Chapter 1233

Otinus’s rebuke made Xie Ming’s tightly bound, still tightly tied brain instantly blanked. However, the dead knot did loosen.

He actually understands the truth. Feelings are totally unreasonable, and the person you like may suddenly become annoying because of something. And the annoying person may become like it because of some kind of opportunity.

And Xiaoniao and others, willing to wait for a thousand years for this fetter, is enough to prove how much they value this relationship with Xie Ming.

Even though Xie Ming has gone through so many worlds, he has never forgotten Xiaoniao, always keeping things in his heart, and looking for a way. This is enough to prove how important the five birds are in his heart.

But it is precisely because it is important and because it values ​​them so much that Xie Ming doesn’t want to hurt them or wrong them. If they were unwilling, Xie Ming would not force them. No matter how uncomfortable and painful the heart is.

Now Otinus actually said that it was precisely because of his thoughts that it hurt the birds even more?

It is personally uncomfortable to be rejected by others. And if someone who is in entanglement is relentlessly refuted by others, if the person is small, he will violently jump and turn his face directly.

However, Otinus knew that Xie Ming was not such a small-spirited person. How could someone with a small temperament become her understander?

And what Xie Ming needs at this time is nothing else, but a friend who can awake him severely.

As an understander of Xie Ming, no one is more suitable for this matter than Otinus.

“How is it, can you answer it?”


“A matter of course.”

Looking at Xie Ming who was silent, Otinus slowly returned to calm with some angry voices: “It is a very uncomfortable thing to only accept unilateral contributions from others.”

“Just as you value them very much, they also value you very much. Just as you are willing to give up yourself for them, they are also willing to wrong yourself for you.”

“Obviously, I gave you a reminder to let you seize the opportunity. However, you made the most hurtful choice, betraying their desire to wrong yourself for you.”


“Think about it for yourself. On the first day, Kobe Kotori said to you.”

“Little Bird, what she said on the first day…”

“Waiting for the girl’s initiative is a very bad thing.”

At that time, under the tree, the fluttering words of the little bird echoed in Xie Ming’s mind.


Otinus nodded silently, and couldn’t help flipping Byakugan at Xie Ming.

In fact, isn’t that the case? Other girls are willing to wrong themselves for you. You still don’t allow others to play a little temper? It really makes people give it to you for nothing.

Xie Ming fell into silence. In this way, everything seemed to have a reasonable explanation.

The harem is not so easy to open.

After all, the reservedness that a girl should have is still necessary, even if it is willing to accept it in the heart, it is impossible to say it from the mouth. At this time, the man needs to take the initiative and be tough. Then, the woman reluctantly accepted it by default under this last resort.

To see through, not to say through, to understand the reservedness of the girl and the little Tsundere, these are all things the man needs to do. It’s a pity that Xie Ming didn’t do anything about this. Even, he chose to take the initiative to leave.

You said, how can this not let the birds down and make them sad.

“Hu Tailang, you really are the worst!!!”

The heartbroken cry of Chihaya reappeared in Xie Ming’s ear. Xie Ming raised his head abruptly, but found that he was still in the realm of Shi Stop.

“…Chihaya, what you said is right. People like me are really the worst.”


Seeing Xie Ming leaning on the trunk of the World Tree and sliding down the trunk feebly, Otinus sighed deeply. Then he walked over and picked up the stopwatch that had fallen on the ground.

“So, what are you going to do?”

Otinus asked faintly: “You have disappointed them, do you just leave like this, or…”

“…How could it be possible, just leave.”

After gritting his teeth, Xie Ming clenched his fists and stood up with the trunk of his hand: “I have let them down time and time again, and hurt them time and time again. Although very shameless and shameless, I still want Take this responsibility!”

“I am a human being after all. I am afraid that in the future, even if I don’t want to, I will make many mistakes. However, if I don’t even have the courage to admit mistakes and apologize, I can’t forgive myself if I don’t even have the courage to take responsibility.”

“Otinus, cancel the stop.”

Lifting his head, there is already enlightenment in the black pupils: “This is something I have to face.”


Looking at Xie Ming’s eyes, Otinus’s mouth bends slightly invisibly, and he calmly said, “Then, just face it.”

“Face, they were a few minutes ago.”


Xie Ming hadn’t reacted yet, he saw Otinus in front of him pour all his power into the Shistop stopwatch, and then smashed the piece of equipment severely. Then the body turned into a light particle and returned to Xie Ming’s body.

The world tree, beginning to be in the static world at this time, without wind, the faint emerald green brilliance, as beautiful as fireflies flying in the night sky.

Accompanied by various visions, Xiaoniao and others began to move.

To be precise, their bodies began to regress.

“Your stopwatch was originally a gadget made with pieces of the gods of time, so it can only stop the flow of time for a short time. But this world is your home world, plus I contacted the one in the world tree Planet consciousness, let her control the world tree to cooperate in action.”

“The power of my demon god, the fragments of the godhead of the time god, and the power of the world tree, under the combined action of the three, can make time go back. Of course, it can only go back for a short period of time.”

“But, for you, it should be enough.”

“…Thank you, Otinus.” Xie Ming said softly: “It’s really great to have you there.”

“Humph, now, what else to say.”

Otinus tilted his head in the space of the tree of life catalog, and replied with an annoyance: “What are you still doing in a daze, don’t tidy up your expressions quickly.”

“This time, there is no chance to come back.”


He patted the tree trunk lightly, and thanked the bondao in a low voice. Xie Ming rubbed his face and walked to the position where he was just standing. His eyes were filled with regret and softness.

After knowing the facts, he understood what kind of mood Zhu Yin was in to say those words that hurt others and hurt himself. What kind of mood did the birds and the others make such a wronged decision.

You have to respond well.

The backflow of time is over, and the world begins to flow again. Zhu Yin’s voice also sounded.

“So, please choose.”

At this time Xie Ming could see that Zhu Yin’s body was trembling slightly, and his fingers tightly grasped his arm. These small movements that are not attentive and invisible at all are expressing, and Zhu Yin is trying to force himself.

At that time, why didn’t he find these…

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