Chapter 1242 Asuna and Otinus

Taking off the helmet and placing it on the meter, Xie Ming scratched his face while feeling the curious gaze from all directions. After that, he no longer cared.

After all, he came here not for these students or teachers, but for a certain girl.

But looking like this, he seems to have just caught up with school time. I don’t know if she has already left.

“If you have already left, I am afraid I can only go to her door and give her this surprise.”

As soon as this thought came out of his mind, in Xie Ming’s vision, a figure rushed out of the teaching building after hurriedly changing his shoes.

The long chestnut hair was sprinkled behind him like a cloak, and the temples on both sides were braided, like garlands wrapped around the sides to the back, leaving a little ponytail that looked a little lively.

“This hairstyle seems to be called a princess braid?”

Because non-campus students were not allowed to enter, Xie Ming could only stand at the school gate, waiting for her to trot and come to her, panting softly.


“Really, why are you so anxious?”

Take out a hand towel from Kabuto (portable space) and gently wipe the sweat from the girl’s face and forehead. Xie Ming smiled lightly: “Since I’m here, I won’t run away.”

“…Ming…. Is it really you?”

“Yes, whether I am real or not, why not let Asuna test it.”

Putting the towel back into Kabuto, Xie Ming gently opened his arms and hugged the girl into his arms.

“How is it, is it real or fake?”


A little choked in her voice, Asuna wrapped Xie Ming’s waist and buried her head in the young man’s chest: “I miss you, Ming.”

“Well, I miss you too, Asuna.”

Stroking the girl’s hair, Xie Ming said softly.

“However, I’m fine, but Asuna, this is the gate of the school?”


After a long silence, Asuna’s head buried in Xie Ming’s chest lowered and lowered. Xie Ming could clearly see that her ears and neck were completely red.

“Quick…. Take me away… I’m so embarrassed to see people…”

“Hahahaha, it doesn’t seem to work right now. A few acquaintances have also come here, so how about you have to say hello to them. But…”

Opened the motorcycle seat, took out a helmet from underneath, and put it on Asuna’s head.

“Is this okay?”

“…… Ming, you are a fool!”

Holding her head wearing a helmet, Asuna hid behind Xie Ming.


Xie Ming couldn’t help but laughed, looked at the few people who rushed to him, and greeted him.

“Oh, long time no see, Lisbeth, Silica, and Kirito.”


“Mr. Edmond!”

“What do you mean by ‘and’! Am I by the way!?”

“Is not it?”

“You guy…” Kirito couldn’t help turning over Byakugan, but still smiled and high-five Xie Ming: “I knew that you would definitely be back.”


“It’s okay, not too sad.”

Lisbeth looked up and down Xie Ming, and then threw the schoolbag in her hand: “Next, the kid Asuna didn’t even need her own schoolbag after seeing you come over.”


Asuna poked out her head wearing a helmet, and groaned in anger.

“Good, good, I won’t say it.” Lisbeth looked at Asuna helplessly, and then took Silica and Kirito by the arms who wanted to talk more: “We won’t bother you anymore. , Go on a date.”

“Ah, wait, don’t drag me Liz!”

“Mr. Edmond!”

“Let’s talk in ALO then.” Waving his hand at the two people who were dragged away, Xie Ming turned and looked at Asuna: “Then, shall we go too?”

“Go, where to go?”

“You can go anywhere, just go shopping. Is it possible that Asuna still wants to stay in front of the school for a while?”

“Absolutely! Yes! No! Yes!”

Squeezing these four words from the gap between her teeth, Asuna finally couldn’t help it. He stretched out his hand, pinched Xie Ming’s waist, and turned it fiercely.

“Hiss~ It hurts, it hurts, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, let’s go right away!”


With the low whistling of the engine, the pair of guys who were spreading dog food unscrupulously at the gate of the school finally left.


“Really, after half a year’s goodbye, Ming, you patronized me and bullied me.”

“Sorry, sorry.”

Putting a cup of tea in front of Asuna, Xie Ming scratched her face: “After all, the shy Asuna is really cute, so I can’t help it…”

“Um…. For this reason, I will forgive you reluctantly. Remember, there is no next time.”


“Don’t show a look of pity!”

On the sofa, Asuna murmured a little bit dumbfounded, and then took a sip from her teacup. She and Xie Ming learned the habit of drinking tea in SAO. As a result, slowly, she also fell in love with the feeling of drinking tea.

As a result of the discussion along the way, the two of them returned to Xie Ming’s small apartment.

After all, outside, there are many things that can’t be said. Moreover, Yui felt a little unbearable from the moment she saw Asuna.

“Mom~, I miss you so much~”

“Yui~~, mom misses you too much.”

Looking at Yui, who was leaning against Asuna, who kept acting like a baby, and Asuna, who had a doting smile, Xie Ming couldn’t help but smile.

Speaking of it, I really haven’t been with Yui for a long time. From the plane of “Rebellious Lulu Xiu”, I wanted to make Yui have a good relationship with CC, and let CC be safer, so Yui stayed next to CC.

Yui is also very sensible and gets along well with CC, so he doesn’t care too much.

But now I think about it carefully, I really am not a qualified father. I didn’t really take care of Yui too much, but Yui took care of it a lot.

As if feeling the guilt in Xie Ming’s heart, Yui turned her head, smiled sweetly at Xie Ming, and then said to Asuna.

“Mom, this time, there are two people who came here with Dad. They are Dad’s friends.”


Asuna was taken aback for a moment, and then asked cautiously: “Yes, from other worlds?”


Yui nodded and looked at Xie Ming’s shoulder: “Sister Otinus.”

“… Yui, forget it.”

There was a hint of helplessness in the faint voice, and Otinus showed his body. Jumped off Xie Ming’s shoulder, and slowly flew to Asuna’s eyes.

“Hello, Yui mother, I am Otinus, the man who understands.”


Some did not know the relationship between Otinus and Xie Ming, but the good tutor made Asuna gently stretch out her hand, showing a polite and gentle smile.

“Hello, Otinus, my name is Akira Yuki Hina, just call me Asuna.”

“…Sure enough, this size is still somewhat inconvenient.”

In Asuna’s surprised gaze, Otinus’ body quickly expanded to the size of a normal person, and he held Asuna’s outstretched hand.

“Then I will call you Asuna.”

“Hmm! Can I call you Otinus, too?”

“I allow it.”

“Hey?” Asuna heard Otinus’ arrogant voice, Kaidō was a little overwhelmed: “Thank you?”

“You are welcome.”


Is it possible that this is a difficult person to get along with?

Asuna couldn’t help but have such a thought in her heart.

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