Chapter 1235

The same lawn, the same two people. The long gold-orange hair fluttered in the wind, and the bells tied to the end of the hair made a crisp sound.

The fox demon girl in the lavender and pink collocation of the lavender and pink dress looks beautiful and elegant.

There is no doubt that Tu Shan Honghong is a peerless beauty.

Even after passing through so many planes and seeing so many beautiful girls with different styles and unique charms, few Xie Ming can compare with her.

Xie Ming stayed in Tushan for nearly half a year. It was at this moment that he suddenly realized that it was the first time that he had taken this fox demon girl seriously. Before, I seemed to be hiding from her a bit.

Well, no wonder. After all, Xie Ming felt guilty every time he faced her.

It can be said that if he came back earlier, then Tu Shan Honghong would not shoulder such a big responsibility.

Xiaoniao and the others said that when they were young, Tu Shanhonghong was very fond of acting like a baby and rubbed her head against them. Therefore, Xie Ming has been working hard, wanting to have a good relationship with Tu Shan Honghong and make friends.

But unfortunately, he has not succeeded so far.


Thinking of this, Xie Ming sighed deeply. He understands that if he were to change to a stubborn person, he might have had a good relationship with Tu Shanhonghong. But his character is destined to be unable to do that kind of thing.

That’s why, when he called Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong, they both directly used ‘Yaya’ and ‘Rong Rong’, but only Tu Shan Honghong still used the honorific word ‘Red Girl’.

Because he always felt an indescribable sense of estrangement between the two.

“I am afraid that after today’s war, the gap will be deeper…”

Xie Ming sighed deeply again.

Looking at the frowning youth on the opposite side, Tu Shan’s red face was still cold, but the embroidered eyebrows wrinkled slightly. For some reason, every time she saw Xie Ming treating herself like this, there would always be an unknown fire in her stomach.

He treats Ya Ya with tenderness and indulgence. He is gentle and polite in his face, but without losing intimacy. But he only treated himself, he was cautious, like an old father who wanted to have a good relationship with his daughter who hated him, but didn’t know what to do.

That’s right! That’s it! This is what made Tu Shan red unusually hot.

Although you may be older than me, although you are the object of the love of the birds, even though it is the birds, they created the monster race and themselves. but! This does not mean that you can claim to be a father!

The creators of their monster races are adults and the birds, and only adults and the birds. They have nothing to do with you!

If Xie Ming knew Tu Shanhonghong’s thoughts, he would be extremely helpless. Xiang Tian swears that he has never thought about it this way before. He really just wants to get along well with Tu Shanhonghong and not embarrass each other.

The two hadn’t talked with each other properly, Xie Ming didn’t know how to start this, and Tu Shanhonghong was not good at words.

As a result, the misunderstanding is getting bigger and bigger.

For Tu Shan Honghong, Xie Ming’s most pleasing time was when he first arrived. Because only at that time, he really looked at himself upright, instead of cowering to please him like he is now.

Oh, yes, there is another time when he teaches himself to exert strength and penetrate strength. At that time, this man was not that annoying.

In the final analysis, what do you want to do?

Is it for him to leave? No, because he has said before that he will leave sooner or later.

What is it for?


His pupils turned bright red, and Tu Shan Honghong watched as he was ready for battle, and calmly awaited his Xie Ming. This question was suddenly answered.

Yes, it is to make him face himself, to make him treat himself equally. She didn’t want him to leave with this unequal relationship with herself.

In other words, I actually want to have a good relationship with him?

In Xie Ming’s eyes, Tu Shan’s red ears suddenly stood up, and after shaking violently, they slowly came up again. This change made him stunned.

What did this girl think of.

“…Draw your knife.”

His hands were slightly turned into claws, and Tu Shan Honghong’s body fell slightly, and said calmly: “Aren’t you using a knife?”


Xie Ming’s original idea was to turn this battle into a guided battle without using a knife or fist. But as if seeing his thoughts, Tu Shan Honghong’s expression on the opposite side became colder and colder.

“If you don’t need a knife, then I will try my best to kill you.”

From Tu Shan Honghong’s expression, Xie Ming interpreted such a meaning.

And after he put his hand on the hilt of Tianhuo Jingyan’s knife, Tu Shan’s blushing face also returned to calm.

“…What the hell does she want to do…”

Xie Ming’s head started to hurt, he really couldn’t guess, Tu Shanhonghong’s thoughts.

But obviously, Tu Shanhonghong would not care about Xie Ming’s headache.

After seeing the other side getting ready, the fox demon girl touched the ground, and the huge demon energy instantly filled all the corners of her body. The body turned into an out-of-the-box cannonball and rushed towards Xie Ming.

After approaching the half-foot distance of Xie Ming, the fist already shrunk on the side of the abdomen pierced the air and made a blast. Within the range of the fist wind, it instantly becomes a dust-free place.

“Exorcism One Style·Change!”


The trees that were more than a kilometer away from the place where the two were fighting were directly interrupted because they were in the same straight line as Tu Shan Honghong’s fist.

But since the tree was interrupted, it proved that Tu Shan Honghong did not hit his target.

The howling gale blew Xie Ming’s hem. If the windbreaker on his body was not from the combat clothing specially purchased by the Lord God Space, I am afraid Xie Ming had already turned into a beggar outfit.

With a wonderful timing and a wonderful distance, Xie Ming just flashed Tu Shan Honghong’s attack sideways.

The distance of half a foot was still a little too close to him who was attacking with a knife. Although it would be fine to fight Tu Shan Honghong, Xie Ming still wanted to respect the battle as much as he could.

So with this flash, he stretched the distance to about two feet. The black blade of Tianhuo Jingyan turned into black lightning, and it calmly and quickly slashed towards Tu Shan’s red neck.

The blade took away a few strands of hair, Tu Shan Honghong did not retreat but instead moved forward. She understood that this battle was meaningless, because she was not the opponent at all.

But even so, she still has to fight. For Tu Shan Honghong, who is not good at words, expressions, and stupid, this is the only way she can accurately express her thoughts.

Therefore, her goal is not to defeat Xie Ming. But to convey my feelings and thoughts to the past.


Of course, if there is a real chance of victory, Tu Shanhonghong will not let it go.

To be honest, if it hadn’t been for the fight, she would have wanted to beat the man in front of her.

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