lucia lowered her head, and the bird’s body was trembling. Xie Ming was expressionless, except that one hand had already pinched his thigh.

It is naturally black when cut out, and this sentence has been interpreted again today.

I have to say that this face is ‘piapia’. But unfortunately, everyone still looked down on Zhu Yin too much. This little trouble can’t shake her at all.

“What a stupid boy.”

Zhu Yin sighed regretfully: “How can squatting at home be considered dross? That is the greatest living habit of mankind, and it is the terminal that mankind will eventually reach.”

“And I, surpassed all human beings, arrived at this end ahead of schedule. Thinking about it this way, how great and refined this lady is.”


She shed a few drops of cold sweat, and Chihaya was a little bit dumbfounded. She is natural and not really stupid: “I think only Zhu Yin would think so.”

“It’s better to say, if there are humans who end up squatting at home, then I really want to see it.”

“Of course there is, silly boy.”

Zhu Yin said softly: “Am I right here?”


Chihaya gave up, and she was too tender as expected, she couldn’t beat Zhu Yin, a black-bellied witch.

Xie Ming shook his head helplessly, his eyes shifted to the stage again. Then, a suspicious voice was heard.

“Why is he here?”


Xie Ming’s voice successfully attracted the crowd: “Hu Talang, do you know the person on the stage?”

“Strictly speaking, I know him, he doesn’t know me.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming looked dumbfounded at the Prince Sha Fox, who was wearing a red robe and pulling a cart full of gifts onto the stage.

“If he is here, in other words, the representative from the Western Regions is Li Xueyang from the Li family.”


Jingliu nodded, and said softly: “I told the Li family and the Emperor Shahu to let them come.”

“Hu Tailang said, the Western Regions want to regain peace. The Li family and Shahu’s alliance is the fastest and best way. The Shahu prince Fan Yunfei just likes Li Xueyang, the daughter of Li Xueyang. However, because of some intervention, Li Xueyang doubts Fanyun. Fei’s feelings for her.”

“In this case, it couldn’t be more appropriate for Fan Yunfei to confess under the tree of misery.”

“Well, too.”

Seeing Fan Yunfei stammering below, but who was extremely determined to confess his marriage to Li Xueyang again, Xie Ming shrugged.

“I would rather destroy ten temples than one marriage. What Li Xueyang needs is just a sense of stability in his heart. And the dying person who is beaten every day will come back again the next day, and even chase the Brahman here in Tushan. Yunfei, it’s enough.”

“Speaking of which, how many times has Fan Yunfei proposed to marry him?”


Jingliu’s expression became a bit tangled in an instant, he broke his hands and counted, then tilted his head, and replied uncertainly.

“Seventy-seven times?”

The seven will illuminate the earth.

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