Chapter 1262 AGI-type battle

Kirito’s words can be described as shocking everyone, and everyone present was stunned.

Skills, in fact, are the combat assistance systems that exist because the players can’t fully display the true strength of their virtual characters? Although this speculation sounds decent, but without factual support, it is just speculation.

However, after seeing Xie Ming’s extraordinary actions through GGO at this time, Kirito was already certain. Skill is indeed a kind of combat assistance system. For him, this is undoubtedly a major news.

“Soon, ALO Vice Admiral will introduce the sword skill system. Although I cannot turn every attack into a sword skill like Edmond. But…I can still reproduce the familiar skills in SAO. of.”

Clenching his fist fiercely, there was a hint of excitement and eagerness in Kirito’s eyes at this time. It seems that I can’t wait to put the ideas in my head into practice.

“It should be said, is it worthy of being the protagonist of this world?”

Looking at such a Kirito, Yui blinked, and couldn’t help sighing: “If Dad hadn’t come to this world, Mr. Kirito would definitely become the strongest player in this world.”

Just as CC had seen his own experience in the original work, Yui also understood how the world would develop according to the original trajectory. However, Yui didn’t think there was anything wrong with everything that Xie Ming had changed.

If you change because of your own selfish desires, that’s another matter. But Xie Ming changed the plot because of his own desires? No, he just wants to do something he can do.

In the original work, only about 6000 people survived SAO. But because of Xie Ming’s actions, there are now 7,326 survivors of SAO. There are more than a thousand more players than the original.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call Xie Ming the hero who solves SAO.

It is precisely because he knows the original world trajectory that Yui is even more proud of the fact that his father is Xie Ming.


“Sure enough, it’s gone.”

After cleaning up all the players in the abandoned city, Xie Ming didn’t stop for a while, and rushed directly to the next hunting spot, the forest. However, after more than ten minutes of searching, he understood that the player who had previously stayed in the forest had left, or ran away.

This is also a matter of course. After learning of his hunting operations in the city through satellite scanning, there should be no fools who will stay in place and wait for death.

Everyone came for victory. If this is the case, then they cannot allow themselves to hunt one by one without thinking about countermeasures. In any case, those who can enter this island are the top players in GGO.

As for what countermeasures they would think of to kill themselves, Xie Ming still had some clues in his mind.

Exactly, there are ten seconds to scan again.

Xie Ming stopped walking out of the forest, took out the terminal from his cloak, and pressed the button.

The holographic projection map appeared in front of him again. But this time, the situation on the map is completely different.

Almost all of the remaining two dozen players were gathering in the hilly area. Only a few people were moving in the opposite direction of Xie Ming. Among them, two players are actively approaching themselves.

One is wading through the mountains, but the speed is very slow. The other was racing fast in the desert.

“With such a fast moving speed, either the vehicle was found or…”

Xie Ming couldn’t help laughing when he gently tapped the red dot that was quickly approaching his position. Sure enough, there is no shortage of such idiots in every game.

The name displayed on the red dot is: Dark Wind.

In the last BOB competition, I lost to STR plus points because of all AGI points, the runner-up with rare firearms. If the fairy player Xie Ming is excluded, he should be the most skilled player in the entire GGO.

“Thinking me and him are the same full AGI type plus points, so I want to compete with me.”

Taking back the two plasma grenades he was playing with, Xie Ming tapped his toes and rushed in the direction of the dark wind.

“In that case, I will accompany you to pass the time.”

Challenge, he accepted.

“Oh oh oh! It’s coming, it’s coming!!!”

“The same is the AGI type plus points, can Edmond beat the dark wind!?”

“I think Dark Wind can win! This Edmond has been using grenades from beginning to end, and the threat of grenade to AGI players is equivalent to nothing! If he really only uses grenades, Dark Wind will definitely win!”

“No matter what, the battle between these two people will definitely be the most interesting matchup in this game!”

Seeing the two people approaching on the big screen, all the players watching the game in the city raised their spirits and showed excited smiles.

There was also a smiling face, and there was a dark wind of sand and mist blowing in the desert.

Wearing windproof glasses, only a plasma grenade hung around his waist, and a light machine gun in his hand, this is all the weapons of the dark wind. As the top AGI player, the rest of the weapons will just slow down his speed.

It can be said that he is the representative of AGI players in the entire GGO. He is a way of playing this game. But now, his position has been challenged.

In Xie Ming’s view, it was Dark Wind Xiang who initiated the challenge. But from the point of view of the dark wind, Xie Ming, a player who only throws grenades, isn’t his existence itself a challenge to him?

In the abandoned city, Xie Ming’s hunting of regional players aroused his fighting spirit.

Looking at the black spot that appeared in the distance and was rapidly expanding, Dark Wind once again raised his speed to a level, and his body completely turned into a black whirlwind.

“Truthful-Lord Kun, in the world of firearms, he only uses grenades. After all, it’s just an evil way. I will let you fully recognize this!”

With a low voice, the dark wind picked up the light machine gun in his hand and pulled the trigger.

“Da da da da da da da da…”

Flames erupted from the muzzle, and dozens of ballistic prediction lines instantly enveloped Xie Ming’s front and body. In the next second, all the bullets plunged into the desert.

In this regard, Anfeng has no surprises. Raising the machine gun, it fired at the sky.


The bullet detonated the grenade that was still falling slowly in the air, and the blast wind blew the cloak of the dark wind. He himself also retreated a certain distance by the blast wind, and began to accelerate suddenly, wanting to shift the battlefield.

However, as soon as he took a step, his pupils shrank instantly. Because a plasma grenade shining red light landed right in front of his head.



There was another explosion, and countless sand particles splashed from the explosion covered everyone’s sight.

Only Xie Ming raised his brow slightly.

“Hey, he’s not dead yet.”

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