Chapter 1255

The background of GGO is the so-called wasteland that was devastated by war. Except for cities that are all steel, they are basically Gobi, desert, and wasteland.

The houses and bases that were blown up, and the tall buildings that swayed from side to side, the closer to the city, the more such ruins.

At this moment, Sinon was lying on a deserted building that had not been dumped, keeping her breathing smooth, her ice-blue pupils staring at the slowly approaching figure not far away through the sniper scope.

Regarding tyranny-The information of Lord Kun is too scarce, even if it is an intelligence dealer who specializes in collecting intelligence, there is no more detailed information about him.

So the players only know that the tyrannical-kun master is a player who likes to play bombs and is good at all kinds of blasting.

Before, Lian had seen Xie Ming bring out a double-barreled shotgun that was obviously modified and strengthened, but she was not a talkative person, and she had also talked to Pitohui about this.

And Pitohui, although he is the kind of person who doesn’t think it is too big and likes to watch the excitement, but he doesn’t deliberately leak other people’s information.

So until now, no one knows what Xie Ming’s armed forces are.

But it doesn’t matter, because no matter what equipment the player known as the Tyrannical-kun master is, the shooting distance is impossible to match her, and her favorite gun: PGMUltimaRatioHecateⅡ.

Referred to as Hecate II.

It has a total length of 138 centimeters, a weight of 13.8 kilograms, and a 0.5-inch caliber. The bullet used is a giant 12.7 mm bullet. With one shot, even if the shot is not the point, it can be killed directly. If you put this gun down in reality, your body will be blown up directly.

In GGO, Hecate II is also the most rare anti-material sniper rifle. There are only ten “munchkin-materialRIFLE” of the same category in the entire game.

And Hecate II is one of these ten.

With a sniper range of 3000 meters, even with the existence of an attack assistance system, not everyone can do it. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call Sinon the strongest sniper in GGO.

“Sino, did you hear that?”

On the other side, Dyne, who was observing with a telescope, gave instructions to Sinon wearing a headset through the communicator: “At the speed of this laid-back guy, there will be about a minute or so before you can enter your sniper range.”


After calmly removing the fire cap from the muzzle, Sinon said calmly, “Leave it to me.”

Her limit sniper range is between 3500 meters and 3000 meters. However, Sinon was still prepared to deal with such top players. And at a distance of 2,000 meters to 2,500 meters, she has the confidence that she will never fail.

Adjusting the sniper scope, the impact prediction circle in the field of vision is changing in size with the beating of his heartbeat, and it is constantly fluttering with the wind direction of the outside world.

Time was counted down in my head, waiting calmly and calmly, this translucent light green circle aimed at the prey’s head, and the moment when it was minimized.

The biggest advantage of the sniper rifle is that the first bullet will not show the ballistic prediction line. Of course, it is limited to the first one. Therefore, what Sinon had to do was to kill him with one shot.

A bullet exploded the head of the enemy in front of you!

It’s now.

Sinon pulled the trigger.

The walls and floor trembled slightly, and flames erupted from the muzzle of Hecate II.


“Today’s Feng’er is slightly noisy.”

Xie Ming stopped walking slowly, tapped his toes on the ground, and walked back half a meter like a ghost.


The bullet hit the ground, raising a cloud of sand. And in Sinon’s sniper mirror, a pair of strange, lavender pupils appeared in the thin sand mist.

“How is it possible! How is it possible to fail! How did he know!?”

There are countless questions in my mind, but now is not a good time to solve them.

“Dyne, the sniper failed, retreat!”

“How…how could it be, how did he spot the sniper…”

“Dai…Dyne! Go! That guy rushed over at an extraordinary speed!!!”

“No! You can’t run! At that speed, we will be overtaken by him before we run to a safe area!!”

“Then what to do!?”

“…Fight back!!”

Dyne gritted his teeth and said fiercely: “Give me all the bullets! We are all rifles! The range is still longer than his range! The five of us are raining under the bullets, I don’t believe he is immortal!”

“Sino, you change to a sniper location and continue to wait for the opportunity to sniper!”

“I see.”

Locking the insurance, Sinon quickly picked up the heavy sniper rifle and began to move. The top sniper naturally remembers all the suitable sniper positions in the surrounding area in advance.

When she moved, she could only rely on Dayin and the others to support her. After all, the distance is still more than 2,000 meters, and it shouldn’t be possible to get it done so quickly.

Sinon who was thinking this way ran.

But, is this really the case?

“Da da da da da da da da…”

The five guns kept tilting out bullets, and the light red prediction line almost enveloped Xie Ming’s whole body. However, the bullets that swarmed in the next moment all fell into the sand.

Because of the target, it has disappeared.

The figure is like a phantom, as if there is no gravitational pull, floating back and forth from left to right. The body is almost parallel to the ground, and there are waves of dust rising from behind.

“Damn it!!”


“Can’t hit it!!!”

“Pay attention to the rhythm of the change! Don’t stop the bullet!”

With cold sweat on his forehead, Dyne yelled: “This guy is a top AGI player, probably faster than the dark wind! But it takes energy and energy to dodge bullets!!”

“As long as we hold on, victory is ours!!”

However, they still think too much.

Because during this time, Xie Ming has crossed a distance of 1,500 meters. But within 500 meters, he was already within his attack range.

Attacking four different types of grenades, he has thrown them out one after another.

It takes a few seconds for the grenade to explode. How to grasp these few seconds is a very difficult science. How to throw a grenade so far is also a science.

So, how about throwing out the grenade by drawing a knife?

As a master of swordsmanship, everything in the world can be used as a sword. Therefore, the knife-drawing grenade throwing method was born in the world of GGO.

Four grenades, pressed at different points in time, and thrown out in a slashing manner.

The first grenade that exploded was the one that Xie Ming had selected and produced a strong blast wind. And when this grenade exploded completely, and when the blast wind was the strongest, the remaining three grenade had not yet reached the time to detonate.

Obviously the speed of drawing the sword, and then the speed of the violent blast, the speed of the three grenades in the air is almost comparable to the speed of the bullet after being ejected. They were scattered in the shape of ‘Pin’, just surrounding the five of Dyne.

Subsequently, it exploded.

“Boom boom boom!!!”

The three Great Fireballs collided with each other and swallowed the figures of five people. The scope of the explosion, the time of the explosion, the grasp of the distance and the unique technique, all of which gave rise to the title of ‘Trudent-Kun Lord’.

Seeing the end of the few people who hadn’t watched, Xie Ming made a mistake and rushed in the other direction.

“There is still, the last little mouse.”

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