Chapter 1236 Crusade against the Allied Forces

“Fighting, fighting…”

“Sure enough, there was a fight…”

“Sister, come on!”

“Sister Honghong…”

Not far from the two fighting, seven figures secretly watched the two fierce fighting.

However, the four words fierce battle still need to be quoted. After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see how much water Xie Ming put in. There is no subtle move, it is purely a flat cut, and the attack speed is also limited to the extent that Tu Shan Honghong can barely react.

Xie Ming didn’t even use the blade light attached to the Grand Master to have the effect of “breaking defense” or “sharpness”. He only strengthened the blade body and fought with the sharpness of the blade itself.

Although Tu Shan Honghong’s purpose for Xie Ming to draw his sword was to make him take himself seriously. But as a result, this battle turned into a training battle. Xie Ming is still constantly feeding Tu Shanhonghong.

For things that can’t be helped, the difference in strength is huge after all.

It’s not that Tu Shan Honghong is not strong. If you use the power evaluation method of the main god space to evaluate, the demon emperor in the world of Rewrite is at the ordinary level of the middle stage of the third stage to the high stage of the third stage.

As one of the strongest of the Demon Emperor, Tu Shan Honghong has reached the third-tier high level in hard power. Coupled with her extremely special ability, the blades of Tianhuo Jingyan can be hard-wired with insulated claws, ordinary The third-order pinnacle can come over to fight.

By the time the Master Xie Ming’s teaching skills are thoroughly mastered, she will be a real fake Tier 4 combat power. At that time, perhaps Xie Ming could be a little more serious.

As for now? It’s still too tender.

This also led to more than ten minutes of fighting, and Tu Shanhong’s face that broke out with all his strength was already wearing a trace of fatigue. And Xie Ming didn’t even shed a drop of sweat.

However, seeing the fox demon girl being so serious, Xie Ming could only act seriously.

Seeing such a scene, Jing Liu couldn’t help but shook his head slightly.

“Honghong’s thoughts were not passed on. The strength, the gap is too big. Hu Tailang, only treat this as a sparring.”

“What should I do…”

The little bird said distressedly: “If you continue to fight like this, it won’t work for too long.”

“Yes…” Lucia nodded: “You can’t let Hu Tailang maintain this kind of relationship with Honghong before he leaves. At least…”


Looking at the other six people who were in deep thought, Zhu Yin couldn’t help rubbing his forehead.

“If the gap is too large, just make up the gap.”


Tu Shan Rong Rongxian was taken aback, then as if thinking of something, he looked at Zhu Yin: “Master Zhu Yin, what do you mean…”

“That’s what you think.”

A mischievous smile appeared on Zhu Yin’s face, making the other five people look at each other.



Xie Ming fell into silence looking at the people standing opposite him.

Did you make any mistakes and want to be punished collectively?

Controlling two birds of mammoth-shaped monsters, Lucia holding a knife in both hands, holding a double dagger and leaning on the static current of her body, Chihaya holding a big mallet, Tu Shan Yaya with excitement and embarrassment Tu Shanrongrong.

And finally, Zhu Yin with a smirk on his face.

“Yaya, Rongrong, adults…”

Tu Shan’s red ears trembled, and some consternation appeared in his tired pupils.

“My elder sister! Rongrong and I have a thousand years to come to help you!” Tu Shan Yaya said with a smile on her face: “The adults said that they want to teach Xie Ming a good meal before he leaves. Will he dare to bother in the future!”


The corners of Xie Ming’s eyes twitched, and he looked at Zhu Yin and then at Tu Shanrongrong.

“Master Xie Ming, sorry…”

Tu Shan Rongrong lowered his head a little embarrassedly: “But, I would like to ask the adults for your advice…”

“Wow, what to do, Miss Bird seems to be a little excited.”

“Fighting with Hu Talang… Indeed, I have never experienced how strong Hu Talang is.”

“Well, Hu Tailang is very strong. Come on, everyone.”

“Hu Talang! You have to work hard too~~”

“Ha ha ha ha, Hong Hong, don’t have fun by yourself. Fun things, everyone should play together, right?”

“Master Zhu Yin…”

As if he understood something, Tu Shan Honghong’s mouth was slightly bent, and then he looked at Xie Ming again.


To be honest, Xie Ming wanted to escape. He admits defeat, can he admit defeat? These are all baby bumps, but I can’t move at all. Not to mention the injury, even if he cuts his clothes, it is estimated that he will suffer afterwards.

“Hu Tailang, you are not allowed to run away and admit defeat~?”


Seeing all the people eager to try, and Zhu Yin, who was blocking his only life, Xie Ming lowered his head, and then showed a self-defeating and scornful smile.

“Come on, come on, come on all. Let’s go together!”


Zhu Yin gave a smirk and announced loudly.

“The first crusade against Xie Ming’s coalition forces is now on! Everyone, come on and defeat the bad guy Xie Ming!”



Including two small mammoths, everyone cheered in unison. After that, they all took up their weapons and fixed their eyes on Xie Ming.

In an instant, everyone felt a pressure.

They had never regarded Xie Ming as a combat target before, so they had never felt it. But now, they know.

The other party did nothing, just holding the knife and standing casually. They can’t find any dead ends.

If you attack rashly, you will only suffer a ruthless counterattack. The gap between before and after, no one felt more deeply than Tu Shan Honghong.

Therefore, Tu Shan Honghong understands. Now Xie Ming is really serious.

There is no way if you are not serious. Only by being serious can you be sure to stick to the past without hurting everyone. For Xie Ming, his only chance of victory is to exhaust everyone’s physical strength.

But, don’t forget, no one can compare with the five of Xiaoniao and the others if they talk about tacit understanding.

A golden afterimage flashed across the lawn, and the girl holding a double dagger had entered to Xie Ming’s left side, and the double dagger was drawn out.


The double dagger slashed on the scabbard, making a crisp sound. And with Juli’s suppression, Jingliu suddenly couldn’t get out of it. And just then, Lucia came.

“Hu Tailang, sorry.”

The high-speed vibrating snow-white blade smashed the air, but was directly blocked by the pure flames of the sky. The high-intensity vibration seemed to have no effect and did not bring any influence to Xie Ming.

“The Fox Demon Technique, Fox Nian Technique.”

At this moment, a strong resistance entangled Xie Ming’s body. It made him feel like he was in a quagmire. Just raising his hand would take dozens of times more effort.

However, Tu Shanrong Rong is not the only one who can use his mental power.

After being restrained for less than a second, Xie Ming’s mental power dispelled the thoughts of Tu Shan Rongrong wrapped around him. But at this time, Jingliu and Lucia, who had attacked from the left and right sides, had already retreated.

Because the attacker’s attack has arrived.

“Little red and little yellow!”

“Exorcism One Style·Change!”

“Faxiang World!!”

The rolling red and yellow balls, the white and strong fists and the giant fists like a small mountain bag had reached the distance Xie Ming could not dodge.

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