Chapter 1271 Let’s Play a Game

“How to become stronger?”

Turning the lightsaber terminal in his hand, Xie Ming raised his eyes slightly, and said calmly: “You are not even willing to accept your own weakness, so how can you become stronger?”

“I admit it!!”

Shino clenched her fists and shouted loudly, “I know I am weak, and I want to accept this weakness! But, I can’t do it! It’s because I can’t do it, that’s why I came to ask you. !”

“How can I accept my weakness and become stronger!?”


Xie Ming raised his eyebrows, raised his head, looked at Sinon, and then laughed. The laughter was full of contempt.

“You said, you are willing to accept this weakness? What do you mean by your current expression? What do you mean by asking me this stranger’s depravity now? Accepting your own weakness, you won’t be frustrated.”

“Only those who have been evading from the past and pain that they don’t want to recall will behave.”

“You!!! What do you know about me!?”

“Yeahhhhhhhhhh, of course I don’t understand anything. Why don’t I ask you, what are you looking for from someone who doesn’t understand anything?”

He stood up and patted his pants. Xie Ming looked at Sinon strangely: “Seeking a way to become stronger in this world? How can I find stronger skills? Or, after killing someone, how can I be so calm and calm with me? ?”


“Oh, it looks like it’s the third one.”

Looking at Sinon’s violently fluctuating pupils, Xie Ming laughed: “I didn’t expect that a weak person like you would have the consciousness of murder. Well, it seems a little bit wrong. Looking at you, it should be closer to catching a duck on the shelf. The situation.”

“I didn’t make any awareness at all. It was just because the situation was urgent at the time, so I didn’t want to carry out a legitimate defense. Then afterwards, there was a psychological barrier. How about, what is wrong with my guess?”

“You…why…how can you…”

Sinon stepped back one after another, the expression on her face turned into disbelief and fear.

“It seems to be the same as what I had guessed… but I don’t understand it anymore.” Xie Ming asked suspiciously, “Overcoming the psychological barriers after the murder, and changing with you in GGO What does it matter to be strong?”

“Virtual characters are virtual characters after all, everything is virtual. You become stronger and stronger in GGO, and even become the strongest, what can you do? But you escaped from reality here. In essence, no Are you still evading?”

“No…no…I don’t…I want to cross the past, so I want to become stronger…I…I…”

Losing her strength, Sinon sat down on the ground with a pale face, muttering, “I…what should I do…”

Despair, helplessness, and loss made the girl unable to see the light, leaving only darkness in her eyes.

Looking at such a girl, although she couldn’t bear it, Xie Ming decided to finish the scene. If some people are not pushed to a desperate situation, they will not find how strong their will is. Sinon belongs to such a person.

She was able to have the courage to rush to the gangster at such a young age, which shows that she herself is a very courageous person. She has the courage to challenge despair and difficulties.

It’s just that no one has forced her to serve her purpose.

That being the case, Xie Ming became the bad guy and brought her a situation that she had to resist. Let her rely on herself to overcome this obstacle. If Sinon really can’t cross, there will be Tianhuo Jingyan’s mental Master ability as a backup.

“Um…I have it.”

He tapped his fingers lightly, and attracted Sinon’s desperate and blank gaze. Then, the girl heard the demonic declaration.

“Let’s play a game.”

Xie Ming showed a cruel smile: “I am going to kill other players first, and then come back to find you. If you are killed by me in this BOB contest…”

“Then, I will find you in reality, and then kill you. If you dare to admit defeat and run away now, I will not kill you. I will take you to find your family. Then in your In front of them, kill them all.”

“If you don’t resist, I will also kill your family. Don’t hold it. If you only die, then it doesn’t matter. That way, the game will be meaningless, right?”

“Would you like to take a gamble? See if I can find you, see if I can kill you in reality.”

“You…you lunatic!!!”

“Did you know?”

Hearing Sinon’s desperate roar, Xie Ming laughed: “I can kill hundreds of people in SAO without hesitation. Do you think it’s normal for someone like me?”

“Of course, you can also try to report to the police. However, in the absence of any evidence, the police will only think that the reality and virtuality of the game you play is unclear.”

“Think carefully, worry, fear, pain, and despair, and then stand up and resist. I will, without hope, look forward to your struggle for a while?”

“The weak.”

Touching the ground with his toes, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared into the hills. Sinon was left alone, sitting on the ground blankly with a desperate face.

“What to do….. Just run away quickly…..What the lunatic just said is true….That kind of murderousness, there is no joke at all….To run away, run away quickly Just fine…”

Supporting her soft feet, Shino stood up swayingly, carrying Hecate II on her back, swaying towards the opposite direction Xie Ming left. There was a mess in his head.

There seemed to be countless selves, arguing, crying, and angry in their heads.

“Escape…to escape…”

“Escape? Where do you go…that demon said, if you don’t resist, you will also kill your mother and the others!?”

“We can only be rescued by killing him, killing him in BOB!”

“Kill him!? Can I do it? Can’t do it!! That’s a monster that can easily block even shotguns fired at close range!!! You can’t win! Absolutely!”

“Then what should I do!! Just be killed by him like this!? Still implicated in my mother!!? What a joke!”

“Already, it doesn’t matter….Anyway, I am so weak, so weak, so wasteful…I can’t do anything, I can’t do anything. Playing a game will put the family in danger. …I am a disaster star…”

“Maybe he is bluffing people?”

“After seeing the murderous intent, do you still have the idea of ​​bluffing…”

“Since you can’t kill him, then resist a little bit and let him only kill himself.”

“Innocent! Are you serious about resisting, can that demon see it!?”

“Only…. There is only one way…”

A very crazy thought suddenly appeared in his head. And this thought filled the brain in an instant.

“Use all of your strength to kill him! Even if he doesn’t succeed, he will only find himself first. In the game, he is very strong. But in reality, he is just an ordinary person!”

“When he finds me, he will die with him…”

Sinon’s pace suddenly began to pick up. In his eyes, there was no more despair and fear.

Because a trace of blood has spread in her pupils quietly.

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