Chapter 1248

In the pub, there was laughter and laughter. Starting with Xie Ming’s arrival, the party celebrating Xie Ming’s official return has been completely High. There are more people here than imagined.

Even people who have only met a few times and haven’t talked too much have come.

The commander and deputy commander of the Shenglong Union created Diabel, the rudimentary of the army and the Raiders group, and Kobats, who was rescued on the 74th floor. At that time, General Eugene, the fire spirit who intercepted Xie Ming…..

Of course, almost all acquaintances came here.

The moonlit black cat group, the bald-headed profiteer Agil, Kirito’s friend Klein, and all members of his guild, Fenglinshan Mountain. Xie Ming also successfully found the girl he had just muttered in the corner.



Hearing the sudden sound of appearing behind her, the cat elf girl’s tail instantly stood up. After turning his head and discovering who it was, Argo, who had a beard-like pattern on the left and right sides, breathed a sigh of relief.

“What, don’t scare me Edmond. I thought I was discovered.”

“Discovered? By whom?”

“Of course it is the guys who are chasing me for rare Boss intelligence.” Argo sighed helplessly: “Although I am an intelligence dealer, how can I sell so much Boss intelligence.”

“Don’t talk about it, it’s you, you finally came back after half a year.”

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “But I didn’t expect that after almost two years, there are still so many original SAO players who are willing to re-enter the land of the virtual world.”

“It’s a normal thing. After all, that’s where everyone has lived for two years, how many two years there are in life, and it’s still two years of youth.”

“So it is.”

The two looked at each other and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Speaking of which, if you can come back this time, you should be asked to do something.”

“…Why do you think so?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at Argo strangely.

“Does this need to be said? The idiots over there may not be aware of anything, but I am Argo, the intelligence agent.” Argo took a sip of his drink, and said lightly: “Moreover, you don’t want to think that you are in SAO. Deeds.”

“If you do something like that, the government can still allow you to enter the country again. This thing itself is already very strange. Then, combining the information I collected here, it is not difficult to come up with the answer.”

“Yes, a weird death incident that has been strictly kept secret by the authorities recently, right?”


“Don’t look at me like this, it’s actually a good hacker. And he’s still doing business about VRMMO, how could he not understand this?”

Argo dangled the light green drink in his glass and narrowed his eyes slightly.

“In this era where VRMMO frequently appears, a variety of competitive and economic activities emerge in an endless stream. But if you say that the hottest is still the few games.”

“Including GunGaleOnline, a game that supports virtual currency and real currency conversion, all the players who won the championship in the VRMMO competition all died abnormally in the last month.”

“Unlike some heavy players who died suddenly due to over-indulgence in the game, death from overwork, etc., there are strange traces on the bodies of those players that cannot be explained by realistic technology.”

“Some, like being bitten and killed by wild beasts. Some, like being frozen to death in the ice and snow. Some, like being split by a giant axe. Some, like being burned to death by a raging fire. . Everyone, in their own homes, wearing AmuSphere.”

“In the virtual world, being killed by a monster can cause that kind of death. But, how is it possible? Without mentioning the absolutely safe AmuSphere, even NERvGear can’t cause that kind of damage to the player’s body.”

“Even if it turns on 100% pain, it is impossible to completely reproduce the injuries in the game on the real body.”

Slightly raised his head and looked at Xie Ming, Argo’s hand clenched the glass.

“According to the official survey, the champions received a game at home after they won. The game came with a note with the same content written on it.”

“The strongest from all the worlds, I wonder if you have the courage to become an adventurer to challenge this unknown and dangerous world? Here, you may gain everything, or you may lose everything. Here, the talents of the strong and the wise Standing on the pinnacle of the world.”

“If you make up your mind, then please enter.”

“Arad continent, welcome your arrival.”


“You come back this time…”

“I came back this time with good luck, and the visa was passed.” Xie Ming smiled: “The information Argod said about you made me a little surprised. I didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen.”

“If Kirito knew about it, he would definitely not sit back and watch. And if the news is accurate, isn’t it up to the player to play this inexplicable game?”


Argo took a deep look at Xie Ming, and suddenly laughed: “Yes, how could there be such a strange thing. Well, you can treat it as a rumor. Okay, I have something to do next. Let’s go first. By the way…”

Extending a finger to operate the screen, a friend application appeared in front of Xie Ming.

“If you have any information or need information, please contact me. If you are a regular customer, I can give you a special price~”


Argo, who watched him leave, calmed down the smile on Xie Ming’s face.

I have to say that this friend is really a bit smart, perhaps because he has more information, so he thinks more. However, the news she just had, there are still some shortcomings.

According to the investigation report that Seijiro Kikuoka gave himself, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications also wanted to investigate this mysterious game. However, none of their accounts can be downloaded.

Because there is no qualification.

What is even more strange is that after the death of the champion players, the accounts they transferred to that game were also cancelled. This also led to the so-called investigation simply impossible.

The results of the forensic examination have come out, and the fatal injuries of the players are indeed those traces of battle. However, there is another very strange point.

The physical fitness of groups like the dead house game house should not be much better in theory.

But the players who died were stronger than the strongest athletes. If you are not dead, you can go to the Olympics if you pull them out one by one.

Therefore, Kikuoka Seijiro allowed himself to come back to this country, and he also paid the price of a permanent residence permit, and promised to provide funds for support. The purpose of the commission is only one.

After entering that game, come out safely, and then write an investigation report and submit it. The more detailed the report, the more generous the additional compensation.

For Xie Ming, the so-called supplementary remuneration has no meaning at all. The significance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to Xie Ming is that when meeting Asuna’s parents, she can pull it out as a tiger skin. The provincial mother-in-law took Asuna to go on a blind date, which made everyone feel bad.

But this matter does need to be investigated.

Why, this game will appear in this world in this form.


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