Chapter 1254

“Hey…ooh…this way~~”

“Well, I learned later that she was the tyrannical-kun lord spoken by other players.”

Looking at the tall beauty with tattoos on her face, Lian said excitedly, “No wonder she is so strong!”

“Truth-Kun Lord…”

“Yes! Although her face is covered by the cloak, I can tell from her chin and her lavender eyes that she is a very gentle woman!”

“…Women, this is interesting.”

“Miss Pito started playing when GGO first started, right?”

“Well, it is true.” The black single ponytail female named Pito, the actual player named Pitohui clicked on her chin with her finger: “But if there are such powerful female players, I should know it.”

“However, this tyrannical-kun master lady has only recently become famous. I think she should not be much different from the time when you started playing GGO with Ren.”

“Is that so…. Being able to become so powerful in such a short time is indeed a tyrannical-Miss Master Kun!”

“Hahahaha, Xiaolian has completely become a fan of the tyrannical -kun master lady.”

“No, I just…”

At this point, Lian paused for a while, showing a slightly mad smile.

“It’s just that I want to see her again, and then play well. Use my little P.”

“Ah la la la la…”

Looking at the P90 submachine gun that was also sprayed in pink in his hand, pitohui’s mouth was drawn with a smile that was not too big of a big smile: “So, Xiaolian will participate?”

“The third BOB contest will determine the game of the strongest player in GGO. I think the tyrannical-kun master who has been alone will most likely appear in this game. As long as he keeps winning in the BOB contest. , I will meet her sooner or later.”

“Um…BOB contest…”

Frowning a little annoyed, Lian raised her head and looked at pitohui: “Ms. Pito will attend?”

“If Xiao Lian wants to participate, I can accompany Xiao Lian to participate, but in this case, Xiao Lian may be eliminated by me before meeting the tyrannical -kun lord. Even so, is it okay?”


After pondering for a few seconds, Lian resolutely said: “I absolutely, I want to meet again with the tyrannical-Miss Master Kun!”

“Then, retaliate to her fiercely!”

Of course, Lian did not say this sentence. The so-called forbearance became more and more angry for a while, and the more he took a step back, the more he lost. After being let go by Xie Ming, Lian thought for a long time why Xie Ming didn’t kill her.

In the end she came to the conclusion that she was both underestimated and molested. At this time, Lian couldn’t help it. Even if you are strong, I have the dignity of being a GGO player! Do not avenge non-ladies for this revenge!

I met Pitohui, who is also superb in the town. I learned a lot from her and bought a new love gun P90 at the rare equipment shop.

It’s time to shame!

“Then that’s it.”

Pitohui happily clapped his hands and said, “It’s been 2 months since the third BOB competition, let’s cheer together, Xiaolian.”

“Yeah! I’ll come on, Miss Pito!”

The two looked at each other and smiled, but the difference was that Lian’s smile contained a bit of warfare and anger. The smile on Pitohui’s face was morbid and meaningful.


As mentioned earlier, the game of GGO is divided into two types of players. One is optical gun players who hunt wild monsters to obtain materials and money. The other is a live ammunition player who specializes in PVP.

Such players will be specially equipped with protective shields to restrain optical gun attacks, and their strength will not be too weak.

This squadron (similar to a guild) created by players dressed like cowboys is a dedicated PVP squadron. And this western cowboy named Dyne is also considered to be the top group of people in GGO.

After all, the person who can get the eighteenth place in the second BOB competition is not too weak to think about it. However, the ice blue short-haired girl who had been in his team for a while, had almost figured out Dyne’s strength.

As a result, his skills are good. Secondly, it was because he was very cautious and would only attack players who were weaker than him. Three years later, it was this rather rare firearm in his hand, the SG550 assault rifle.

In the same type of firearms, the SG550 assault rifle is undoubtedly the best.

As for the other four people in the squadron, their strength was average, and the girl didn’t take them seriously.

“Oh, Sinon, come here.”

Seeing the girl’s arrival, Dyne beckoned to her: “This time, I want to hunt a relatively tricky character.”


Hearing Dyne’s words, the girl named Sinon instantly became interested: “This is not your style.”

“Well, there is a reason for this, otherwise I wouldn’t plan to take action against this person.”

Dyne smiled and projected a blurry photo on the whiteboard in the squadron’s exclusive room.

“This time, our goal is to tyranny-kun lord.”


“-Kun lord!?”

“Dyne, did you make a mistake?” A player said with a little fear: “That is the madman who was killed even when the top ten of the previous BOB went to ambush. Let’s go, isn’t it the same? The result!”

“Truth-Kun Lord…”

Unlike the other four, when they heard the words “Trudent-Kun Lord”, a flame suddenly ignited in Shino’s icy blue pupils.

That is, the excitement of about to fight the strong.

“Tsk tusk tusk tusk, you don’t understand that.”

Seeing the opinions of the four teammates, Dyne put his index finger up and said triumphantly: “Truthless-Lord Kun, what is the best?”

“Yes… Explosives.”

“Yes, the best thing the Tyrannical-kun master is good at is the use of all kinds of grenades. But ah, grenades still have a distance limit after all. No matter how far he can throw, he can exceed 1,000 meters, two kilometers. ?”

“Could it be…”

“Yes, this is it!”

With a snap of his fingers, Dine showed a cunning smile: “So, our main combat power this time is Sinon!”

“Didn’t Sinon get a fairly rare sniper rifle recently, how many meters can the farthest sniper range reach?”


After thinking about it for a while, Shino said lightly, “2000 meters is no problem.”

(Although there is actually no problem around 3000 meters.)

Faced with an opponent who might become an enemy in a BOB battle, it was naturally impossible for Sinon to honestly reveal his cards. However, such an exaggerated figure of 2000 meters is enough to startle other people’s eyes.

“Two…two kilometers…”


“The name of the ice sniper… really deserves its reputation.”

“That’s why I set the target for him.” Dyne patted his hands on the table with a smile: “I have already figured out the route of the tyrannical-kun master’s return to the city. In addition, he has always been. Targeting those hard-to-play wild bosses is definitely worth a lot of money.”

“Such a big fat sheep. Don’t everyone have any interest?”

Under the temptation of security and benefits, the eyes of the other four players all flickered. After looking at each other, he took out the gun in his hand and raised it high.

“Then let’s make a big fuss!”


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