Chapter 1234 Tushan’s Rules

No one is perfect, and Xie Ming is no exception. He also makes mistakes. But the precious thing for people is that they know how to reflect and correct after making mistakes. Although there are many things in the world, there is never a chance to do it again.

Xie Ming is very lucky. He has an understanding like Ortinus, a prop that interferes with time like a stopwatch, and a world tree. Therefore, he succeeded in avoiding things ending in tragedy.

But avoiding it does not mean that it has never happened. I am afraid Xie Ming will never forget the disappointed and sad expressions on the faces of Xiaoniao and others at that time, as well as the cry of Chihaya.

It is precisely because I almost lost it that I know how to cherish it. It is precisely because of failure that I made up my mind not to let this happen again.

Even if he is still a little bit understanding about emotional issues, but this is still a little bit of experience…

Although this kind of experience, he would rather not.

The six Xie Ming did not return to their room. Instead, everyone sat side by side under the world tree, leaning on the trunk, looking up at the starry sky, chatting about their own experiences, and sharing their feelings.

Talking and chatting, sleepiness hits, and everyone relies on the people next to them to fall asleep.

Xie Ming didn’t fall asleep, but felt the hard-won warm time and was in a daze. Looking at the sleeping faces of the girls I like like this, thinking about nothing, doing nothing, letting go of their thoughts, and emptying their brains, what a blessing.

Almost, he was about to lose these.

The thought of this made Xie Ming’s back a cold sweat.

“Ming Ming…”

“Hu Talang…”

“Saury… eat with Hu Tailang…”

“Hu Taro… Sakuya… come for snacks…”

“Outflanking point A… Hu Tailang… to sell the head…”

The dream talk of the girls gradually calmed down the fear and fear in Xie Ming’s heart. Afterwards, he looked at the bright moon high in the sky.

She, is she also looking at here too.

I don’t know if she still remembers herself.


The harvest festival ended without incident, and the World Tree quietly completed its awakening, and entered the next stage of growth. A steady stream of vitality was continuously injected into Xie Ming’s body, allowing the catalog of the Kabbalah Tree of Life to continuously emit a soft and vibrant emerald light.

In the words of Otinus, that is from a bathhouse to a hot spring.

With Bon’s help, Xie Ming has formally concluded a life contract with the World Tree and has officially become the owner of the World Tree. And Bon, from the temporary controller of the World Tree, became a system-like existence that assisted Xie Ming in managing and manipulating the World Tree.

Naturally, I can’t help but to leave. Rather, Tu Shan Honghong had already noticed it. After all, she’s just a little silly in her head, but she’s not stupid.

But when she told her about it in person, her expressionless face became even more indifferent.

In this regard, Xie Ming could only smile wryly, and cast his eyes on Xiaoniao and others, wanting to ask for help.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for the girls to help him in such matters. Each found a reason, and then left with Tu Shan Yaya who was still in the mist.

At the table, only Tu Shan Honghong, Tu Shan Rongrong and Xie Ming remained.


“Yes, Hong Hong sister.”

“You know this a long time ago, right.”


Tu Shan Rongrong lowered his eyes: “I’m sorry, Hong Hong sister.”

“Girl Honghong, please don’t blame Rongrong.” Xie Ming said with a wry smile: “I asked Rongrong to let her hide this matter. After all, I think if you know about this, you will definitely be angry.”

“Everyone has been working hard during this period, so I don’t want the Red Girl to be angry to spend these five days of harvest sacrifice.”

“Angry? Why should I be angry?”

Tu Shanhonghong looked at Xie Ming coldly: “Why should I be angry for a man like you?”

“For me, your only use is to wake up a few people, the so-called one-time tool. Once the one-time tool is used up, if you think about old things, you can store it. But usually, people will put it away. Throw it out, don’t you?”


“Sister Honghong!”

“Rong Rong you shut up.”

Taking a faint glance at Tu Shan’s face, Tu Shan Honghong said calmly: “There is nothing for you here, go ahead.”


Just as Tu Shan Rongrong wanted to say something, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Xie Ming’s thumbs up secretly to her.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me, I will take care of it.”

After realizing what Xie Ming wanted to express, Tu Shan Rongrong was silent for a moment, then bent slightly.

“Then Master Xie Ming, Sister Hong Hong, I will leave first.”


“Bye bye, Rong Rong.”

Watching his sister’s departure, Tu Shan Honghong lowered his eyes and remained silent.

“Well, Red Girl, I know that I am leaving this point again, which makes you very dissatisfied. But like I just said, this time I will never leave for that long. At most a week, I will definitely come back.”


“I really want to stay in Tushan forever and live peacefully with you. But I can’t do this. There are still many things that I need to do, and the powerful enemies who have to defeat them are waiting for me.”


“I said, I’m not angry, I’m not dissatisfied.”

Suddenly, Tu Shan Honghong raised her head and interrupted Xie Ming’s explanation: “For Tu Shan, you are a guest.”

“Since you are leaving now, let’s settle the expenses you spent in Tushan during this period.”

“Fees…. Expenses?”

Xie Ming blinked, and his head briefly fell into the downtime. Now that he has to pay? This, which one is playing again.

“Why, no money?”

The green pupils turned into a bright red color, and Tu Shan’s red voice became cold.

“The geese go pluck their hair, the beasts leave their skins. This is Tushan, my site. My rules, understand?”


Either pay or get beaten.

The corner of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, and now he understood what Tu Shanhonghong’s thoughts were. However, this is really…

Seeing the opposite, Tu Shan Honghong stood up and punched without hesitation.



The roof of the wooden house was lifted instantly, which is why Xie Ming removed his strength in time. Otherwise, this room must have been directly shattered.

Although there is nothing in this house that belongs to him, it was he who had worked hard to build it himself.

Withdrawing his fist from Xie Ming’s palm, Tu Shanhong asked coldly.

“Fight, or pay?”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming sighed deeply. He knew that this must be a match.

After understanding this, his expression slowly calmed down.

“If this is the case, then I will just do what Hong Hong likes. I also invite Hong Hong to show mercy.”

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