Chapter 1267 Rebound Shooting

Watching the disillusionment and the completely maddened pink rabbit leaving with various emotions, Xie Ming twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Pitohui again.

“Then, let’s get started. Don’t you just want to go heads-up with me? I satisfy you, crazy woman. But ah…”

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Xie Ming said while playing with the dagger in his hand, “You must not hold anything. I will show mercy to this stupidity because of the trivial thing that you will commit suicide when you die. Thoughts.”

“Since you like SAO so much, then you should know about it. In the days when Kayaba Akihiko announced the start of the death game, there were more than 2,000 players who committed suicide because of a breakdown in their hearts.”

“For those players, I don’t have any sympathy. After all, I don’t want to live anymore, so who will stop him? To me, you are no different from those more than 2,000 players.”

“Oh, no, there is still a difference.”

Xie Ming showed a sneer: “If a crazy woman like you enters the SAO, she will definitely become a murderer. At that time, I will definitely remove your head. Now it seems that it really feels like fate. what.”

“You entered SAO and killed a few innocent players by me. You were in GGO and committed suicide because of being killed by me. From this point of view, it is really lucky that you did not enter SAO.”

“After all, compared to your crazy woman, the lives of other players are much more important.”

“The mouth is really poisonous, Mr. Edmond.” Pitohui’s hands holding the assault rifle couldn’t help but clenched tightly. “Even me, I would be angry~”


Xie Ming mocked: “Is incompetence furious?”

“Is it incompetent? You will see now.”

After the words fell, Pitohui threw the assault rifle in his hand to Xie Ming without hesitation, and then retreated back while taking out the shotgun from the holster on his body. However, she did not aim at Xie Ming directly, but aimed at the ground not far in front of Xie Ming.


After hitting the hard mountain, the bullet group did not penetrate the ground. Instead, it bounced back and hit Xie Ming’s legs at a tricky angle.

People usually have only two impressions of shotguns. It has strong lethality and a wide range of lethality. But people who really know about shotguns tend to focus on the bullets of shotguns.

Usually shotgun bullets are 12-caliber shotguns. The so-called No. 12 caliber is cast from 1 pound (approximately 454 grams) of lead into 12 shot balls of the same size. The diameters of the shot balls add up to the No. 12 caliber.

According to international standards, the actual bore diameter of No. 12 is 18.5 mm.

And the shotgun of the shotgun contains many spherical shotgun pellets. The intensive firing of these spherical projectiles is the source of the high damage of the shotgun.

Well, since they are all spherical projectiles, it is natural to use the physical phenomenon of rebound. It is also known as rebound shooting.

The rebound shot of a shotgun is usually used to strike an enemy behind a bunker. For example, if the enemy uses a car as a cover, then this shooting method can be used to abolish the target’s foot and let it fall to the ground.

Then use rebound shooting to completely solve the enemy.

Of course, rebound shooting also has limitations. The biggest limitation is the terrain. If the ground is soft (sand, mud), or fragile (solid wood, porcelain floor), the effect will be very limited.

If there is a height difference on the ground, rebound shooting will not work well either. After all, the reflection angle of the projectile also needs to be calculated.

At this time, the height difference between Pitohui and Xie Ming is not obvious, and because it is a hilly area, the ground is mostly hard rock, which is fully in line with the conditions for the use of rebound shooting. Moreover, setting the shooting target to be below the knee has a higher hit rate than shooting directly at Xie Ming.

Well, a few percentage points higher.

In fact, Xie Ming also spoke highly of Pitohui’s shooting.

“Although it’s a neurotic, he still has a talent for fighting.”

Touching the ground with his toes, Xie Ming easily avoided Pitohui’s rebound shooting with a small side step. At the same time, he grabbed the barrel of the assault rifle with one hand. Compared with a dagger, an assault rifle is closer to a knife in terms of feel.

With his right arm swung, the body of the assault rifle turned into a black shadow, and it hit Pitohui’s head mercilessly with the howling wind.

Pitohui’s response is to pull the trigger one after another while jumping back.

“Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Six bursts of sound first reached the fragments of the assault rifle that Xie Ming used as a weapon, and the next few shots did not directly aim at Xie Ming, but enveloped Xie Ming’s whole body.

In this way, no matter where Xie Ming dodges, he will definitely be hurt.

That’s strange.

The shotgun in Pitohui’s hand is a Remington 870 pump-action shotgun. The so-called pump-actuated type means that every time a bullet is fired, the bolt under the barrel needs to be pulled, so that the empty cartridge case is ejected from the barrel and another shot is loaded at the same time.

No matter how fast this process is, the gap between two shots of a shotgun must be a lot longer than automatic firearms such as assault rifles and submachine guns.

And this extra time is enough for Xie Ming.

Step forward, sideways, step forward, sideways. It is very easy to operate, but in everyone’s eyes, it is like a ghost. After shaking his body several times, he narrowed the distance between himself and the enemy again unharmed.

The dagger in the left hand was like Lion Majesty ready to go. As long as it enters the range of attack, the blade that shone with cold light will inevitably penetrate through the enemy’s throat.

“Damn it!”

Although he cursed in his mouth, Pitohui still had a feverish smile on his face. This is what she is after, this kind of contest between life and death, and the feeling that she will die as long as she makes a mistake.

Fear and excitement allowed her to secrete a lot of adrenaline, which made her heart beat faster.

Throwing the Remington shotgun in his hand off the hillside, one hand took off the two plasma grenade on his belt and threw it at his feet. Then he swooped down and rolled down the hillside with his hands covering his head.


Two hot fireballs completely enveloped the area where she had just stood. However, it is not over yet.

“Hahahahahahaha, die, die, die!!!”

Pressing on the ground with both hands, letting himself be forced, Pitohui took out two automatic pistols from both sides of his thighs, and began to shoot at that area one after another until the bullets of the two pistols were all empty.


A trace of fatigue flashed in his eyes, and Pitohui panted slightly, but still stared at the flat area on the hillside. However, the red ‘Dead’ mark that represents death has not appeared for a long time.

“Ahahaha, what kind of monster you really are…”

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