Chapter 1259

“You are…oh, you want to ambush me in that desert…”

“Yes, my name is Lian. The one next to me is a friend who signed up with me, Miss Pitohui.”

“Yeah~ hello~” Pitohui licked his lips and looked at Xie Ming happily: “Just call me Pito~”

“Pito and Ren…I understand.”

Xie Ming nodded slightly, and said faintly: “My name is Edmund Dantes.”


After hearing Xie Ming’s name, Pitohui’s pupils instantly widened in a circle, and then his breathing began to become rapid. If it weren’t for a virtual character, you could even see the blush on her face.

“It’s him! It’s really him! He actually came back to Japan! And he came to play GGO! Actually!!! There is actually a chance to compete with him in BOB! It is, it is… .. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

Of course, these are the fluctuations in Pitohui’s heart. Xie Ming only noticed that this tall tattooed woman was a little unstable, and didn’t care too much.

Compared to her companion next to her, Lian’s reaction seemed quite normal.

“Edmond Dantes, Count of Monte Cristo? Why did you take such a name?”

There were some doubts in the bottom of her heart, but Lian did not show it, she reached out her hand and showed a lovely smile.

“Then Edmundsang (Miss), let’s cheer together.”


Xie Ming smiled and gently shook Lian’s hand: “Let’s work hard together. Then, I’ll go and prepare first.”

Watching Xie Ming’s departure, Lian looked at Pitohui strangely.

“Miss Pito, what’s the matter with you? Why do you feel that you are a little weird?”

“No, not really, Ren.”

Covering his face with one hand, Pitohui’s mouth raised slightly: “It’s just that I got excited.”

“Yes… That’s right…”

The corners of her mouth twitched, and Lian subconsciously took a step aside, because she felt that Pitohui was very wrong now. However, she did not know the reason.


“It has appeared…. Tyranny-Lord Kun…”

Flames burned quietly in the ice-blue pupils, and Shino standing in the corner was like a feline predator staring at its prey. After Xie Ming appeared, her eyes never left.

Even so focused, even the acquaintances next to him were ignored.

“That, Sinon, Sinon.”

“Ah…oh, sorry, the mirror.” Shino turned to look at the male player who was swayed back, her cold expression softened slightly.

Because this is the only existence she can be called a friend.

With long silver-gray hair, dark-gray camouflage combat uniform, tall and thin, it feels full of agility and speed. His player name is Mirror, and his real name is Shinkawa Kyouji. He is a classmate from the same school as her, and like her, he is a character who was bullied at school.

It is said that Shinkawa Kyouji’s family runs a large hospital, so the family is very wealthy. But because of this, the family has high expectations of him, so they are very strict.

Strict education has created the weak temperament of Shinkawa Kyouji. Therefore, in school, he was often bullied by senior seniors, who kept asking him to take money and pay them for the money needed for food, drink and play.

Therefore, in the second semester, Shinkawa Kyouji no longer wanted to go to school, and seemed to have a big dispute with his family because of this. In the end, he got the permission to study at home. But as a price, he must follow the family’s plan and enter the prestigious private university medical school.

After all, the family’s requirement for him is to go to medicine and then inherit the family business.

In order to relieve the pressure, he put almost all of his energy into the GGO game. Shino’s opportunity to enter GGO was also when Shino Kyouji took the initiative to recommend it to her after hearing the rumors about Shino.

However, Shino sometimes felt that Shinkawa Kyouji had an uncomfortable, illusory, and sick feeling in her body. After all, every time she logs into the game, she will see the mirror online and the scary long game time.

And this feeling has become more and more obvious in recent months. The opportunity for change is the rise of the STR type and the decline of the AGI type. Because of the role of the mirror, the early game is a well-known AGI-type character in GGO.

He tried his best to add points to AGI, which led to his current role becoming weaker and weaker, and he did not even enter the finals of the preliminaries in the last BOB competition.

This reality dealt a heavy blow to Shinkawa Kyouji and almost gave up the game. Therefore, he began to hate the mistake of adding points to his characters, and began to envy those players whose characters added the right points.

For example, like now.

“The devil, the pink demon, and the tyranny-Lord Kun…”

Looking at the three people not far away, the mirror said as if talking to himself: “It’s great, these players who entered the game later. There are seniors like us, to find the way for them.”


Sinon wanted to tell him that, let alone the demon king and the pink demon, the power of the tyrannical-kun lord was definitely not based on game data. However, she did not say.

Although she is a classmate and a friend, she has no right to make irresponsible remarks on other people’s ideas. She now has no spare energy to care for others, she can only take care of herself and make herself stronger.

Therefore, she did not connect to the mirror and muttered to herself, but was silent, once again locked her gaze around her arms and leaned against the pillar Xie Ming.

As time passed slowly, the BGM of the underground venue suddenly disappeared, replaced by deafening rock and roll, dazzling colorful lights like a ballroom, and calm and gentle synthetic female voices.

“Let everyone wait a long time. The third [TheBulletofBullets] preliminaries now begin.”

“After the countdown is over, all participating players will be automatically sent to the battlefield of the first round of the preliminaries.”

“Here, I wish you all good luck.”

The sound refreshed the players in the venue, made Pitohui show a slightly hideous smile, and made Lian straighten her pink military cap.

Xie Ming opened his eyes and found a girl with short ice blue hair and a male player with long silver gray hair standing in front of him.

“Truthless-Lord Kun, you, wait for me.”

The girl pointed to Xie Ming, her pupils full of stubbornness and fighting spirit. It is declaring war on the enemy in front of him, and it is also taking an oath to himself.

“No matter which group you are in, you must enter the final for me! At that time, I will definitely send the bullet into your head.”


Glancing at Sinon calmly, Xie Ming walked towards the middle, leaving a faint sentence.

“Then I don’t have any hope, I look forward to it.”

“The weak.”


After more than a month, Sinon heard the same words again. This time, she also ignited raging anger. But in this anger, there is full of fighting spirit and determination.

“What, that man, what’s so great about that.”

The mirror looked badly at Xie Ming’s leaving back, and then stood in front of Sinon and said seriously.

“Sino, I believe in you. You who are strong will surely defeat that self-righteous guy!”

Definitely defeated?

No, she knew very well how huge the power gap between herself and the gray-yellow cloak was. The probability of defeat is close to zero.

But even so, she has to challenge. Like that, moths fighting the fire.

The next moment, the light group surrounded the players, and the noisy venue instantly became quiet.

The qualifiers officially started.

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