Chapter 1274

In the old single apartment, the dark brown-haired girl lying on the single bed, after a long silence, took off the AmuSphere she was wearing on her head, and slowly sat up.


Failed, runner-up. In the end, he still didn’t die with that monster.

“Damn it….”

Obviously I have worked so hard, and obviously I have tried my best.

“Damn it….”

Not reconciled, really not reconciled! It’s too foul, can people do things like flying with a shotgun! ?

Before, she had also lost many times, but never was so unwilling like today’s game. The taste of doing everything but no success will always be understood by those who have experienced it.

The most important thing is that if you lose, it means that the monster is really likely to come to her! Besides, I don’t know when it will come…

“…Why should I suffer such a thing?” Wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Shino stood up, ready to go to the bathroom to wash her face and wake up sober. No matter what, he couldn’t come over now.

It takes time to investigate specifically, as long as you are prepared within this period of time.

“Ding Dong~”


The sound of the doorbell stopped Sinon, her whole body became stiff, and her face gradually turned pale. It is already eight o’clock in the evening, at this time, who else will come to visit him?

Xinchuan student? still……

“Ding Dong~”

The doorbell rang again, but Sinon knew that the person outside the door was definitely not Shinkawa-san. So, do you want to ask aloud? Will there be any danger? The lock of the door, yes! Zip the door!

Sinon, who had made up his mind, tiptoed to the door, hung the door’s zipper, and quietly looked out of the door through the cat’s eyes. Afterwards, he was stunned.

“so beautiful…..”

Snow-white skin, long silver hair, ruby-like pupils and delicate face. Simply, like a saint in the game. Why would such a person appear in front of his own house?

Go to the wrong door?

But no matter what, the tension in the girl’s heart is indeed reduced a lot.

“That…” Sinon asked a little cautiously, “Excuse me, what’s the matter?”

“I’m rude, Miss Asada. My name is Justy Sarizi Leich von Einzbern. There are some things that need to be confirmed and exchanged with you. I don’t know if you would like to let me in. Inside the house.”


Although feeling a little uncomfortable, Sinon opened the door (a slight hint from the Psychological Master): “Please…please come in. Ms. Justissa, I should call you this way, shouldn’t it be a problem?”

“Yes, Miss Asada.”

Justissa bowed slightly and said calmly, “Thank you very much.”


“Sorry, there is no good tea at home…”

“Excuse me, Miss Asada.”

Looking at the warm water exuding a slight heat in front of him, Justissa raised his head and showed a faint smile. But just because of this, Sinon felt embarrassed.

As the saint of the Einzbern family, her charm is naturally beyond doubt. In contrast, Shino in reality is like a malnourished kitten.

“So, Miss Justissa. Excuse me, where did you know my name? Also, the thing you said you want to make sure with me is…”

“Yes, my master actually asked me to come and see you, Miss Asada.”

Justissa took the tea cup with both hands and sipped warm water, then looked at Sinon, her voice calm and soft.

“I wonder if you tried to hold the gun with your hands again after you came out of the BOB contest?”


Sinon, who was about to pick up the water glass, shook her hands, suddenly raised her head, and looked at Yustesa in horror: “You! How did you know about this!?”

“It looks like it’s not there yet.”

Coming to a conclusion from Sinon’s reaction, Justissa continued, “So, could you please try it now? Hold the gun.”

“I don’t want it! Why should I listen to your orders!?”

“Please understand, Miss Asada.”

“Understand!? What do I understand? Don’t you think you are inexplicable?”

“This is the order of Lord Edmund Dantes.”

Looking at Sinon who stood up and reacted fiercely, Justissa said calmly.

“You…say… whose order is it?”

“Master Edmund Dantes’ order.”

Justissa repeated it and said faintly: “It’s the Lord Edmund Dantes who just fought with you in the BOB competition.”

“He!?” Sinon’s voice became a little strange because of fear and panic: “How did he do this!? Who is he!? Who are you again!”

“I am a servant of the mere tribute to Master Edmond, Justissa.”

“Servant!!!!! It’s ridiculous!”

“But this is reality, Ms. Asada.” Justissa looked at Sinon calmly: “Please calm down and hold the gun. Master Edmund considered your mood, so let me come first.”

“If you refuse, then it will be Lord Edmond who will come here later.”


Sinon was about to be tortured crazy by these inexplicable people: “Why are you bullying me like this!? I obviously have nothing! What do you want me to do.”

“Nothing is needed, just you, try to hold the gun again.”

“It’s funny to bully me like this, right!? Just want to see me embarrassed like that!!”

“Please hold the gun, Miss Asada.”

Facing Sinon who was crying and questioning herself with tears, Justissa still remained as calm as ever: “As long as you hold the gun in front of me now, I will leave after confirmation.”

“Hold a gun, hold a gun, hold a gun, hold a gun, hold a gun!!!! Good! I am so powerless anyway! I can only listen to your orders! I can only let you play around! Okay! I take the gun, I take the gun! I hold the gun !!!”

He quickly walked to his desk, suddenly opened his first drawer, took out the GGO model gun hugged by the white cloth, and pointed it at Justissa.

“That’s it! Then you go! Get out! Get out of my house!!!”


Looking at Sinon holding the gun firmly with one hand and looking crazy, Justissa calmly stood up, took out a letter from Kabuto, and put it on the table.

“Okay, it’s confirmed. I’m very sorry to disturb you so late. Master Edmond asked me to bring you this letter. How to deal with it is your freedom. I, I will leave you here.”

After bowing slightly again, Justissa left the living room under Sinon’s dull gaze.


The door was closed gently, and Shino knew that the beautiful woman had already left. This made her brain plunge into chaos again. Kneeling weakly on the floor, one hand covered his face.

“You lunatics, what do you want…”

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