Chapter 1266

“Mr. Edmond…”

Lian looked at the calm eyes under Xie Ming’s cloak, and the slight fear that Xie Ming had just confessed to her behavior had gradually subsided. Instead, distressed and angry.

Distressed, it is to Xie Ming. At that time, no one could understand what kind of mood and awareness Xie Ming had to become this murderer. But from his words, Lian knew that he didn’t like killing.

With his strength, he can completely leave those murderers aside, and there is no need to fall into danger and quagmire by himself. However, he still did.

Doing something that you like is called interest. Obviously I don’t like it, but I have to work hard to do it. This kind of behavior is called responsibility.

Xie Ming, shouldered the responsibility brought by his strong strength. Obviously fulfilling this responsibility is just thankless, it will only bring prejudice and misunderstanding, and even affect his future life, but he still does it.

Such a person, who is qualified to blame him? Obviously don’t know anything.

So Lian’s anger was directed at Pitohui. Especially after knowing the cause and effect, the anger in Lian’s heart is even more difficult to contain.

“Miss Pito, you are so selfish.”


Pitohui, who was somewhat at a loss, looked at Ren, whose head was lowered, and his whole body was trembling with anger.

“All things, Mr. M told me yesterday. He said, Miss Pito, you are a SAO loser. Because there were important things on the day of SAO’s opening, so I didn’t enter the death game of SAO, and felt that Regret.”

“So after the appearance of GGO, you were crazy about it, enjoying the pleasure of fighting with others. However, you are not satisfied with it. After guessing that Miss Edmond (San) may be the one in SAO After Edmond, you made a decision.”

“If you are killed in a BOB contest, then you will commit suicide in reality to force yourself and turn GGO into a real death game.”

“Tsk, that guy is so talkative.”

Pitohui smacked his mouth, and after a distance from Lian, he asked calmly, “So, after knowing this, what do you want to say?”

“After hearing Mr. M’s request, I found it very absurd and very incomprehensible. However, I accepted it anyway. Because I don’t want Miss Pito to die. But in my heart, I always feel that something is wrong. ”

“And after hearing what Miss Edmond (Sang) said, I finally realized what was wrong with this.”

Lian suddenly raised her head and raised the pink P90 in her hand.

“Miss Pito, you are only a failure of SAO, not a survivor of SAO, let alone Miss Edmond (Sang). Everything is your self-righteous guess, self-righteous thought! In order to satisfy yourself, you completely ignore other people , Even in front of everyone, tearing open the scars that others may not want to recall in their entire lives!”

“Miss Pito like this, I really am, very annoying!”

“I regret not entering SAO? That kind of garbage game that cost your life, you should feel lucky not to participate in it! Turn GGO into a real game of death? What a joke! The game is as long as it is fun! It is a life bet. What, it’s crazy!”

“So, do you want to do it?”

“Ah! That’s right! I want to do it!” Ren said fiercely, “I want to kill Miss Pito! I want to let you know what an idiot you think!”

“Hehehehe, Lian~ You really have a pair of nice eyes now.”

Pitohui chuckles and raises the assault rifle in his hand: “But, you seem to have forgotten someone.”

“Forgot someone…what a mess!”


That’s right, when he saw Lian’s muzzle aiming at Pitohui, M in the distance had already aimed the muzzle at her. When Pitohui raised the gun, M resolutely pulled the trigger.

Pitohui would never allow anyone to interfere in the battle between her and Xie Ming. Even if this person is the lotus she likes very much.

“Your words, I will give them back to you.”



The gray-yellow cloak brushed Lian’s cheeks, and the jet-black blade cut through the bullet, making a crisp sound of steel collision.

“Ahahahahaha, sure enough, no one is better than you, Edmund Dantes!!!”

Holding an assault rifle in both hands, Pitohui once again fell into a frenzy of fighting, squeezed the trigger with his fingers, and fire spurted out of the muzzle.

“Da da da da da da da da da da da…”


The bullet was like a shower, and the trajectory prediction line almost covered Xie Ming’s whole body. Originally, such an attack could not threaten Xie Ming at all. But unfortunately, there is a pink ‘little rabbit’ behind him now.

Therefore, his only choice was to cut open all the bullets fired from the assault rifle at close range with this black dagger in his hand.

The icy cold light traversed track after track, looking chaotic, but in fact every knife track was in order. The collision of the blade and the bullet seemed to play a symphony of murder.

Those who watched the battle couldn’t help but have such an idea in their hearts.

If the weapon in his hand is not a dagger, but a knife…


I don’t know when all the bullets in the magazine have been shot out, but Pitohui is still pulling the trigger mechanically. Because she didn’t know what kind of reaction and what kind of expression to make to deal with the outrageous things that happened in front of her.

“Tsk, sure enough, the dagger is still a bit choking.”

Turning the dagger in his hand and playing with a knife, the gray-yellow cloak on Xie Ming’s body slowly faded into fragments and disappeared. After all, something like a cloak can’t be taken care of when the body is moving violently.

With a flick of his arm, the entire cloak became a piece of unfolded cloth. Even if all the bullets are cut open, the shrapnel also has inertia, and it is not difficult to penetrate a piece of cloth.

Although Xie Ming’s sword technique has entered the realm of a great master, he can use anything to achieve the same effect as a sword. However, the short blade of the dagger still caused him to roll over. If the dagger in his hand is replaced with a lightsaber, no, even if it is replaced with a slightly longer branch, this will not happen.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. In GGO, there is no such thing as a knife light knife light knife gas, because of the durability of the branches. I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch a bullet.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh, life is full of surprises. Unexpectedly, my cloak was actually destroyed in this competition.”

Pinning the sideburns hanging in front of him behind his ears, Xie Ming raised his head slightly, and some narrow lavender eyes calmly looked at Pitohui in front of him.

“However, SAO losers… I didn’t expect that there are such lunatics in the world. Sure enough, the world is so big that there are no surprises. Lian, leave this guy to me to educate and educate. You go and slap the black shot. Packed up.”

“Sure…. As expected… Miss Edmond is a great beauty!” Lian said with some excitement, “I was vaguely aware of it before, but I didn’t expect Miss Edmond’s role to be so beautiful. !”

“That…” Xie Ming’s mouth twitched: “I’m sorry that you shattered your illusion, but I am a man.”

“………What did you say? (North Blue dialect)”

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