Chapter 1265 Is SAO Fun?

Because he was wearing a helmet, Xie Ming was unable to analyze any information from the face of the player in front of him. However, it can be seen from his actions that when he saw himself approaching actively, he was still a little surprised.

However, he took the initiative to approach Xie Ming at a faster speed. It is worth noting that this player named PaleRider has not fired a shot so far.

The Amalite ar17 shotgun is an extremely light shotgun, weighing only 5.5 pounds, which is about 2.5 kilograms. The advantages of this gun are its low recoil, light weight and easy handling.

But again, there are many shortcomings. The side effect of the low recoil is that this gun also has less damage. It can be said that in a shotgun, the damage of this gun can be counted from the end.

The side effect of light weight is the amount of ammunition loaded. Like Xie Ming’s double-barreled shotgun, Amalite ar17 can only carry two shotguns. The first round is mounted in the chamber, and the second round is mounted on a shrapnel under the bolt.

In other words, after pulling the trigger twice, the gun needs to be reloaded. So every shot needs to be used at the key point. At least these two bullets must hit the enemy to the point where they cannot move or counterattack.

In the qualifiers, PaleRider did this.

After flashing through the enemy’s attack with sensitive and changeable actions, the first bullet was accurately shot at the opportunity of the enemy to change the magazine, and the enemy was shot out of stiffness. Then quickly approached, making up the second serve.

Even if the enemy’s health can withstand these two bullets, he will definitely not be able to move at that time. Therefore, he has enough time to reload the bullets.

In the eyes of PaleRider, the player named Tyrannical-kun master is really an out-and-out monster. He has never heard of someone who can accurately hit the target after throwing a grenade 500 meters.

But because of this, he also judged that Xie Ming must be a double attribute of STR and AGI. Like him, after sufficient training, he is ready to be an amazing Yiming player in the BOB competition.

Just like he has developed agile movements and precise shotgun shooting within a certain distance, the tyrannical-kun master in front of him must have more than one stunt such as grenade throwing. He must have a skill that can supplement his fatal shortcomings.

But so what?

At close quarters, he PaleRider is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

The eyes under the helmet stared calmly at the approaching Xie Ming. The long and narrow shotgun barrel seemed to have become a part of his arm, like a monkey flying in the jungle, PaleRider pulled the trigger.


The twelve small shot balls contained in the shotgun shot out, leaving dense bullet marks on the ground. Of course, did not hit Xie Ming.

Of course, PaleRider never thought of hitting a shot. After squeezing the first trigger, he quickly turned the muzzle and fired a second shot in the predicted direction.

With a distance of less than ten meters between the two, with the unique surface strike of the shotgun. PaleRider didn’t think that his attack would miss.

However, the facts will always go beyond people’s expectations.

The toes touched the ground lightly, and the body rose into the air, a gloomy light flashed, and after cutting M’s sniper in the distance in half, the heel was severely slashed.



PaleRider, who had no time to react, could only grab the ends of the shotgun with both hands and held it high in the front cross block. With the crisp sound of breaking, this long-barreled weapon split into two halves, becoming countless data fragments.

After landing quickly and steadily, the double-barreled shotgun protruded from the gray-yellow cloak and landed on PaleRider’s chin.

“It’s a good game, let’s keep working hard next time.”

After speaking, Xie Ming pulled the trigger.


Leaving PaleRider’s headless body slowly falling to the ground, Xie Ming’s figure retreated again. In the next second, countless bullets hit his position just now.

Filled the double-barreled shotgun with two shotguns again, raised his head slightly, Pitohui and Lian had already come not far from him.

“Now! Mr. Edmond (San)!!”

With a fanatical smile on his face, Pitohui asked Xie Ming, “SAO, is it fun?”

“……..What’s the meaning?”


Pitohui opened his arms and laughed wildly: “If you bet on your life, if you die in the game, you will really die! This kind of game is really great, right!?”

“The fear of being close to death, the excitement and pleasure of cutting the lives of others! It’s you, you will definitely understand it, won’t you!?”

“Killed hundreds of players personally, the biggest slaughter in SAO! The ghost of revenge, Edmund Dantes!!!”

Slightly squinting his eyes, Xie Ming calmly looked at the tall girl in front of him, searching for memories of him that were already very long. Afterwards, he shook his head slowly.

“I thought it was the smiling coffin remnant that I didn’t kill. In the end, it was just a lunatic.”


Hearing Xie Ming’s answer, Lian couldn’t help taking a half step back: “Edmond…Miss (Sang), you really…”

The corner of his eyes glanced at a corner, Xie Ming looked at the two people in front of him faintly, with a calm tone.

“Ah, yes. In the words of the world, I am a SAO survivor. My player name in SAO is Edmund Dantes. Now that you have investigated this name, then my deeds are also It should be investigated clearly.”

“Isn’t this of course?!”

Pitohui’s smile was full of intoxication: “Beat the first-tier Boss in SAO alone, and involuntarily kill the players who are causing you trouble. In the following year, continue to hunt for red-named players who take the pleasure of killing. On Christmas Eve, face the attack of hundreds of red-named players and the Boss of the Christmas event with one person, and destroy them all.”

“Since then, SAO has ushered in a period of complete stability. Everyone dare not engage in dangerous player PK anymore, let alone a common occurrence in online games such as killing people and stealing goods.”

“That’s why I want to ask you, Mr. Edmond. When you killed those murderers in the name of justice, what did you feel like in your heart.”

“Is it excitement? Is it excitement? Is it pleasure? Is it stimulus? The feeling of being able to easily determine the lives of others, isn’t it great?”

“There is something wrong with your brain.”

“…Huh?” Pitohui’s smile froze.

“Didn’t you hear me? Then I’ll repeat it again.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “You, are there brain problems? Or, you are the kind of murderous monster? Or the kind of fool who doesn’t matter what you do because you are in the game?”

“How can there be any excitement and joy in taking the lives of others with your own hands. Some are just sad, disgusting, and tired.”

“Games are just games. When games are related to life, it is no longer a game, but reality. I killed so many people in SAO, and it is no different from killing so many people in reality. .”

“If I am happy because I take the lives of others, what is the difference between me and the group of murderers who have gone crazy?”

“If you don’t have the consciousness to bear the lives of others, there is no will to protect certain things even if you kill others, so don’t just put the word murder on your lips.”

“That will only make people scorn you, lunatic.”

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