Chapter 1258 The Bullet of Bullets


Throwing the plastic bag in her hand into the trash can, Sinon raised her head, calmly and indifferently, looking at the three girls who were close to her. This is her enemy in reality.

Clearly, they came to live in Tokyo from a faraway town. The news reports did not write about it, and there was almost no record on the Internet. But the three of them investigated it and publicized it in school.

And the purpose of such a lot of trouble is like it is now.

“Student Chaotian~”

The leading girl pretended to be pitiful and said: “The three of us are going to sing karaoke after school today. But, it seems that the funds are not enough. So, we are thinking…”

“Asada-san, can you support us a little bit? It doesn’t need too much, just 20,000 yuan. (PS: 20,000 yen is about 1,300 RMB)”

“Student Endo.”

Shino’s eyes flashed a reflection, and she said indifferently, “Let’s not mention that I don’t have that much money. Even if I have it, I don’t want to lend it to Endo-san.”

“Ah it? Ah ah la la? Asada students we’re friends now, to 20,000 yuan, do not be so stingy.”

The leading girl named Endo raised her eyebrows, her tone became a little uncomfortable, and slowly approached Sinon.

“Or, Chaotian-san, you want to toast and not eat fine wine?”

“I don’t understand what you are talking about, Endo-san.” Ignoring her, Sinon wanted to leave this place quickly. But the other two female students blocked her way.

“Please get out of here. Class is about to start. I don’t want to be late.”

“… Now, Asada-san.”

A hand lightly patted Sinon’s shoulder, Endo’s voice with undisguised malice: “A murderer, do you still care about being late?”


Sinon didn’t speak, but Endo, who put her hand on her shoulder, clearly felt that the body of the good “friend” in front of her trembled and then stiffened. This is the performance that the other party is beginning to be afraid, and Endo understands this very well.

So, it’s time to play the last card.

“At the time, you should have treated that person that way, right.”

Walking slowly in front of Sinon, she stretched out her left hand, her middle finger, ring finger and little finger contracted, and her thumb and index finger stretched out to form a “7” shape. The index finger pointed at Sinon’s forehead.


Sinon’s body trembled fiercely, her knees softened, and her whole body was cold. As if blood was flowing backwards, the brain was blank. She looked at her hands, the white and thin palms seemed to be covered with blood.


An onomatopoeia completely defeated Shino. She sat on the ground, her face became extremely pale, her stomach juice was rolling, and the bread she had just eaten reached her throat.


The girl covered her mouth.

“Hey, hey, please let us go.”

As if he was afraid of being contaminated with filth, Endo stepped back, his face full of disgust and disgust: “Don’t faint. The last time I vomited in the classroom, I fainted, but it caused a considerable disturbance. .”

“Why bother? Honestly subsidizing us to play, isn’t it all right? Isn’t it uncomfortable to have to suffer this kind of suffering?”

However, Sinon had no room to speak anymore. A mouth is about to spit it out.

Seeing this look, Endo waved his hand, as if losing interest: “Forget it, remember to give me 20,000 yuan before school, otherwise…”

“My brother really likes gun molds. Next time, I will ask him to borrow a gun that can actually shoot bullets.”

After speaking, the three of them talked and smiled and turned their heads and left. Sinon was left with a pale face sitting on the ground. Slowly clenched both hands.


December 13th is a day that all GGO players are looking forward to. This is a day that can evoke hormones for all GGO players. This is the time when the registration for the strongest knockout tournament [TheBulletofBullets] officially organized by GGO starts.

The place of registration is not the webpage, not the real world, but the Government House, the most central building in SBC Glocken City.

As if to connect the height of the sky and the earth, the black sharp-cornered metal tower with distinct edges and corners full of technological sense, the searchlight in the middle circulates every corner of the city.

Countless players with guns on their backs and heavily armed players slowly walked into this building that was not usually come by.

The lobby on the first floor of the Governor’s Mansion is quite spacious, with a huge projection screen in the center. Originally, various real-life corporate advertisements and previews of various activities will be played here. But now, there is only one content on this projection screen.

Promotional video of the BoB contest.

On several walls of the rotunda, there are dozens of touch-screen terminals like ATMs. This is the registration machine that players need to control to participate in the BOB competition.

Xie Ming, wearing a gray-yellow cloak, stood in front of a machine, filling in content at random.

Because if you participate in the BOB contest and get a high ranking, the game official will issue very rare rewards, so before registering, players can voluntarily fill in their own realistic related information. Filling in or not filling in will not affect your participation in the competition.

But for Xie Ming, this is a required item. However, it would not really be enough to fill in your home address, just fill in the university address.

After filling in the information, he did not stay too much in the lobby on this floor. He walked slowly to the elevator in the lobby and headed to the underground meeting place of the Governor’s Mansion.

There is the waiting place for participating players.

If the atmosphere of the hall on the first floor is still full of laughter, then the atmosphere of the dim underground venue can be regarded as a trigger.

The whole body exudes a ferocious aura, full of hostile glances, looking at every player who enters this area. Because everyone here may become his own enemy.

And Xie Ming’s arrival undoubtedly attracted the attention of quite a few people.

“Grey cloak…”

“Truth-Kun Lord?”

“If you show up in this place, it should be him.”

“I don’t know, which group he is in…”

“This time BOB, really gathered a lot of strong people.”

“Oh, two people went to tyranny-Lord Kun passed by, that’s…”

“Uh… those two people…”

The players looked at the two figures walking towards Xie Ming, their eyes flickering. Because of these two people, they are also quite famous in GGO.

“The Demon Lord Pitohui and the Pink Demon, the Demon Lord and the Demon walked together to find the trouble of the tyrannical-kun lord. They really did not live up to their title.”

Xie Ming also stopped and raised his eyebrows slightly as he looked at the two walking towards him.

“It’s been a long time, tyrannical-Kun Lord Sang (Miss). This time, I’m coming to you for revenge.”

Wearing pink painting clothes all over, the small and cute Ren stretched out her hand and said seriously.

“This time, I won’t give up easily as I did last time.”

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