Chapter 1232

After the pocket watch hit Xie Ming’s head, it fell to the ground.

“Stop watch at all times…”

As Xie Ming’s contract envoy, Xie Ming’s personal space is naturally open to Otinus.

Originally, Otinus didn’t intend to get involved in this matter. Thinking of borrowing this matter to teach myself, an idiot understander, a lesson. But in the end, he still didn’t hold back.

Sure enough, looking at him in so much pain still feels heartache. Seeing his idiotic performance, the fire in my heart really couldn’t help but go out.

Otinus really couldn’t understand, just such an idiot, still thinking about opening the harem?

Indeed, thinking rationally, Xie Ming’s choice is not a problem. He wants to be with everyone, but this is an extremely selfish idea. In other worlds, he met Asuna, CC, Ortinus, and his beloved daughter Yui.

Such a guy is a scumbag in the real world.

But the premise is that this is the law of real society.

Is it really appropriate to apply the laws of the real society to the substitutes of the main god space that shuttles between different planes?

Xie Ming is actually using rules that shouldn’t restrict him and restricting himself. Because the people he values, the cherished people, are accustomed to this rule.

From a female perspective, Xie Ming’s behavior is very bad. Because the woman was obsessed with him Isshin, he had other women elsewhere.

But what if you look at it from Xie Ming’s perspective?

He is just innocent and doesn’t want to hurt the people he values.

If he refuses Asuna in the Sword Art Online, the relationship between the two will be destroyed. Asuna will be sad, and may even give up on herself. Because Xie Ming was the one who rescued her from the state of the ‘ghost of strategy’.

He didn’t want to hurt Asuna, and he really liked this girl who was by his side and made him no longer alone, so he accepted.

But he understands that he is a substitute for the main god space, and maybe one day he will die in a certain plane. So apart from kissing and some intimate actions of couples, Xie Ming didn’t do anything extraordinary at all.

Next, it is CC.

When the soul-relief plan is completed, he will definitely leave that plane, and will never go back again. So, what should CC do? She, who is immortal and immortal, wants to continue wandering in that world alone again?

He didn’t want this, so he asked CC’s opinion and brought CC to the main god space. If CC rejected his proposal at that time, then he would not take CC out of the “rebellious Lelouch” plane.

Otinus, the situation is similar to CC. Both of them are irreplaceable existences for each other. At that time, if there was no Kabbalah’s creation catalogue, maybe Otinus would really die.

And for Otinus, there is nothing in the Forbidden World that makes her obsessed. The only thing she cares about is Xie Ming.

So the result of taking Oetinus away may be a certainty.

Based on the above, it is not difficult to find Xie Ming’s standard of doing things. Under the premise of respecting each other’s opinions as much as possible, let the people you value can be happy.

From the very beginning, Xie Ming said that, he wanted to change those sad endings and rewrite those unfair destinies.

What he seeks is a happy ending for everyone.

So here comes the problem. Is there in this happy ending, including himself?

If you ask Xie Ming this question, he will definitely answer: He is already happy and lucky enough.

He met these friends and spent a very happy time together. This is enough for him.

However, if you ask Ortinus and CC, they will definitely show extremely helpless expressions.

Because they knew that Xie Ming had a completely indifferent attitude towards whether or not he existed in the happy ending. Even without him, he feels very happy.

As Xie Ming said, what he values ​​is the time spent with friends and important people, not necessarily wanting to end with them.

But for emotional matters, where will there be a happy ending for everyone?

A boy who works hard for himself, is there any normal girl who will not be moved or tempted?

If you are tempted, you will naturally confess and pursue it. And Xie Ming, who didn’t want to hurt the girls, couldn’t refuse cruelly, didn’t want to hurt these girls, didn’t want to destroy the relationship.

If acceptable, it would be disrespect for the girls who have already formed a bond with him. If he refuses, he is very uncomfortable and will hurt the other party.

So Otinus said that Xie Ming was a harem man, a half-hearted man.

To put it simply, Xie Ming is too uncomfortable to deal with feelings.

Or, make the consciousness of becoming a scumbag of the harem, hold the consciousness that will hurt the girls, explain to them, and then actively ask them to accept this kind of self. If it is not unacceptable, then there is no alternative.

Or, just be firm and don’t mess with flowers. Even if it is to help, don’t give the girl a special feeling of treatment, and don’t create an ambiguous relationship between the two. In this way, girls will not be hurt.

And now Xie Ming is a fact that has caused the former, but his thoughts are swinging between the two. I still feel that I am fine.

Isn’t this just a half-hearted person?

This is what irritated Otinus.

With his hands hanging down weakly, Xie Ming lowered his head. Even with so many memories of reincarnation, these memories did not give him experience in dealing with such things. No matter how I think or analyze, I can’t figure out where I am wrong.

To put it simply, Xie Ming is now stuck in a deadlock of thinking, which is the so-called bluffing.

He has never needed help from others like he is now.

“Otinus…I, did I do something wrong?”

“No, you are right.”

Otinus said coldly: “You are just too right. You should understand that sometimes the right choice is the one that hurts others the most.”

“That’s what you answered to them just now.”


“Do you think that the things you have done that hurt them, as long as you pull your hand and leave, can you stop the harm in time?”

“Do you think that what Zhu Yin said just now is really their inner thoughts?”

“A nail nailed to the wall, even if it is pulled out, the scar will remain. But if the nail nailed to a person is pulled out without taking action to remedy it, it will only stop bleeding!”

“Such a simple truth, why don’t you understand?”

“Your answer just now is to pull out your own nail, and then let them continue to shed blood! Your so-called correct choice is just to make each other’s hurt deeper and more painful! Other than that, there is nothing else. Role!”

“If emotional matters can be solved with rational thinking, what do you think those monster races who have been waiting for their lover’s reincarnation for a century or a thousand years are for?”

“What do you think they are waiting for you for thousands of years of sleep?!”

“Use your rational thinking, explain it well!”

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