Chapter 1261 The Relationship Between Sword Skills And Ping A

Standing in the middle of the street in the abandoned city, Xie Ming took out a small terminal like a radar from his cloak and pressed the only button on it.

In an instant, the map of the entire battlefield appeared in front of his eyes in a holographic manner.

And the red dots on this holographic map are the positions of the hostile players.

If you lightly touch the red dot with your finger, you can also display the name of the player represented by the red dot.

As I said before, the scan of the BOB contest can be used every fifteen minutes. How to use these fifteen minutes will affect the players’ record in this game to a considerable extent.

So every player will use this quarter of an hour according to their own positioning.

For example, AGI players such as Lian and Anfeng are looking for hidden bunkers or guerrilla locations during this time to defeat the players closest to them. And a sniper like Sinon is looking for nearby commanding heights and sniping the player through the map. Then wait for the arrival of the next scan.

but! This is for ordinary players, and it is completely unsuitable for immortal level players like Xie Ming. What he has to do is to turn this escape game into a hunting game.

He alone hunted the other 29 players.

“SiesinddasEssenundwirsinddieJaeger~ (They are prey, we are hunters).”

Xie Ming, who had already remembered the terrain and the positions of other players in his mind, gently hummed the lyrics, and the corners of his mouth under his cloak slightly cocked.

Playing games is to make yourself have fun.

As for whether other people are happy or not, it doesn’t matter to him. After all, people’s happiness is often based on the suffering of others.

Touching the ground with his toes, a faint afterimage formed behind Xie Ming, and he rushed towards the nearest player.



“How can it be!!?”

“This…. What kind of monster is this!!!”

The scanning time of the satellite will last for a total of one minute. This minute is for the player to observe the terrain and formulate the next combat strategy. But what did they see?

In this minute, several players who were also located in the northern half of the abandoned city like Edmund Dantes had all been eliminated. And that terrifying guy is still rushing to the south at an alarming speed.

The terrifying record makes all players’ eyes appear a little unbelievable.

If the contestants who watched the scan records couldn’t believe it, then the audience who watched Xie Ming’s fighting methods through the live broadcast were completely sluggish.

This guy actually played a parabolic explosive like a grenade into a tracking missile. It looks like a random flick, but under the slow motion footage, every grenade is like a tracking device installed, exploding accurately on the player’s head.

The calculation of time, the control of distance, the master of strength, and the precise grasp of these three points are the reasons for everyone’s shock.

In theory, as long as the Master is good at these three points, everyone can make the same moves.

But, that is a theoretical thing after all. Humans are not machines, and it is impossible to guarantee that every action will act in accordance with the calculated data. However, this player named Edmund Dantes did it.

Since his family knows his family affairs, Xie Ming can indeed achieve the power control at the micro level, but he does not have that superhuman calculation ability. He can do this entirely by relying on three points.

The battle experience and battle intuition from the master of swordsmanship, and in the past few months, he has completely lived in the game character Edmund Dantes in GGO, what exactly can he do.

In other words, he was able to play 100% of the full strength of Edmond Dantes’ account. Coupled with various passive skills that can also be played in the virtual world, such as Shangxinyan, the strength can be increased several times.

Two minutes after the start of the contest, there are 7 players in the abandoned city, including Xie Ming. After six deafening explosions, only one person remained in the entire abandoned city.

Only the monster named Edmund Dantes was left.

It seems that GGO officials have been shocked by Xie Ming’s record. Several battlefield cameras surrounded him for shooting and broadcasting. And the faint singing voice was also transmitted to the players watching the game through the camera.



ALO, World Tree City, watched the live video rushing again, Xie Ming seemed to have found his target, there was no sound in this spacious room in the hotel.

“Goo…” Klein swallowed, with a wry smile on his face: “I said, Miss Asuna, has Mr. Edmond become even more terrifying after coming back this time.”

“Mr. Edmond, amazing…”

Silica’s eyes widened: “What the hell did it do…”

“Now, Kirito.”

Unable to control her strength, Lisbet slapped Kirito on the back: “You fellow, you should be able to see something.”

“…… Ah, I can understand a little bit.”

After a moment of silence, Kirito smiled wryly: “Before in SAO, I knew that Edmond was probably not on the same level as us. Now it seems that it is not on the same level, it is a different dimension. Exists.”

“Different dimensions?”

“Ah, different dimensions.” After finishing his thoughts, Kirito said softly: “We all know that sword skills are much higher than our normal slashing damage. But, who knows the reason for this? ?”

“Huh? There is a reason for this?”

Klein scratched his head: “Skills are better than normal attacks. Isn’t this a convention in RPG games?”

“Well, it’s the custom of RPG games. However, the damage of skills is also based on the player’s character data?”

“This…. This is not something that is taken for granted.”

“Yes, this is a matter of course, so we didn’t even think about it. Except, Edmond.”

Kirito looked at Xie Ming, who continued to kill under the influence, with some admiration: “Whoever remembers, in SAO before, Edmund had his original skills improved through his unique skill, drawing swords, infinite drawing swords? ”

“That’s not a skill in the system, but a normal attack method developed by Edmond. However, Edmond used this original skill classified as a normal attack to hit a system sword skill that could not be achieved. Combo and damage.”

“Since then, I have been thinking about what the so-called sword skills are. In the end, I came to a conclusion.”

Raising his head, Kirito looked at everyone and said seriously.

“The sword skill we use is actually the strength of the virtual character that we control, which should be used by itself. But because we rely on ourselves, we can’t exert the strength of the character. Therefore, we need to rely on system assistance to force the use of it. The power that the character should have, and named it sword skills and skills.”

“The reason why I say that Edmond is in a different dimension from us is precisely because Edmond does not need system assistance to display sword skills, which is the original strength of the character.”

“That is to say, every ordinary attack of Edmond has the damage of the skill. This is the main reason why Edmond has always been more damage than us even if he does not use the skill!”

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