Chapter 1263 is not playing the same game

Yes, as Xie Ming said, Dark Wind is not dead yet. As the strongest representative of the AGI-type gameplay, if Dark Wind can’t even escape this trap, it would be too cheap.

However, although he escaped the fate of death, it was still quite uncomfortable.

The cloak and battle uniform were covered with burn marks, and the blood bar dropped by about two-thirds. Fortunately, the body was not mutilated by the explosion.

At the moment before the grenade exploded, Dark Wind did not dodge backwards, but bent down and accelerated with all his strength. So the explosion helped him speed up his escape from the center of the explosion.

In layman’s terms, he deliberately let himself be blown up and escaped a catastrophe.

“Bah! Bah, baah!”

He spit out the sand in his mouth, and the dark wind looked at Xie Ming grimly: “Actually, I predicted my mode of action. The first grenade is the bait, and the second is the lore.”

“It’s not a lore, you’re not dead after all, are you?”

Xie Ming waved his hand and faintly looked at the player in front of him: “Have you adjusted it? Yes, you can start again.”

“…….You will regret this.”

The hand holding the handle of the gun was clenched tightly, Dark Wind’s face was slightly distorted, and his body turned into a black whirlwind, and began to run around Xie Ming. Countless ballistic prediction lines almost drowned Xie Ming.

The next second is a storm of bullets.

“Da da da da da da da da…”

However, it was naturally impossible for Xie Ming to stay in place and let him fight. At the moment when the bullet of the light machine gun left the muzzle, Xie Ming’s body disappeared like a ghost, flashing like a phantom and attacking the dark wind.

“Is it better than speed!?”

Looking at Xie Ming, who was rushing towards him, the dark wind roared and accelerated again: “Then let’s try it!”

After the voice fell, Dark Wind threw his only plasma grenade to Xie Ming without hesitation, and then pulled the trigger as he retreated violently.

A part of the bullets hit the grenade. Part of the bullets shrouded Xie Ming’s retreat.


The grenade was detonated in advance, and the dark wind did not stay in place for a while. After quickly changing into the magazine, he executed his famous tactics again. Running around the area where the explosion occurred, firmly squeezed the trigger and kept the fire off.

However, at the next moment, an explosive gunfire came into his ears, drawing his attention. Then he was stunned.

Can I fly in GGO? I believe that before this moment, 99.9% of GGO players would taunt the person who asked it when they heard this question.

“Want to fly? You played the wrong game. Go play ALO.”

But after this moment, if anyone asks this question again, the players who have watched this BOB contest will answer this way after a long silence.

“Yes, but it’s not something you can do. That’s… the privilege of monsters.”

That’s right, that’s the privilege of monsters, and that’s what monsters can do. He is now fighting with monsters beyond imagination.

The dark wind deeply realized this.



Countless small lead bullets were sprayed out like an explosion of gunfire. Two empty cartridge cases jumped out of the barrel. In the next second, two new shotguns were loaded.

The gray-yellow cloak spread out like a hang gliding wing, shaking with the airflow. After performing an somersault in the air, the figure steadily landed behind Dark Wind.

In his hand, the double-barreled shotgun, side-by-side, with a faint green smoke, was aimed at the back of his head.

“Checkmate (General).”

Xie Ming said lightly: “Is there anything else I want to say?”

“…I have taken it, I have taken it completely.” Anfeng smiled bitterly, and dropped the light submachine gun in his hand to the ground: “You and us are not playing the same game at all.”

“Do it.”

“Well, you don’t need to be too discouraged.”

Before pulling the trigger, Xie Ming smiled and said softly: “After all, your strength is enough for me to use firearms.”


The bullet popped out, and the headless corpse in front of him slowly fell to the ground, and a red prompt box appeared from the corpse. It also made all the players who watched the game fall into a long silence again.

“Dark wind, you won’t lose money.”

“It doesn’t matter if you can throw grenades as accurately as a missile, but you can actually fly a short time in the air with a shotgun…”

“Are we really, playing the same game?”

“Damn it! Lost me so much money on Dark Wind!!! It’s a big loss!!!”

People who are a little bit sane will not complain after seeing such a scene. After all, when the gap between people is too large, then people’s emotions will no longer be envy and jealous, but will only be admiration and helplessness.

Just like in SAO, other players won’t be jealous of Xie Ming’s special skill, drawing a knife.

Of course, there are also many players who have silently remembered the model of the double-barreled shotgun in Xie Ming’s hand, and plan to buy one and try it out. After all, everyone understands the theory of using a shotgun for a short flight.

Jump up, relax your body, and push through the powerful recoil of the shotgun to fly. If you practice more, you should be able to do it yourself.

Well, for these players who are unwilling to lag behind and brave to challenge and try, Xie Ming can only wish them success. Well, it’s a game after all. Everyone will have an idea to try Sao, and he has no reason to stop others, right?

I believe that after a while, they will all recognize the reality. Not everyone can play FPS games like Devil May Cry. The wolf is already very strong when he completes it like Kirito.

“Then, what’s next…”

After refilling the double-barreled shotgun with bullets, Xie Ming looked to the south. There stood one bare hill after another. From the previous scan, many players seem to be gathering there.

Xie Ming didn’t understand their thoughts. However, if they really think that a group of stinky fish and shrimps can kill a shark if they unite, they are really wrong.

“Well, gathering together will save me a lot of time. As for the remaining few…Forget it, it’s a big deal to spend more time.”

As for the remaining silly girl who was trying to get close to her and wanted to bring herself into the sniper range, Xie Ming decided to ignore her after thinking about it for a few seconds.

Since she likes running so much, let her run more.

With such unscrupulous thoughts, Xie Ming rushed towards the hilly area. At his speed, it would take about twenty minutes to get there. At that time, just scan it to see what they are doing.

Fifteen minutes later, somewhere in the forest, a girl with short ice blue hair couldn’t help but yelled annoyed.

“Damn, this guy, absolutely deliberate!!!”

With that, she picked up the heavy sniper rifle again and began to move towards the hilly area.

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