Chapter 1272 The Transformed Sinon

Wielding the bright red photon sword, he quickly approached the player in front of him. After cutting his body in half, Xie Ming turned off the photon sword and then took out the satellite scanning terminal. According to his somatosensory calculation, it should be almost time to scan.

Sure enough, the remaining time displayed on the scanning terminal was only single digits left.

Sitting casually on the sand, Xie Ming quietly waited for the countdown to end.

He actually thought of a lot of ways to get Sinon out of the psychological barrier.

For example, using the Psychological Master directly can directly erase the small PTSD. He didn’t need to be a wicked person, and Sinon didn’t need to face such despair, everything was fine.

But is this really good?

Xie Ming doesn’t think so.

The reason why a person encounters setbacks is to grow up over the pain. For a person, it is his growth. Every setback suffered is an opportunity that belongs to him alone. Of course, this is something that people will only say after they overcome this setback.

Whether you can turn setbacks into opportunities depends only on each person, or whether there are noble people who have encountered their own lives, and thus grow. As far as Sinon is concerned, her chance to overcome setbacks was undoubtedly taken away by Xie Ming.

That’s right, in SAO, Xie Ming drove almost all the killing players to extinction. Therefore, the death gun incident that occurred in GGO in the original book is impossible to reproduce. But it also means that Sinon has lost the opportunity to overcome psychological barriers.

This is also the fundamental reason why Xie Ming wanted to turn himself into a wicked person to persecute Sinon. As long as one crosses life and death, then people will grow up. However, Xie Ming had to be more ruthless when he started.

In the original book, Kirito would comfort her on the sidelines and keep her calm. Xie Ming was fine, and directly pulled out Sinon’s family to threaten her and intimidate her. Even if he would not actually do this, the badness of the nature of this matter would not change.

To be precise, it is really bad.

“After everything is over, leave a note for her to apologize…” Xie Ming scratched his face: “Although she doesn’t ask for forgiveness, at least she must have an apology.”


Seeing the map showing Sinon’s location for more than half of the time in the holographic projection, Xie Ming couldn’t help frowning.

“Hidden in a cave? Or plan to hide in the river during this scan?”

But no matter what the situation is, it means that Sinon’s condition is not good, and she may not be able to muster the courage to resist. If Sinon’s spirit really collapsed completely, then his plan can be said to be all in a big way.

“Oh…I hope it’s not the worst result…Huh!?”

His toes hit the ground and his body jumped up suddenly. Almost at the same time, a huge hole was exploded in the sand pile where he was sitting.

“Take it lightly, bastard!”

Two kilometers away, Sinon pulled the bolt down fiercely, madness and calmness coexisted in the ice-blue pupils, and quickly moved the sniper scope into the air. Afterwards, holding his breath, emptied his body and mind, and squeezed the trigger again.


He quickly activated the Photon Sword, drew a light trail in front of him, and bounced off the 12.7mm bullet that hit him. A hint of surprise and surprise appeared in Xie Ming’s eyes.

These two snipers have improved a lot more than before, without revealing any murderous aura. He said with certainty that if he changed to Kirito, Sinon would definitely kill him.

In the past, Xie Ming avoided bullets and sniping, basically relying on reaction speed and murderous detection. The other perception skills were not even activated. But at that moment, Xinyan and other perception skills were activated.

This means that Sinon’s sniper shot really brought him danger. How can this not surprise Xie Ming? Only by concealing all the murderous intent before shooting, and being absolutely calm, not happy or sad, can he shoot the bullet just now.

Sinon successfully surpassed her limit and gained growth. She is definitely the strongest sniper in GGO.


Once again, he split Sinon’s bullet along the trajectory prediction line, and Xie Ming rolled over to the ground and rushed towards Sinon’s hiding place.

“Yes, come over, come over. Let me, kill you!”

Through the sniper mirror, seeing all Xie Ming’s movements in his eyes, Sinon calculated the amount of remaining bullets in Hecate II, and rhythmically interfering with Xie Ming.

She felt that her brain was more clear than ever, and her body was more relaxed than ever.

In the face of death, she put aside all the distracting thoughts in her heart. The whole body and mind are acting for one purpose: to kill the character named Edmund Dantes!

After making a thorough decision, Sinon discovered that in fact Xie Ming was already exhausted. She already knew all the moves.

The first is the fact that the sword slashes the bullet and the first bullet that has no ballistic prediction line. The former is that he has the nerve response speed of pervert, and the latter is the ability to perceive murderous intent.

This has been proved by the sniper just now.

And what is left is the precision throwing of grenades at super long distances. But this threat can already be eliminated, because his grenade has gone through so many battles, I am afraid it has been exhausted.

Otherwise, he would not waste the energy of the Photon Sword to kill the enemy, but would kill the opponent with a grenade as always. But even if it does, it doesn’t matter.

Because where she is, it is an abandoned building standing in the desert. Even if he throws a grenade into the building from the outside, it doesn’t take much effort to dodge by himself.

Therefore, if Xie Ming wants to kill himself, he must enter this hollow building.

The premise is that he can come in.

A cruel and crazy angle crossed the corner of her mouth, and Shino pulled the trigger again. But this time, she was not aiming at Xie Ming in the sniper scope, but a pile of sand in front of Xie Ming.

She hasn’t done nothing during this period of time.


The plasma grenade buried in the sand was accurately shot through, and the fireball instantly expanded. For Xie Ming’s behavior, Sinon was already a little master. Because he is quite confident in his own strength, he basically sprints in a straight line when he is close to the target.

In this way, he can predict his course of action more or less and set a trap. But that was the only trap Sinon set in the desert.

After all, she has only three grenades all over her body. The outside is still open desert terrain, and for that kind of monster, there are dodge spaces everywhere. Therefore, this trap is only a meaning.

If possible, I also want Xie Ming to spend more effort to change the route, in order to dodge his own traps.

“Tsk, can’t it…”

Reinstalled a brand new magazine on Hecate II, and found that Xie Ming hadn’t changed his course after evading the plasma grenade explosion. Sinon could only slap her lips. Then he raised his sniper rifle and began to retreat.

The real gift, the real battlefield, is in this building.

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