Chapter 1243 The Oath To Oneself

Is Otinus difficult to get along with?

Well, in a sense, it is. After all, Otinus is a big Tsundere. Even if she treats Xie Ming, an understanding person, she will maintain a rather arrogant attitude, Xie Ming is already used to it.

As long as you get in touch with her more, you will naturally find some lovely places and places where she doesn’t agree with her behavior.

However, it is naturally impossible for him to ask Asuna who met for the first time to understand Otinus’s awkward and troublesome character, so seeing that Asuna was choked and a little speechless, Xie Ming naturally wanted to ease the relationship a little bit. Between the atmosphere.

“Asuna, Odinus is not a human being, but a demon in another world. Look, her name, Odinus, is the pronunciation of Odin exactly the same?”


Asuna was stunned, then she couldn’t help covering her mouth, and said in surprise, “Are you the Odin from Odinus?”

“In a sense, you can say so.”

Otinus clearly understood that it was too complicated to introduce the gods of the Forbidden World to Asuna, and there was indeed nothing wrong with her being Odin, so she simply nodded and admitted.

“I am a magician on the path of magic to the ultimate, so my life is sublimated to a demon god, and I am named ‘Odin’. Odin is just my identity. I don’t know if you can understand it.”


“It’s a simple matter, Asuna.” Xie Ming explained with a smile: “For example, Asuna, you are the deputy commander of the Knights of the Blood Alliance and Yui’s mother. But excluding Xie Ming’s identity, you First is Yuki Akira Hina, isn’t it?”

“Similarly, Odinus is Odinus first, and then my understander, Odin.”

“Ah, I will understand if I say that.”

Asuna patted her hand lightly and smiled: “In other words, Otinus is very powerful in her own world, but this does not affect me and Otinus being friends, right?”


This time, it was Otinuston’s turn, and then he put his head aside: “Well… almost, that’s it.”

“Hmm!” Holding Otinus’s hand with both hands, Asuna said softly: “Then, let’s get along well, Otinus sauce.”


His single green eyes looked at Asuna, and Otinus used his other hand to slightly pull down the wide brim of his hat, slightly covering his face.


Seeing Otinus behaving like this, Asuna began to understand a little bit of what kind of person Otinus was. Naturally let go of the hands holding Otinus, and his eyes turned to Xie Ming.

“Ming, where is the other friend Yui said?”

“Yustissa, she has always been in this room.” Xie Ming smiled slightly and looked at the sword rack on the side of the room.

There, the two knives in the black scabbard and the white scabbard are lying flat on them.

“That is…..”

“My partner has been with me.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming said with a smile: “Justice, come out and see Asuna.”


In Asuna’s surprised gaze, the knife contained in the white scabbard floated automatically, and as the ether condensed, Yustesa appeared in front of her in the ceremonial attire of the sky cup.

With long white hair like snow, red pupils, holy temperament like a saint, combined with beautiful looks and dignified clothes, Asuna couldn’t help but sigh.

“What a beautiful person…”

“She is a friend I helped in a world, and eventually became my knife, the spirit of the sword.”

“Hello, Asuna-sama.”

Justissa calmly looked at Asuna, and bowed slightly to salute: “My name is Justissa Rizileich von Einzbern, Master Asuna calls me Justy Sa is good.”

“Ah, uh…”

Asuna stood up, walked in front of Justissa, stretched out her hand, with a gentle smile on her face: “Justice can also directly call me Asuna. I’ve always been very grateful. You can help Ming by his side.”

“It’s my duty to help Master Xie Ming, Master Asuna.”

“Um, you don’t need honorific words like yours….”

“No, this is a way for me to express my kindness, and I also ask Master Asuna for permission.” Raising her head slightly, there was a rare extra steadfast emotion in Justissa’s always flat tone.


Scratching her face in embarrassment, Asuna said softly, “So, as long as Juste Sar and I are friends, I will try to adapt to the address, how about?”

As she said, Asuna motioned for her outstretched hand.

“…Yes, I understand.”

After a few seconds of silence, Justissa gently shook Asuna’s hand. Then it turned into a knife body again and landed on the sword stand again.

“Then, I won’t disturb the reunion of the three of you.”

Otinus, who was saying this, also turned into a light spot again, and his soul returned to the creation catalog space.

In the room, only Xie Ming, Asuna and Yui were left.


Asuna breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she knew the demon god and saw the sword spirit all at once. This kind of fantasy-like existence, even if she has been playing a fantasy VRMMO like ALO, is somewhat overwhelming.

But because of her background, she has been used to things like meeting strangers since she was a child. Moreover, whether it was Ortinus or Justissa, she could feel the kindness of the other party.

Compared with the scheming group of people I met in my hometown in Kyoto, this understanding made Asuna feel more comfortable.

After all, the two parties really met to get along well with each other, not to show off a fake smile for the sake of plotting something about the other party.

After knowing the identity of Xie Ming’s substitute for the main god space, she had already realized her consciousness a long time ago. Just as she thought in her heart when she put on the ring.

“No matter where you are, no matter what your identity, as long as you are still Ming, I will always be by your side.”

This was the vow she made to herself at the time and must be done.

“Just take a break.”


Holding Xie Ming’s outstretched hand and sitting between Xie Ming and Yui, Asuna gently leaned her head on Xie Ming’s shoulder.

“Ming, it’s only half a year for me. How long has it been for you?”

“………I don’t know, because I haven’t calculated these.”

“Really….. for sure, it has been a long time.” Asuna said softly, “Why did you come back suddenly?”

“Because Yui missed her mother very much, and I too, miss you very much. It just so happened that the matter came to an end, so I came back.”


“Well, really.”

“Then have you met with the five girls you met in the Supernatural Research Department before you met me?”

“Uh…go…go see you.”

“Really? So, how did you deal with Ming, the relationship between you and them?”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and said softly.

“Asuna, do you have time to listen to me tell a story?”

“One, a slightly long story.”

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