Chapter 1268 What if I say, no?


Without answering Pitohui’s question, Xie Ming, who slowly walked out of the smoke, looked at her condescendingly: “If you want to play anything, just use it.”

“Death row prisoners will have a good meal before dying. As you are about to commit suicide, I still have enough patience to play with you.”

“Ah, Mr. Edmond is really gentle~” Pitohui slowly changed the double-gun magazine in his hand: “It stands to reason that you shouldn’t hate me a lot, right? It exposes your identity and yours. Deeds.”

“you think too much.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “I never take rumors and rumors from outsiders into my heart. What’s more, what you say is the truth. I have no habit of making excuses for my actions.”

“Is that right? It’s like this!”

Pitohui raised both guns again and started pulling the trigger.

“Ding ding ding ding ding ding…”

Wielding a knife at will, slashing a knife track with cold light in front of him, cutting off all the pistol bullets, and slowly approaching Pitohui.

Obviously it was in the rain of bullets, but the feeling Xie Ming brought to everyone was like taking a leisurely walk.


Keeping the shooting frequency, with a sick smile on his face, Pitohui’s heart is extremely calm and clear. Xie Ming made a mistake. Pitohui didn’t decide to die in the BOB competition because of self-defeating and self-defeating, he would commit suicide by himself.

It’s that she used this kind of thing to force herself, bringing herself the feeling of real life and death, life hanging by a thread. What she likes is to fight a life-gambling battle with people, then win and take the lives of others.

That sense of accomplishment made her want to stop.

In order not to let herself die, she is still looking for a chance to win. Fear and excitement spread in her chest, bringing her a kind of pleasure that is about to orgasm.

So she is not mistaken about pervert.


The pistol’s bullets were exhausted again, and Xie Ming also entered the distance calculated in her brain.

“It’s now!”

Throwing the weapon of both hands to Xie Ming vigorously, he drew two combat daggers from behind. Activated the skill of knife throwing. The dagger radiated purple light and pierced the target from two different angles.

Pitohui himself leaned down and rushed towards Xie Ming with all his strength. In his right hand, I don’t know when he has grasped the end of the cylinder that has been hanging behind his waist.

“The last struggle…”

One of the throwing daggers was directly broken by the double-barreled shotgun, and the other was bounced off by the dagger in Xie Ming’s hand. In this neutral position, Pitohui has already come to Xie Ming.

A bright red beam of light suddenly emerged from the end of the cylinder, and the photon scorched the air and slashed fiercely.

This is Pitohui’s last hidden killer, the only sword that exists in the gun world of GGO, the photon sword.

“I am also one of the players in the SAO beta test!”

Asuna and others who were watching the battle in ALO stood up instantly. At this time, Pitohui’s posture and the method of attacking with the sword in the screen were familiar to them. Of course, the most familiar one is Kirito.

Because of this trick, it is also a sword technique he likes to use very much.

“The magic sword invades…”

“so what?”

Turning sideways slightly, Pitohui’s attack was flashed past, letting her skim behind her.

“It’s not over yet!!!”

Twisting the cylindrical hilt again, the bright red photon sword body also appeared on the other side of the terminal. The photon sword in Pitohui’s hand is actually a rare double-headed lightsaber. But from the fact that the weapons in her hands are quite rare firearms, it can be seen that this is quite a local tyrant.

Therefore, it is not too unexpected to have a rare but unpopular collectible weapon like a double-headed lightsaber.

However, using throwing sword weapons to attack Xie Ming is really a bad move.

With a random pick of the dagger, the direction of the Photon Sword was deflected, and the hilt in the middle was taken by Xie Ming.

“The power is quite strong…”

Looking at the dagger that had been melted in half and turned into fragments, Xie Ming couldn’t help raising his eyebrows. Although this dagger is not a top-notch weapon, it can be regarded as a very rare weapon, with excellent sharpness and durability.

“Now, the general!”

There was a triumphant smile on her face. Pitohui held the Remington M870 shotgun with both hands.

The standard Remington M870, including the bullet in the barrel, can hold 8+1 rounds in total. Previously, Pitohui only used 7 bullets. In other words, there are now two bullets in the shotgun.

With the distance between the two of them now, even Xie Ming would have difficulty dodges. Most likely, one arm or one leg was broken.

“Goodbye, Mr. Edmond.”

With a triumphant smile, Pitohui pulled the trigger without hesitation.

“Boom! Boom!”

“Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding…”



Stopping the two-headed Photon Sword in his hand, the lavender eyes lifted slightly: “Nothing?”


The shotgun fell to the ground, and Pitohui sat on the ground feebly, letting out a desperate, crazy, but excited laugh.

“Hahahahahahahaha!! Death! Death is finally coming to me! Great! This kind of despair! This kind of fear!!!”


Seeing Pitohui, who was already lying on the ground and rolling, constantly raising her waist and twitching, Xie Ming couldn’t help frowning. You know, Asuna and the others are watching the live broadcast.

“Resolve it quickly.”

As for whether this woman will commit suicide after being killed, it is up to him. He will save, always those who want to live, but the strength is not enough. People who want to die, even if they save thousands of times, are all in vain.

When he was about to step forward, Pitohui gave Pitohui a good time, accompanied by the shout of gunshots, which made him stop.

“Mr. Edmond!!!”

“Da da da da da da da da da da…”

“Ding ding ding ding ding ding…”

Turn the photon sword again to block all the incoming bullets. Xie Ming raised his head and found a pink rabbit running fast on the hillside.


“Yes, Mr. Edmond.”

Panting slightly, Lian replaced the P90 with a new magazine and aimed at Xie Ming with the gun.

“The black gun on the top of the mountain, did you solve it?”

“I have abolished all his weapons so that he has no more power to fight.”

Lian tightened the handle of the gun, remembering crying and kneeling on the top of the mountain, begging for her M, and her pupils became firmer.

“Mr. Edmond, I can’t let you kill Miss Pito.”


“Because Miss Pito will die!”

“If she is killed in GGO, she will not die. If she dies, it will be suicide. It is her choice.” Xie Ming said lightly: “If you want to die, who can stop it?”

“Is there no other choice for Mr. Edmond?”

A little anger appeared in Ren’s voice: “Didn’t you persuade Miss Pito to let her give up the choice of suicidal thoughts?”

“If I say, no?” Xie Ming asked with interest: “What are you going to do?”

“Then I will kill Mr. Edmond and change this option to yes!”

Gritting her teeth fiercely, a madness flashed in Lian’s eyes.

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