Chapter 1240

Facing Xie Ming’s cold words, Seijiro Kikuoka could only smile wryly. From the first contact with him, he knew that the young man in front of him was more mature and fierce than everyone imagined.

He is a government official, an officer of the Self-Defense Force, and he is also responsible for virtual reality. Naturally, he has to investigate the key figures in the SAO incident.

And if it is said that the two most critical people in the entire SAO incident, then it is naturally Xie Ming and Kayaba Akihiko.

The so-called investigation is naturally to analyze all aspects of key figures, such as personality, behavior, and values…. These all need to be investigated and analyzed clearly. That’s why Seijiro Kikuoka understood that the college student in front of him was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Although he has correct moral values, he is more ruthless and more decisive than ordinary people. Ordinary people generally dare not kill other players when they know that they are participating in a death game.

But this guy did not hesitate to kill the people who might cause turmoil on the first floor, and in the following time he also started hunting down those killing players. This style of killing human life with a sharp knife is definitely not something ordinary people can have.

If he thinks that he came from a martial arts family with a military color, it can be explained.

If in the SAO incident, Xie Ming’s martial arts are reflected. Then in the ALO incident, his plan was reflected. After understanding the whole incident, he no longer dared to look down upon this young man.

The idea of ​​Nobuyuki Xuxiang and Akizo Yuki is firmly in control of his own identity. Leveraging his strength, he not only guaranteed the safety of Yuki Akira Hina, brought pressure on Xuxiang Nobubu, but also deliberately revealed his weaknesses, so as to obtain evidence that Suxiang Nobuyuki could be completely killed.

From the beginning to the end, I am afraid it is developing according to this young man’s plan.

Effectively use every power of your Master to accomplish your goals. If such a person is evil, it will definitely cause the entire country’s citizens to panic.

This is why Kikuoka Seijiro is reluctant to let Xie Ming enter Japan again. The risk is too great.

It is not possible to fail to prepare protective measures just because something did not happen. Taking precautions can prevent problems before they happen.

But in the end, he still compromised and allowed this young man to enter his country again. Because the case he has now is too important and dangerous.

Although he also thought about not contacting Xie Ming, to let other players with strong strength in SAO deal with it. But after thinking twice, he still chose Xie Ming.

Because, it seems that there is no more suitable person than him.

But contacting Xie Ming also means that he must pay for his previous actions. This will be troublesome, but relatively speaking, it is not troublesome.

There is some contradiction in the words, but it is not.

Trouble means that he must pay a high price for Seijiro Kikuoka. But it’s not troublesome, it’s because Xie Ming is very sensible, so he will not be controlled by feelings. He will say something like ‘will never help’, such an angry, resolute, and completely broken relationship.

Things that can be solved are not troublesome. The problems that cannot be solved are the real troubles.

As for the price, Seijiro Kikuoka had already figured it out. In order to do this well, he also used a lot of relationships.

“Uh… Uranus Temple-kun, I actually spent so long, and there is a reason.”


“Well, the reason.” Seijiro Kikuoka smiled, took out a few documents from the briefcase he was carrying, and handed them to Xie Ming.


Xie Ming took the file, stopped and flipped through it quickly. He raised his head and looked at Seijiro Kikuoka’s eyes with something different.

“It seems that the incident this time is indeed not small.”

Otherwise, how could Seijiro Kikuoka pay such a high price.

These documents are related to the application of the Japanese permanent residence permit, and they have all been stamped by the relevant units. As long as Xie Ming signs on it, the document becomes legally effective immediately.

To explain a little bit, the permanent residence permit refers to the proof of permanent residency. Having this means that the country recognizes that you can stay and live in this country for a long time, instead of having a time limit like a visa, and it does not mean that your nationality has changed.

This thing is quite difficult to be honest, after all, Xie Ming’s identity in this world is a college student in his early 20s, and he can’t have it anyway. And now, Kikuoka Seijiro has used his relationship and managed it.

I have to say that it was a great gift, and it was a great gift that Xie Ming couldn’t refuse.

After all, in this world, he still doesn’t want to use extraordinary means to solve these trivial matters. For one thing, it is easy to find the problem. Secondly, it is not suitable. So it can really save Xie Ming a lot of heart to solve this problem.

But this also means that the problem that Kikuoka Seijiro wants him to deal with this time is definitely not a small problem.

Then, the question also followed. What is it that allows Seijiro Kikuoka to deal with it at this price?

Is there still such a big problem in this world?

Although in Xie Ming’s memory, he didn’t know the entire plot of the Sword Art Domain plane, but he still knew a little bit. Afterwards, all the things that were not handled in SAO were not handled cleanly, and the remnants of the coffin who killed the people would smile.

But now, I should have cleaned up all these guys. There may be some timid little shrimps that have not been cleaned up, but the three big heads who made trouble: Poh, Johnny Blake and the red-eyed Shasa are definitely dead.

The equipment of several people was exploded by him, and the skills of these three people when they besieged him were also at the level of a top player like Kirito. Therefore, there can be no suspended animation.

Is it possible that there are other moths?

Not only was Xie Ming thinking about this issue, Yui, who had been sitting invisibly on Xie Ming’s shoulder, also frowned cutely.

Xie Ming didn’t know the plot afterwards, but Yui did. Therefore, she had a little speculation in her heart. However, it is not right for the time.

The current time is June 2025. Although it is possible that Seijiro Kikuoka has begun to build the UW (UnderWorld) world, it is by no means so fast.

It’s only half a year since the ALO incident ended. The Seed that Xie Ming handed over to Kirito may have just begun to ferment, and the popular VRMMO games are just starting to serve.

Games related to the main line: Freshman SAO, Freshman ALO and GGO, with at least 100,000 online users every day.

At this point in time, what will be the problem?

But no matter what the problem is, Xie Ming still has to eat the bait thrown by Seijiro Kikuoka.

He took out his signature pen from his backpack and signed his name at the end of several documents, and Xie Ming returned it to Seijiro Kikuoka.

“Let’s talk about it, what happened.”

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