Chapter 1275

He got up from the ground, lying on the bed weakly. At this time, Sinon’s mood had gradually calmed down. Then, she turned her gaze to the white letter on the low table.

“Wanna see?”

Such a question appeared in my heart.

To be honest, if she were to give herself another chance to choose, Shino vowed that she would never provoke the madman named Edmond again. What kind of neurosis is this, I don’t know what he is thinking or what he is going to do.

However, she was already provoked, and Shino also accepted her fate. The letter still depends on it. After all, this letter can be used as evidence to arrest the lunatic, or perhaps we can know Edmond’s purpose from the content.

“At this moment, what is there to be afraid of.”

Sitting up suddenly, Sinon put the model gun in her hand aside, and took out the letter from the white envelope.

“Words are not bad.”

Looking at the sharp writing, he subconsciously commented. After all, she is a literary girl, and she is very particular about words. Later, he focused on the content of the letter.

Miss Asada Shino:

First of all, please allow me to say sorry to you. Really, I’m very sorry for doing very bad things to you. I don’t ask for your forgiveness, but I did something wrong, and apologizing is a matter of course. So it is your right not to forgive me.

As for the question you have been worried about, what is my purpose. It’s simple, treat your PTSD well. Well, I have guessed that you will not believe it, but I can’t help it if you don’t believe it. Your stubborn face and the look of you digging into a dead end, I really can’t see it anymore, so I just get involved. For your stubborn temper, some stimulating treatment is needed. If you can read this letter, it means that my method is quite successful (laughs).

The next words are just some suggestions from someone who came over. It doesn’t matter whether you look at it or not, there is nothing to lose to me, but to you… (laughs).

Life is long and short. In a mere hundred years, there will be countless setbacks. But every setback is an opportunity for you to grow. So please don’t be afraid of setbacks, please face it. No matter how scared or scared, please face it. Although there may be setbacks behind the setbacks, as long as you persevere, you will always see hope.

Don’t lose hope, don’t give up, just as you didn’t give up under my threat this time. Just like these years, you have been facing it firmly and constantly challenging the shadow in your heart. As long as you don’t forget how you feel at this time, your future may not be bright, but at least it will not be too dark. The emergence of the virtual world is an opportunity and a challenge for the world. Let’s go ahead with the waves that have been set off by the lives of so many players from Kayaba Akihiko and SAO.

Finally, please pick up the gun next to you again and see if you really have crossed over. If not, I can only express my regret, and I can only sigh for your uselessness. But at this point, I still believe you. After all, even Kayaba Akihiko, who became a Boss, couldn’t make me Edmund Dantes so embarrassed. You can be proud of this.

So, believe in yourself, believe in your choice, believe in your decision. At this moment, you should already have the consciousness of getting your hands dirty in order to protect certain things.

I wish you a blossoming future, if it is destined, maybe we will see you again. So, goodbye, stubborn little cat.

Edmund Dantes.

“………What? This is…. Talking to yourself, do you think you are great? Who told you to be nosy, bad, never seen so bad, so bad? Man. Still proud, who do you think you are…”

“I won’t forgive you, who will forgive you for doing such a bad thing.”

Muttering, complaining, and spitting, Sinon took the letter back into the envelope and put it in a novel she was currently using as a bookmark. Afterwards, he looked at the model gun on the table again.


The pupils trembled, and then they turned into firmness. He calmly picked up the model gun with his right hand, put his finger on the trigger, and aimed it at the door. Time passed by.

The darkness did not come. The heart is still so peaceful. Those hallucinations seemed to disappear completely.

No, it was something that didn’t exist, but I was suppressing it and didn’t want to accept it. But at this moment, she already felt that it didn’t matter. The mood is more comfortable than imagined.

Feeling comfortable, tears continued to slide down his cheeks.


Pulling the trigger toward the gate, Shino said softly with a little bit of crying.

“No matter how many times, I will say that.”

“Next time, I must put the bullet into your head. You nosy nasty fool.”


“It looks like it’s really all right.”

Sitting on the edge of the roof of a nearby building, the rainbow light in Xie Ming’s pupils slowly extinguished, he was slightly relieved, and smiled. Behind him, Justissa, who had changed the Revolving Heaven cup dress, was staring calmly at his back.

How to put it…. There is always a hairy feeling.

“That, Justissa…”

“Yes, Master Xie Ming.”

“That…” stood up and patted his pants, Xie Ming organized the words, turned around and said in a sorrowful tone: “Sorry, let you do this aggrieved job. But look, if I go If you do, you will definitely be vigilant, maybe you will call the police directly.”

“Compared to me, you, who are beautiful and friendly, are easier to approach her, aren’t they.”

“No, I have nothing to do. This body has been completely dedicated to Master Xie Ming. No matter how Master Xie Ming uses me, I won’t have any complaints.”

There was no ups and downs in Justissa’s voice, but his eyes were still calm, staring at Xie Ming tightly. Then, slowly lowered his eyes.


“Compared to me, Master Xie Ming should go back to the room and talk to Master Asuna on the phone. I believe Master Asuna, there are also many things I want to ask Master Xie Ming.”


Scratching his face, Xie Ming approached with a wry smile, stretched out his hand, and gently touched Yustesa’s head.

“Thanks for your hard work, Justissa, thank you for being by my side and helping me so much.”


After lowering his head and being silent for a long time, Justissa suddenly turned his body into a spiritual life. On the roof, only Xie Ming and the pure flames of the sky hovering in front of him remained.

“That…Miss Justissa?”


“All right…..”

Reaching out and grabbing the pure flames of the sky, Xie Ming’s body disappeared from the top of the building and returned home. It didn’t take long for Asuna to make a video call.

“Yo, Asuna, good evening.”

“Good evening, Ming.”

Asuna showed a gentle smile as always, but Xie Ming’s expression froze when she said something.

“Ming, don’t you think that your way of treating girls is a little… rougher?”


Xie Ming had known about it a long time ago.

Yes, he knew it a long time ago.

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