Chapter 1260 See how other players are not doing well

GGO’s daily BOB game takes two days in total. The qualifiers on the 13th and the finals on the 14th happened to be Saturdays and Sundays, so that the student party could participate with confidence. The qualifiers are played through the 1VS1 knockout.

The registered players are divided into 15 groups, and they will play a one-on-one elimination match in each group. In the end, two people who successfully advance to the qualifier finals in each group can successfully enter the second day finals.

The group Xie Ming was randomly assigned to was No. 7 of Group K, which is K7.

Because it is a one-on-one battle, in order to quickly resolve the battle, the map is not too big. However, there are quite a few bunkers set up on the map. If you want to find the enemy quickly, you need to focus on finding anything wrong.

In the forest, it is the sound of trees and flowers being moved. In the ruins, it is the footsteps of army boots on the ground. It is believed that anyone who has played a chicken-eating game can do it by listening to the footsteps of the enemy’s position.

Xie Ming used this method.

Stay on the spot honestly, wait for the enemy to enter the range of your own perception, judge the position by the subtle sound caused by the enemy’s movement, and then throw two grenade over there.

One shot was thrown in the forward direction of the enemy, and the other shot was thrown to the enemy’s avoidance position he predicted for safety.

Therefore, players who watched the battle outside and paid attention to Xie Ming’s battle often only saw two explosions, and then a red sign of ‘dead’ would pop up not far from Xie Ming, representing that the player was dead.

After several rounds of competition, the players who fought against Xie Ming in Group K collectively said that the game experience was extremely poor. Without knowing what was going on, a grenade appeared in front of him, and then he was blown into the sky.

Similar to Xie Ming’s only two ‘boom bang’, the other seeded players are basically no turmoil.

After the petite and swift Lian spotted the enemy, she ran to approach with a Z-shape, and when she raised her gun, it was a magazine.

Pitohui is the same as usual, changing to a different gun each game, and then raising his hand to shoot, sending the bullet into the enemy’s skull.

As a sniper, Sinon was even less impressive. Find a place to avoid, aim at the road the enemy will pass through according to experience, and then pull the trigger. If he was shot by Hecate II, even Xie Ming would be killed instantly.

As for other players, they may be gone directly after being hit by a bullet.

But the so-called outsiders watch the excitement, but the insiders watch the doorway. A few people can quickly resolve the enemy, and the skills, awareness, and experience contained in this, I’m afraid not many people can see it.

But even if they can see it, or even understand some famous players a little, they all show a solemn look.

In this way, the qualifiers of the BOB contest came to an end in the various emotions of the people. The list of players who have advanced to the finals has also been disseminated in various ways.

After all, GGO is now the most popular and the only VRMMO game with professional players. Naturally, it has the attention of major media. The GGO finals will also be broadcast live to everyone who is interested in VRMMO.

People who have always been accustomed to watching VRMMO-related news, of course, found the name on the list.



Looking at the lover on the other end of the phone, Asuna smiled slightly: “Is GGO fun?”

“Well…. It’s okay.”

After pondering for a few seconds, Xie Ming gave a serious evaluation.

“The gameplay is really strong, and the degree of freedom is quite large. The combat assistance system also speeds up the players’ hands-on speed, but if you want to really play this game, I am afraid it will take some time.”


“By the way, if you want to play, Asuna, you can take everyone over and take a look. Kirito guy, maybe he will get the same ‘surprise’ like me.”

“Surprise? What kind of surprise?”

“Well, if you say it, it’s not a surprise, isn’t it?” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and said teasingly: “If you are interested in Asuna, you can watch the live broadcast of the BOB finals tomorrow.”

“But even if you watched the live broadcast, whether Asuna can see the surprise or not, you still have to see how the other 29 players can’t do it well.”

“…It seems that the problem is not in the GGO game.”

Asuna sighed softly and said softly, “Ming, if there is any problem, remember to tell me.”

“Tomorrow’s live broadcast of the contest, I will watch it with everyone.”


Looking at Asuna on the phone screen, Xie Ming said softly.

“The 22nd floor is about to open. At that time, we will go to the Raiders and defeat the 21st floor Boss. Then, let’s buy our home again.”


Nodding heavily, Asuna said happily, “That’s right! Although I will go back to Kyoto with my father and mother during the first month, my father and brother will be back before the first month.”

“By the time…..”

“If your uncles and aunts give instructions, I promise to be there on call.” Xie Ming respected and said weirdly.

“Really, it’s not serious, don’t be like that with father and mother then.”

With a smile, Asuna waved her hand gently: “Then, Ming, good night.”

“Good night, Asuna, I wish you a good dream.”

“Well, Ming you too.”

After Asuna turned off the video, Xie Ming put down the phone, turned his head, and looked at the magic-revised NERvGear whose indicator light was flashing.

“Jiangyue… Well, it’s useless to think about it now, I can only take one step and look at it one step at a time.”


On December 14th, at the underground venue of the Governor’s Mansion, Xie Ming walked in here slowly when there were still 10 minutes before the start of the game. It seems that I am not afraid that I will retire because of being late.

However, because of his arrival, some of the lucky people regained their frown, and some of the worried people began to gritted their teeth after reassuring.

“This guy is definitely on purpose!”

“Ahahaha, it’s really heart-pounding~”

“Miss Edmond, has always been so leisurely…”



Seeing a few hostile gazes, Xie Ming followed the feeling and looked at it. Shino, ignore it, miscellaneous fish soldier, ignore it. Um? this person……

Looking at the brawny man standing next to Pitohui and Lian with a big backpack, Xie Ming raised his eyebrows.

Do you have any grudges with this guy? No, if he really has a grudge, how can he stand here and stare at himself? Well…..

“I see.”

I found the gentle gaze of the strong man from time to time when he looked at Pitohui, and my heart instantly became clear. Then, he was included in the list of disregards.

If you are jealous or something, please spare him.

Randomly found a corner to stay, Xie Ming closed his eyes for himself, and ignored the messy sights.

But his behavior made a girl with short icy blue hair even more angry.

“You give it to me, wait and see!”

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