Chapter 1252

“Boom boom boom boom boom…”

Accompanied by the sound of an explosion that seemed to blow the ground to pieces, the wild Boss and the players who besieged him all returned to the west. Xie Ming also stopped pulling out the grenade latch in his hand.

Unconsciously, he has been in this world for 3 months. In the morning, teleport to the desert with no one to do daily exercises, and come back to eat after the end, and then go to university for class.

Yes, he returned to school.

Although he has a permanent residence permit, he no longer needs a study abroad visa, but he still has to take care of Asuna’s mother’s side. If someone asks at that time, why are you coming back? How does he answer?

Playing games at home every day? Xie Ming himself felt that this answer was a bit too much.

Well, there are few courses in the university anyway, and most of the time is planned by myself, so it has no effect.

During the daytime from Monday to Friday, there are classes in class. After class, I will play GGO to train my characters and earn a little money by the way. When the time came, I went to pick up Asuna from school. In the evening, it was with Asuna and the others in ALO.

On Saturday and Sunday, I made appointments with Asuna to go on dates together in various places. Anyway, there is a car, so I will ride a motorcycle a little farther away. Farther away… just teleported past.

The small days are really comfortable.

There are not many changes on the ALO side. The new SAO has not yet opened to the 22nd floor, so there is no way to speed up the strategy. As for GGO, it is developing smoothly.

Maintaining the two basic principles of making a fortune and keeping a low profile, he has been entertaining himself by himself until now.

Or go to the wild to hunt the wild Boss, some people want the fisherman to profit and kill them with the Boss by the way. Seeing someone fighting the Boss, they killed them and accepted the Boss. A few high-explosive grenades that were accurate and just right were fired, and several teams would be wiped out.

Either go to the underground maze of SBC Glocken to play, buy rare materials or rare equipment, keep the suitable ones, and sell the useless ones.

The so-called making a little money is such a thing.

The reputation is naturally there. For the Japanese who engraved the two characters in their DNA, how could a mysterious figure who hunted bosses and players with various explosives without causing commotion?

It’s just that these people don’t know Xie Ming’s real appearance and the name of the game. Some players with better luck and thicker blood were not killed by Xie Ming, but when he couldn’t move, Xie Ming would also stomped his head on the principle of saving.

So most of the other players only saw him wearing a gray-yellow cloak and the pair of lavender pupils under the cloak.

Because of these characteristics, Xie Ming was given various titles by players.

What are the Yellow Devil, Bomber Ghost, Phantom Hunter, Shinigami, etc. However, as the number of victims increases, his title has finally been completely determined.

Tyranny-Kun Lord.

He is superb in the use of various explosives, has no interest in other players, and ruthlessly uses bombs to open the way. Kill those who stand in front of him. Kill him if he interferes. It’s like a tyrannical and overbearing violence -kun.

Xie Ming, who occasionally returned to the town to hear the players discussing these things, could only shrug his shoulders and didn’t care too much.

But by listening to the topics of these sand sculpture netizens, you can still get a lot of information. For example, in the desert, there is a short female player wearing a pink camouflage uniform to hunt the player.

Because of her extremely ghostly animal and merciless hunting method, she was also given a title by the players: the pink demon.

An ice sniper who can accurately sniper targets 2000 meters away with a heavy sniper rifle.

There is also the runner-up of the previous BOB competition, the strongest player of the AGI type, the ghost of the artillery tactics, the dark wind.

The names of some famous players are basically remembered by Xie Ming.

Of course, Xie Ming, a certain ice sniper, knew about it a long time ago, but he has never encountered her on the street so far. It is different from a certain Ouhuang Tongzi.

If Yui is asked to investigate, she will soon be able to get her detailed information, but what about? What should I do?

Go close to her and persuade her?

Which green onion are you?

In all things, what is needed is to let the flow go, not deliberately force it. Since they are all in GGO, and what the girl is pursuing is to constantly become stronger, she wants to constantly challenge the strong.

When the time comes, the two will naturally meet. At that time, it will be the time to guide.

The so-called Jiang Taigong fishing, pay attention to those who wish to get the bait. No matter how bad luck, she will also participate in the third BOB competition, and will naturally fight back then.

Xie Ming, who walked towards another wild boss in the desert, thought about this silently in his heart.


Suddenly, he stopped, raised his head, and the lavender pupils under the cloak looked towards a rock.

“……. This is true, even if it is not an interstellar player, it is difficult to find.”

He lay on the desert with his petite body and protected the light gun in his hand. Under the sun’s rays, the pink clothes were really hard to find.

The hunting method of the pink demon, Xie Ming has also investigated a little, is a typical wait and see.

Hidden near the cost-effective hunting ground, waiting for the arrival of players. If there are too many people, then wait for the next opportunity, if there are few people, then eat it without hesitation.

The reason why Xie Ming noticed just now was because this little bit showed obvious hostility, as if the hunter had encountered his own target.

“Would you like to tease her a little bit?”

Some unscrupulous thoughts appeared in Xie Ming’s heart.


“A little closer, a little closer, he has only one person, can do it, you can do it, Ren.”

The girl crawled on the ground, observing the gray-yellow cloak that was approaching in front of her through the gap in the pink military cap covering her head. The petite body is like a cat patiently catching prey.

Her character’s name is Lian, and her real name is Xiaobilike Juan Xianglian. It is an extremely rare female player in GGO.

The reason why Ren came into contact with GGO is very simple, that is, she wants to be a different self, and she wants to be a more lovely self. And VRMMO gave her this opportunity.

In reality, Lian is a tall woman with a height of over 180, with a body like a model. But because of my height, I was teased by my classmates since I was a child. Therefore, she is a little inferior, and a little disgusted with why she grows so tall.

Isn’t the smaller girl more cute?

So in order to become a petite and cute girl, she came into contact with VRMMO games on the recommendation of her friends. And the first game I touched: ALO.

However, as soon as the character was created, she was forced offline by AmuSphere because of her high heart rate.

Nothing, because her character in ALO is still a lot taller than other players. Therefore, she said she quit the pit and no longer touched this world that can fly.

In her opinion, being able to fly can’t be compared with being petite and cute.

As a result, she began a long role transfer and tried a variety of different VRMMO games.

The 37th game she tried was GGO.

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