Chapter 1256: Absolute Next Time

“Damn it! Is that a monster!?”

Shino, who was just ready to sniper, looked through the sniper scope and saw Xie Ming’s solution to the five of Dyne in his eyes. Because of this, with her usually quiet and introverted character, she couldn’t help making violent talks.

What’s the matter with that throwing technique? Even through some military programs, no one throws like him! Moreover, the grenade can actually span a distance of 500 meters, and it can accurately calculate the blast wind. This is something human can do! ?

But because of this, the burning intent to fight in the girl’s pupils became even more prosperous, and a frantic smile was drawn at the corner of her mouth.


After taking a deep breath, the whole body’s attention was focused on Xie Ming who was sprinting towards the building he was in. The pale green circle representing the muzzle moved not far in front of Xie Ming, and he pulled the trigger again.


The figure flickered slightly, and the bullet missed again. But Sinon didn’t have any movement on her face, she pulled the bolt, and a bullet came out and fell on the floor next to her. There are only two words in her heart.

“Come again!”


“Come again!!”


“Come again!!!”


The firing of several bullets did not stop Xie Ming’s sprint. However, Xie Ming stopped and raised his head slightly. In Hecate II’s sniper mirror, Sinon clearly saw the eyes hidden under the cloak.

Lilac, very strange, calm eyes. This kind of calmness instantly made Shino angry. Because this is the kind of calm that is defiant, the kind of calm that is extremely boring.

Whether it was his own sniper or the rain of bullets from Dyne and others, it was so boring to him. It seems that there is no good thing, like the sand that comes with the wind.

From this calm, Sinon could see what the player named Tyranny-kun said about herself.

“The weak.”

As if he had lost interest in himself, the figure in the gray cloak slowly continued to leave, leaving his back exposed in Sinon’s sniper mirror.

“Asshole… actually underestimate me!”

Without sniping at Xie Ming’s back, Sinon picked up the sniper rifle and ran.

She wants to catch up, let this guy fight her one-on-one, and then defeat him! He must blast his 12.7mm bullets and explode his lilac eyes that look down on people!

“Wait for me…”


“Wait for me!!!”


Listening to the approaching sound, Xie Ming sighed helplessly, turned around, and looked at the ice-blue short-haired girl who was holding a small submachine gun at him.

From the sniper just now, he already understood who was attacking him. After all, the level is there. Among the entire GGO, the only one who can carry out such a high-level sniper is the girl in front of him.

Now that she met, since she took the initiative to find herself, then it proves that fate has arrived. Therefore, Xie Ming started to set off based on what she knew about her.

The halfway sprint, raising his head and deliberately showing calm eyes, are all in his plan. Because he understood that with Sinon’s personality, he could not swallow this breath.

Just as he expected, the girl caught up to make trouble for herself.

Then, the stage and the actors are already in place, and the moment of the start, even now, is the time to show off the acting skills.

“Is there anything else?”

Keep your tone calm and add a little impatience to express your lack of interest, to make the girl even more angry.

“What’s the matter…” Shino couldn’t help clenching her fists, and flames seemed to burst out of her ice-blue pupils: “Why, why didn’t you go up and kill me!? You already found my position, haven’t you? ”

“Ah, I found it.”

Nodding indifferently, Xie Ming said calmly, “So what? If it weren’t for you to attack me, I wouldn’t have any interest in you at all.”

“It is too much trouble to climb such a high building in order to kill a weak person.”

No interest, weak person, trouble, these words deeply hurt Sinon, making her surprisingly angry. Like…

“Like a cat with fried hair.”


“I said you are no different from a cat with fried hair now.” Xie Ming chuckled lightly, with a faint mockery: “Why, admitting your weakness is so difficult for you?”

“Stubborn, brave, like a child who has not grown up, desperately wanting to prove to the adults that he has grown up and can be independent.”

“But how is it actually? Is there any change?”

Shaking his hand, Xie Ming turned and left again.

“The so-called being strong is not something to prove to others. Acknowledge, face, and accept your own weaknesses first, little girl.”

“Oh, yes, I will participate in the third BOB contest. If you feel upset and want to get back, please participate in the BOB contest and try to cause me a little trouble.”

“I don’t have any hope, I look forward to it a little bit.”


Gritting her teeth, clenching her fist and the submachine gun in her hand, Sinon stared at Xie Ming’s back with cannibalistic eyes, watching his disappearance.

She really wanted to take Hecate II now and squeeze the trigger hard against his head. But she knew that she couldn’t do it herself. Not to mention that I can’t get close to this player at all.

Even if it was close, she was not sure that she would be able to hit it.

The man in the cloak in front of her gave her this feeling. This is what she seeks, truly powerful.

Perhaps that kind of speed comes from the role growth of data superposition. But whether it is the ghostly actions of avoiding one’s own sniping, avoiding the rain of bullets, or the special grenade throwing method, the calculation of the opponent’s thunder and wind, it is not something that the training of the character and the skills of the game bring.

This is the power that belongs exclusively to the tyrannical-kun master, and belongs to the person who controls the tyrannical-kun master’s role. It is realistic and truly powerful.

It’s not the strong ability value in the virtual world, but because he is very strong, so the player character is so strong.

Because of this, she has to leap over the past and defeat him!

“As long as I defeat him! As long as I defeat him, I will definitely be able to overcome obstacles and cross the dark past!”

She is very weak, of course Sinon understands this kind of natural thing! She admits to her weakness, she has tried countless times to accept and overcome her weakness. However, she could not do it.

That’s why she came here, wanting to make herself stronger! As long as “Sino” becomes stronger, she in the real world should also become stronger, able to cross the dark past!

“I will definitely defeat you!”

The girl swears so.

“I will definitely defeat you!!”

The girl said so fiercely.

“Next time, Hecate and I will definitely send bullets into your head!”

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