Chapter 1241 SAO Survivor

Get off the dark official car and greeted Seijiro Kikuoka, Xie Ming took the suitcase and walked to his small apartment.

Before leaving this world, he gave his motorcycle to the owner of a nearby repair point for maintenance and repair, and when he came back, he would just pay for it.

As for the rent of the apartment, he contacted the landlord before he left and paid the rent for one year directly, so there was nothing to worry about. As for the utility bills, they are also automatically paid by binding a bank card, so there is no need to worry about anything.

As for the key to the small apartment, he kept one by himself, and the other one was taken by Asuna. I’m afraid he wanted to help clean it when he was away.

So even if I haven’t returned for half a year, the room is still kept tidy. There are even small decorations in some places, and there are a few more pots of flowers and plants on the balcony. However, the whole room brings a more comfortable atmosphere to people because of the changes in these details.

“It’s like Asuna…”

Xie Ming smiled, put his suitcase and backpack aside, and opened the shoe cabinet in the hallway. Sure enough, inside the shoe cabinet, beside his pair of light gray slippers, there was an extra pair of light blue slippers.

“Wow… I really miss it…”

Jumped off Xie Ming’s shoulder and appeared, Yui, who was wearing a regular dress, looked at this familiar room, and then sat on the sofa. The light particles formed the body of Otinus. Looking at this ordinary room, he showed a thoughtful look.

“Here, is the second world you experienced?”

“Well, that’s right.”

After taking out the luggage and backpack Vice Admiral to organize, Xie Ming smiled and said, “But in fact, I haven’t lived in this room for a month. But for Yui, this is the first room she lives in. .”


Seeing Yui walking around after returning to a human body, Ortinus shrugged.

“By the way, are you okay with CC alone in your personal space?”

“Uh, I asked her if she wanted to come together.”

Xie Ming’s movements paused, and then a wry smile: “But she said, she wants to go back to her own world and see for me, an irresponsible emperor, how the world is developing.”

“Is that the world where you were the emperor?” Otinus raised his eyebrows: “So you let her go back alone?”

“Yeah, after all, I can’t show up in that world anymore. And that world will not pose any danger to the current CC at all. In order to prevent any accidents, I also loaned Infinite Gundam to her.”


Otinus and Yui glanced at each other. They knew why CC had a speechless expression before they set off.

This guy, sometimes really makes people feel angry and funny.

After sorting the luggage, Xie Ming looked at Yui who was sitting in front of the computer and took out various parts bought in the main god space to modify and upgrade NERvGear and other equipment.

“Yui Yi, it’s almost time for Asuna to finish school now, do you want to pick up mom with me?”

“Well, yes!”


Xie Ming smiled, put the bank card, mobile phone and key into Kabuto, walked to the entrance and put on shoes: “Then I will pick up the car first, and then go buy gifts for my mother together.”

“Where is Eutinus?”

“Let’s go together.”

Otinus flew to Xie Ming’s shoulder: “I also want to see what kind of woman Yui has always been thinking about her mother.”

“Mom is very gentle~” Yui replied with a smile, and then said to Xie Ming: “Dad go and pick up the car first. The equipment here will probably take more than ten minutes to complete. Dad will arrive at the gift shop. Give me a call.”


Waving his hand to Yui, Xie Ming walked out of the house.


“Ha… It’s been half a year…”

The girl with long maroon hair, dressed in a light green school uniform, sighed softly. His gaze habitually moved to the silver ring on the left middle finger.

After wearing this ring, she instantly possessed a lot of intelligence in her head. Therefore, she understands what the young people who are deported to the country are actually doing.

She was a little envious, and wanted to see different landscapes and experience different worlds with the youth. However, she has a family here.

She is also a little worried, because she knows what kind of personality the young man is, whether he will encounter danger, how much hardship she has suffered, she can’t know these.

And he is not around, is there any other woman approaching him.

Half a year was really fast, and it passed in the blink of an eye. In the world, SAO survivors have been treated differently by others, or even discrimination. Some extreme people even think that this group of them deserves it.

If these social worms who are addicted to online games all die in that death game, society will be more advanced.

Of course, this kind of extreme remarks were directly banned and dealt with after a short period of time, but the words stabbed a thorn in the hearts of people like them.

Even the government is also afraid of these SAO survivors making trouble, because they are people who have survived from a world where the weak and the strong. Even if Xie Ming solved the problem of killing players early, these players did not have one or two lives in their hands like the original.

However, it is inevitable to snatch equipment, intrigue, make yourself strong, and make your guild strong. It is inevitable to hurt each other.

Therefore, in order to manage them, the government specially built this SAO Survivor School. Every month, they receive psychological counseling and listen to doctors asking some nasty questions.

In more serious cases, they will be forced to take drugs.

It seems to be an attitude towards the crime reserve army.

Asuna has a very good family environment, so she didn’t encounter such a thing. But from friends, she also knows a little bit.

For the survivors of SAO, they used to think that death game was cruel. However, when they returned to reality from the game, they understood.

The reality is far more cruel than the game of death.

The vast majority of people begin to miss their life in SAO.

What is the difference between the virtual world and the real world? On the side of the virtual world, it’s more gentle, isn’t it?


Asuna, who was packing her books and preparing to go home, suddenly heard the sound of a familiar but unfamiliar motorcycle engine.

No, not just her, classmates and friends in the class also heard it.

What is it, this makes her a little strangely missed voice.

“Now, Asuna, look at the school gate!”

“Asuna Asuna! Take a look, take a look!!”

“Hey? What’s wrong?”

Seeing her head poking out of the window and calling her two friends, Lisbeth and Silica, Asuna also turned her eyes to the school gate with some curiosity.

“…..Liar….Isn’t it…”

Afterwards, without even bringing her schoolbag, the Li Fa girl ran out.

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