Chapter 1273

Picking up the sniper rifle and sniping, and letting the sniper rifle stand on the shelf and sniping on the ground, the accuracy between the two is naturally different. Although there are bullet targets in GGO, there are still differences.

In terms of Sinon’s current sniper level, even if she was sniping with a gun, she would be accurate with one shot. But no matter what, she was facing Xie Ming.

The gap that ordinary people can’t feel is as obvious to him as the lights in the night.

“The accuracy of the sniper just dropped suddenly, which means that she is not in a stable shooting state. So, what is she doing? Moving? For what?”

At this time, Xie Ming had already come to the bottom of the hollow abandoned building. From this angle, it was impossible for Sinon who was on the top floor to snipe him. Naturally, he could not honestly enter through the front door.

All fools knew that if they entered it according to the normal route, they would definitely trigger the trap Sinon laid. She is not something to provoke. Rather, of all the female players he saw in this BOB, few were offensive.

They are the kind who are beautiful and strong. In GGO, such female players will undoubtedly be welcomed and sought after by all rough guys. But he killed all these female players by cruel means.

Shotgun headshots, photon sword beheadings, and now cat-and-mouse teases. It is inevitable that the wind critics will be killed. He could imagine what kind of eyes Kirito and others would look at him when he landed on ALO again.

However, it is useless to consider these, after all, it has already happened, no matter what, it is irreversible. Now, let’s focus on this crazy cat.

After carefully observing the potholes and bulges on the outer wall of the abandoned building in front of him, Xie Ming quickly made up his mind.

Compared to entering the trigger trap from the gate, she came to Shino embarrassedly and quickly reached the top from the outer wall of the building. The sense of oppression it brought was obviously stronger and more handsome.

That being the case, why not choose?

First lightly tap the floor, and then quickly borrowed force on the wall three times, Xie Ming successfully came to the first broken wire extending from the building. Reached out and grabbed it, pulled it gently, and the body moved upward again.

Judging from the eyes of the audience, Xie Ming’s operation is undoubtedly another’fairy’ behavior that has stopped in sight.

But for those who have seen shotgun flying and blocking shotguns at close range, it is difficult for them to cause major mood swings for the basic ‘fairy’ operation of flying over the wall.

After spending more than a minute, Xie Ming turned over to the top of the building. There are messy wires all over the floor, but there are only a few places where you can hide.

Support each other, leaving only a few cracks of steel. Chairs, tables, electrical appliances, three piles of clutter, and tangled wires.

“Peek-a-boo? If this is the only trick you have left, that would really disappoint me.”

As if walking close to the pile of debris closest to him, Xie Ming opened the photon sword and faintly chopped it down. Where the red sword track traversed, there was a melting mark exuding heat.

There was no one in the first pile of debris.

Then there was the second and the third, all of which were melted through by the Photon Sword and cut in half from the middle. However, Sinon was still not found.

“Then, the last thing left…”

Waving the lightsaber casually, Xie Ming walked towards the last place: “I’ve reached this point, don’t you plan to show up? Or do you think I didn’t find you?”

Suddenly took out the double-barreled shotgun and pulled the trigger toward the wire group.


The projectiles ejected from two 12-caliber shotguns instantly made small honeycomb-like holes in the wire ball. However, there was still no one inside.

“Tsk, it’s really troublesome to have no mental perception.”

With a low voice, Xie Ming continued to refill the shotgun with the double-barreled shotgun and walked towards the iron piece. The moment he took out the shotgun and pressed it into the barrel, the mutation happened.

A young girl roared out of the pile of debris that had just been cut in half by Xie Ming. The reason for saying jump is because part of her left leg has disappeared. Sinon, who held the micro punch in one hand, and the wire in the other hand, pulled the trigger.

“Da da da da da da da da da da…”

“Ding ding ding ding ding ding…”

Obviously it was a sudden attack from behind, but Xie Ming waved his lightsaber sideways as he had expected. The bullets of the mini submachine gun were bounced one by one.

“So, what about it!”

He pulled the wire in his hand fiercely, and with a muffled sound, the iron plates supporting each other fell directly. However, the fire had appeared, and a bullet that was enough to kill Xie Ming’s life came out of the gap.

The goal is Xie Ming’s chest.

“Very thoughtful, but I chose the wrong person.”

The footsteps were slightly wrong, and the bullet from the remote-controlled Hecate II flashed past a tiny distance. At this time, Sinon was close to Xie Ming’s distance of one metre, and the slight impact in her hand was also exhausted.

“It’s not over yet!!!”

Roaring, Sinon forcefully threw Wei Chong towards Xie Ming, and at the same time opened her arms, took off forcefully with one foot, and made a leap pose.

He turned his head at will, let the gun body pass over him, and cut out the lightsaber.


From the right shoulder to the left waist, Sinon’s body split into two. In Sinon’s vision, her life value was sliding like flowing water, I believe she will die in a few seconds.

Looking at Xie Ming who was still keeping a distance from herself, with a little alert in her eyes, Sinon grinned and said softly.

“You got Fooled.”


Xie Ming was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly looked at the collapsed steel sheet less than one meter behind him. After reacting, he immediately rushed towards the middle of the building. There, you can go directly to the first floor.

However, no matter how fast he reacts, no matter how fast he moves, there are limits. At least in GGO, his speed is definitely not comparable to the spread speed of the explosion.


The fire swallowed his feet and was exploded by the explosion. Xie Ming forcibly turned around in the air and activated the double blade mode of the double-headed lightsaber.

The red whirlwind turned into a round shield, blocking all the sharp iron pieces. And Xie Ming’s body also fell towards the first floor.

“Now, it’s Ping…”


The sound of a shotgun entered Shino’s ears. The recoil spurred Xie Ming to return to the top floor, but this time he landed, he was not so cool. The body rolled a few times, and finally stopped by the gun body.

“…… Good job.”

“Damn it….”

Sinon’s head fell weakly to the ground, and a red death mark appeared on her body. Immediately afterwards, there were artificially synthesized sounds from the sky above the map.

“This is the end of the 3rd Strongest Elimination Tournament .”

“Winner!!! Edmund Dantes!!!”


Releasing the double-barreled shotgun, Xie Ming sighed deeply, changed a comfortable position and lay on the ground.

“The play, it’s finally over…”

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