Chapter 1249 Gun Gale Online (two in one)

“Edmond, you are hiding in the corner again.”

“Dad, this is no good, everyone came here for Dad.”

“Ah, sorry, sorry.”

After Xie Ming and Yui exchanged glances, they smiled bitterly and said to Asuna who had found him: “I found Argo just now, so I had a few words with her.”

“Argo? She’s here.” Asuna looked very surprised: “I heard that she has been busy with intelligence business recently, and I thought she would not be here.”

“Well, but it’s gone.”

Shrugging helplessly, Xie Ming said with a smile: “It seems that she, like me, is not very comfortable with lively places.”


Asuna groaned, and then opened the menu. After a few operations, Xie Ming received a prompt in front of her.


Xie Ming said puzzledly: “Is there anything I need?”

“No, everyone has something for you.” Asuna urged: “Hurry up, click to agree.”

“There is something for me, something for me…”

After clicking agree, the things that appeared in Xie Ming’s equipment column made a faint wave of waves in his eyes.

This is a quaint and low-key, but it gives a sharp and powerful pattern too. The body of the knife gleaming with the texture of steel is engraved with a lotus-like engraving. The style of the knife is like falling snowflakes.

Weapon name: Spirit Blade: Han Po Yin Lotus.

Creator: Liz Beth.

“This is a weapon that everyone wants to repay Edmond by collecting rare materials everywhere.”

Asuna smiled slightly, and said softly: “Liz said, even if you do it again, she won’t be able to make such a weapon. Because you are not there, this knife has been temporarily sent to me after being forged. here.”

“Now, I can finally give it to you.”

“…These guys.”

He glanced at the bar and found that everyone was looking at it secretly. Xie Ming shook his head helplessly, but couldn’t help but cock his mouth. Without saying a word, he equipped the knife on his body.


The blade that exuded a bit of cold air was slowly pulled out, and the weight, length, and feel…all of them were far beyond Xie Ming’s expectations. Although not comparable to his two God-killing armors, they are definitely regarded as peerless weapons.

As SAO’s first blacksmith, Lisbeth really deserves her reputation. Of course, there is still a lot of heart from everyone.

“Thank you, everyone.”

Returning this top weapon to its sheath, Xie Ming looked at everyone and said seriously.

Hearing this, everyone smiled.

——————————After the welcome party, everyone found a reason to leave, leaving time for Xie Ming, Asuna, and Yui.

And Xie Ming and Asuna did not idle, went to the NPC who was married at the level and became husband and wife again. The two held hands, Yui sat on Xie Ming’s shoulders, and the three walked on the streets of World Tree City.

Yui Asuna was responsible for the introduction, and Xie Ming nodded.

Finally, the three came to a fairly quiet lawn, sat side by side, looking at the virtual night sky of ALO.

“After I got home, did anything trouble happen?”

“…No, my mother didn’t say anything.”


Seeing Asuna’s strong smile, Xie Ming smiled and squeezed: “In this case, don’t laugh so ugly.”


After a moment of silence, Asuna lowered her head and leaned against Xie Ming.

“It’s just annoying. I really hate my mother looking at Yui and Ming’s gifts you gave me with that kind of gaze evaluating the value of goods. This makes me very uncomfortable…”

“…….Thanks for your hard work.”

“Ming, what should I do…I am very satisfied with the current school, the current teachers, the current classmates, and the current friends. But her mother always thinks this is a waste of my time and wants me to transfer , Let me re-enter the path set by them.”

“If I entered SAO, I probably won’t have any questions about it. However, even if I want to resist now, I shrink back because of my cowardice and timidity, and I can’t convey my true thoughts to my mother.”

“In SAO, I am a swordsman, a ‘shining Asuna’, strong, powerful, and brave. However, in the real world, I don’t have any power.”

Quietly listening to Asuna’s cry to her, Xie Ming raised her head, looked at the night sky passed by several players from time to time, and said softly.

“Asuna feels that she is not herself in SAO?”

“It’s just that I am in the virtual world, disguised…I can’t be as strong as Ming you, and be true to myself whenever I am…”

“Take me as an example, that’s a counterexample.”

Xie Mingshi laughed and said, “If I have a character like me, if I haven’t entered that magical space, I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet a good girl like you at all. Maybe I’ll be alone for the rest of my life and get by.”

“How can such a thing happen!”

“That’s what it’s all about.” Stretching out his finger and poking Asuna’s cheek lightly, Xie Ming smiled bitterly, “I still have the knowledge of myself.”

“If I didn’t enter the space, Asuna, do you think that with my character, what great things can be done? It’s impossible.”

“There is no perfect person in this world. Both me and you have their own shortcomings and flaws. But because of this, we support and rely on each other like this.”

“Each one… rely on…”

“Well, rely on each other.”

Xie Ming nodded, and put the hand holding Asuna’s shoulder on Asuna’s head, gently stroking her hair.

“In the beginning, you were the one who saved me from loneliness unreasonably. I didn’t dare to step forward. Asuna, you took the initiative to move forward and took me to take the first step. Otherwise, today, it won’t be So many people came to my welcome party.”

“Asuna, you have helped me a lot just by staying with me. Isn’t that the so-called family?”


“So Asuna’s mother should be like this too.”


“Don’t think so?” Lowered his head, glanced at the silent Asuna, Xie Ming said with a light smile: “Most parents in this world, it is impossible for them to think of harming children in their hearts. In their hearts, forever I hope my children can be happy.”

“But whether this happiness is the happiness the children want, they don’t think too much. Because they have suffered, they understand that material satisfaction is the basis of happiness.”

“Therefore, we have to communicate with them. Sometimes if you don’t speak out and show your attitude seriously, then the other party may never understand your thoughts and opinions. That’s why we have to speak out. , Convey it out.”

“This is the most correct way for humans to create language.”

“…I can’t do it, mother, she doesn’t want to understand…”

“If you can’t do it once, then twice. If you can’t do it twice, then three, four, five, or six times. If you can’t do it alone, then I will accompany you to do it. If it still doesn’t work, Yui will do it too. be with you.”


“So rest assured.” Xie Ming hugged Asuna tightly to give her courage: “First, clearly find what you want to do. Then, use actual actions to prove that you are serious. , You have a plan!”

“Don’t talk about your ideals and goals. It won’t convince anyone, let alone your parents. Think carefully, and then draw conclusions. Only in this way can you get the approval of your parents.”

“If you are tired, come to me, if you are sad, come to me, if you are in pain, come to me. I have no right to interfere with your aunt and you. However, if it is only Asuna, I think I am Something can still be done, right?”

“Right, what is it! It’s so tough as I said before, so I’ll be tough to the end.”

In the end, the sudden contrast made Asuna burst into tears and laughed, tightly wrapping Xie Ming’s waist, and leaning her head against his chest.

“Well, I see. I will work hard.”

“Mom, come on!”

Yui also flew in front of Asuna and kissed Asuna’s face lightly: “Yui will always cheer for her mother! There are things that Yui can do, mother must tell Yui about it!”

“Yeah! Thank you, Yui.”

Asuna held Yui in her hands and kissed her daughter gently.

“Ah, what about me? Where’s my share? I want it too.”

Xie Ming suddenly became unhappy, didn’t he have any rewards?

“Um…really, Ming, you are so old, how do you look like a child.”

“Dad, it’s not like an adult.”

“I don’t care, if I don’t have my part, I will…” At this point, Xie Ming paused, thought about it, and then lowered his head.

“It seems I can’t do anything.”

With the weird action, both Asuna and Yui couldn’t help but slapped their mouths and laughed. The mother and daughter glanced at each other, one was on the left, the other flew to the right, and they kissed Xie Ming’s face at the same time.

“It’s pretty much the same.”

Xie Ming nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Asuna and Yui: “So, did I return the gift?”

“Yeah~Mom, run away~”

“Um~ Yui, let’s run now~”The mother and daughter laughed like silver bells, transparent wings appeared behind them, and flew into the sky. And Xie Ming naturally caught up.

The faint sorrow that had been in Asuna’s eyebrows since the welcome party, after such a disturbance, can be regarded as completely dissipated.


Like the original work, after Xie Ming handed TheSeed to Kirito, this guy didn’t think about making money with this, and uploaded it directly to the Internet for free. As a result, the virtual world has experienced explosive growth.

All kinds of worlds emerge in an endless stream, with players playing insects, zombies, and robots. There are fantasy style, fantasy style, China style, beautiful style…

Of course, the virtual world of ghs is also indispensable. After all, ghs can be regarded as one of the main productive forces of mankind.

In a sense, this is another form of the great world.

Of course, the use of virtual worlds to conduct illegal and criminal activities has gradually increased, which has also led to the increasingly busy business of Kikuoka Seijiro and their illusion department.

But if one of them is the most popular, there is no gun world such as GGO.

GGO, whose full name is GunGaleOnline, is different from the traditional and formal fantasy world of swords and magic such as ALO and SAO. It was developed by an American company and is a virtual world full of steampunk style.

Players create characters here, buy firearms, and enjoy the thrill of pulling the trigger personally that they can’t experience in the real world. For most male players, this is an irresistible temptation.

In the pursuit of authenticity, the difficulty of GGO this game is much harder than similar VRMMORPG. Inside, there are masters all over.

To play fantasy games, ordinary players only need to approach and swing their swords. But the world of firearms, especially this kind of firearms world that pursues authenticity, recoil, wind direction, terrain, height difference, firearms, bullet type, weight, etc., there are too many to consider.

But this can’t stop men from pursuing this big black and hard thing.

Another uniqueness of GGO is that it is the only VRMMO that has a system that converts “game currency into real currency”. In other words, you can make money directly in it.

The reason why the masters are all over the place is precisely because of this. Because they can make money, there will naturally be ‘professional players’ who make a living from games. But because it can make money, the monthly fee for playing games is much higher than similar games.

But these are not the reasons for Xie Ming to play this game. The reason why he really wants to contact the world is because there is a game contest in this game.

BulletofBullets, referred to as BOB, determines the game contest for the strongest person in GGO. After passing the 1VS1 preliminaries, only 30 people were able to enter the finals. And these 30 people will fight for survival on an isolated island.

Unlike the chicken game, there is no such thing as a drug ring in this competition that forces players to fight against each other. Instead, the satellite scanning system. Every 15 minutes, the satellite scanning receivers in the players’ hands project a map and update the players’ locations.

Except for the water and caves, the location of the players will be determined by scanning.

Someone may ask, if all the participating players stay in place, will the game end?

This is impossible.

Because there are absolutely no shortage of gun games, just guns and old yin goods. If you stay still, someone will come to ambush and hunt you. Don’t want to be killed, only to kill others.

Players who win the championship and hunt the king (the most kills) will get a precious souvenir from the United States from the GGO official, which is very valuable.

Players play the game, what is the picture? The picture is to relax and do things in the game that you can’t do in reality.

Becoming the strongest, for a man who is a second-degree man until his death, he can’t refuse it at all, okay?

Because the second BOB contest has ended, the third BOB contest will take a few months. It just so happened that Xie Ming was familiar with the game and time to prepare.

His purpose is only one.

Won the champion of the third BOB contest and got an invitation to go to the game “Dungeons and Warriors”. Enter, investigate, and resolve. He didn’t want Asuna to enter the world full of yin stuff and sex inexplicably one day.

However, he overlooked one more thing. Yui also deliberately, without reminding him.

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