Chapter 1251 Equipment Selection

In the world where firearms are the main weapon, the type of gun is naturally the Eight Gate. For novices, you can look at it.

Then I took a look at the price below, and left silently.

However, in general, firearms can still be divided into two categories, namely live ammunition guns and optical guns.

As literally means, live ammunition guns are all kinds of real firearms that are filled and used live ammunition. You can buy pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, and even bazookas.

The optical gun is an energy-filled magazine that can emit light beams, lasers, hot rays, and other sci-fi firearms that exist in sci-fi movies.

The two types of firearms have their own differences.

Optical guns, whether they are firearms or magazines, are very lightweight, have a long range, and have a high hit rate. After all, the light does not turn, it is such a straight trajectory, so it is the best choice for beginners. However, the optical gun has an armor nemesis called a protective cover.

As long as it is equipped with a protective cover, the damage of the optical gun to the player will be greatly reduced.

Compared with optical guns, live ammunition guns are cumbersome, and live ammunition clips are heavy and take up space. The projectile trajectory that is launched will also be affected by various environmental factors such as wind direction, gravity, and humidity, making it extremely difficult to use. However, the damage is considerable and is not affected by the protective cover.

Therefore, it has become common sense for GGO players to use optical guns against monsters in the wild and live ammunition guns against players.

It is worth mentioning that recently GGO has ushered in a firearms innovation.

GGO has only been in service for half a year, so the initial players all used ordinary firearms with ordinary damage to the game. Therefore, at the time, speed became the most important factor to measure players.

As long as I am fast enough, your bullet will not hit me.

Therefore, many players who entered GGO in the early stage basically added their attribute points to AGI (Agility). Relying on their outstanding evasion and rapid-fire abilities, they became the mainstream in GGO.

But in the six months after the server was opened, the game map was constantly being raided by players, and some powerful firearms were constantly discovered and obtained by players. And these equipment, without exception, are very heavy.

Heaviness means that the player needs to have a certain amount of arm strength, which is the STR (strength) attribute. This is very unfriendly to players who focus on AGI.

Powerful firearms represent stronger damage and higher hit rate. AGI players whose characters cannot keep up with the equipment update will naturally be eliminated.

The damage can’t move others, and the speed can’t dodge the weapon with high hit rate. How can this be played?

So many players have retreated because of this, and only a few players are still holding on and trying to transform. Of course, only a few succeeded.

Xie Ming, who was walking on the street at this time, saw a lot of frowning faces, thinking about players who were going to quit.

This question naturally did not have any effect on him.

First of all, no money, where can I buy rare firearms.

Secondly, this account is a fairy account. During the nearly two years spent in SAO, how many attribute points did the Rewrite talent add to him? It is conservatively estimated that there are 1,000 points.

Even if Xie Ming is a game character, the four attributes are evenly distributed, and each attribute has a starting value of 250 points. In addition, he is very liver and his character level is also high, so the values ​​of the four attributes are all 400 points or more.

If there is no adjustment of the main god space, his account would have been blocked long ago. Fortunately, the attributes added by the Rewrite talent are all hidden values, only himself, oh yes, now I have to add Yui.

Only he and Yui can see the true value of his account, and everyone else, including GM, sees only normal values.

In addition, his own technology is very strong, SAO is a sword game, there are weaknesses, crit and other things, so no one has ever suspected.

But in GGO, it’s completely different.

Swords and swords are fine, if you really make any dual-wielding Gatling in GGO, carrying bazookas and rockets on your back, and running faster than all players, it is really treating other players as fools. .

Although this is a virtual world, it is impossible for a player to become a T800. Not to mention, GGO is still a way for many players to make money. They, naturally, are absolutely not allowed to open players.

The continuous trouble and notoriety can definitely annoy Xie Ming to death.

Forget the notoriety, after all, Xie Ming didn’t care. But what he hates most is trouble, not to mention the trouble caused by this kind of neurotic mistake.

Therefore, Xie Ming has already set his own game plan in GGO: low-key.

Low-key development, low-key making money, low-key playing equipment, and then low-key becoming the champion of the third BOB competition, and then retired after success.

That’s right, making a fortune with a dull voice is the style he wants most. He is not rare at all, such as the most eye-catching, strongest, and so on. Playing games is used to relax stress.

If he really wants to develop quickly and make money quickly, he can do it directly by spinning around in various gambling and bounty games in the city. Or, directly attacking all the hunting squads outside with bare hands, there is no problem.

After all, the game of GGO has physical damage. You bite into someone’s neck and tear off a piece of data. The damage is not low.

But if he wants to keep a low profile, he needs one thing first.

“It’s troublesome, this long hair.”

Pinning the sideburns that were constantly scratching his cheeks behind his ears, his gaze caught the somewhat straight gazes of the players in front of him, Xie Ming couldn’t help but twitch a few times before walking away quickly.

“Yui, show me where to sell cloaks.”


“…I said, my dear daughter, are you looking at my current situation now?”

“Puff….Puff hahahahaha…”

“…Have you laughed enough, can you help me navigate?”

“Ok… OK, let’s navigate now.”

Yui, who was sitting in front of the computer, wiped her tears from her laugh, and began to guide Xie Ming earnestly.

Before long, a figure in a gray cloak walked out of the city without taking anything.

And the belt under the cloak is full of grenades (PS: I don’t know if GGO has a limit on the number of grenades, I set it to unlimited).

If it is the most cost-effective and cost-effective equipment, it is naturally a grenade.

What you can buy at 1000 points is nothing more than a second-hand revolver or a small laser gun. If you hit a few magazines with that kind of thing, you won’t necessarily be able to kill a wild Boss.

However, if the grenade explodes correctly, then a grenade can blow up a lot of blood from the boss. If a dozen grenades explode all damage, then even the Boss can’t hold it.

For a novice like Xie Ming, the grenade is definitely his best weapon, not one of them.

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