Chapter 1276

Things in GGO have finally come to an end. I believe that if there is no special reason in the future, Xie Ming will basically not touch this game again. Female lunatic, he can’t afford to provoke it.

Did Pitohui commit suicide, what happened after Ren, and whether Sinon continued to play GGO? None of these had anything to do with him. If you use a little bit of a stick, it means that the fate is over. Whether there is any destiny in the future, then only God knows.

Now Xie Ming, what needs to be done is to wait. Waiting for the game named [Dungeon and Warrior] to be sent to his door. And in the process of waiting, he can deal with the issues related to Asuna.

The first is Christmas. On Christmas Day, the new SAO will open the 21st to 30th floors. This is the representative, the 22nd floor will be reopened. This is very important for Xie Ming, Asuna or Yui.

The wooden house villa located deep in the forest, but Xie Ming decided to buy it as a careful selection. One is the environment, which is very quiet and hidden. If you don’t click carefully, you really can’t find your way in.

For Xie Ming, who was hunting and killing players at the time, it was really suitable.

Secondly, it is terrain. Not far from the wooden house is a flat-topped hill that is not too high. The view is very good, the sun is full, and the ground can be used to plant flowers and plants.

As for the house itself, it is no different from other wooden houses and villas, and Xie Ming is not very good at decorating the house, so it was not until Asuna came over that the wooden house became more humane.

The choice of various decorations and the arrangement of the pattern are all carefully arranged by Asuna. It’s not that Xie Ming didn’t have any arrangements before, it’s just that the things he arranged can only be described in one word. After all, he arranged all kinds of decorations purely to make the house look less empty at first glance.

When Ain Grande was destroyed, Xie Ming felt very sorry for the hilltop garden that he spent a lot of effort in planting and managing.

For Asuna, this is already the most important thing in her mind. I was changed from that wooden house, from the garden. Before confirming the relationship, she often comes uninvited.

Seeing Xie Ming’s surprise from the beginning, to helplessness, and finally to the change in his accustomed expression, Asuna couldn’t help laughing out now when he thinks of it. So at that time, she hesitated for quite a while about whether she wanted to buy a house.

If Xie Ming had bought a house by herself, Xie Ming would not let her come to this wooden house again for such impossible things. At that time, Asuna was still worried for a long time.

As a result, not long after buying the house, the two officially confirmed their relationship, and she officially moved to this house that was already part of her life. Really, got a home.

A home that I miss and feel warm and happy in my heart. Even there, I met my most important and precious daughter, Yui.

The three of them cook and eat together, play together, go away together, and lie together in the grass on the hill looking at the beautiful starry sky…..Such a beautiful memory,

For this common memory, the house must be bought again no matter what. This time, Xie Ming was no longer alone, but the three of them together.

So during this period of time, Asuna could be described as murderous Ling Ran, quite a bit of an aura to block and kill the gods and Buddhas.

Xie Ming put all the time spent on GGO on ALO. Under the guidance of this outstanding ‘guided spirit’, Yui hunted wild Boss and rare monsters everywhere.

However, unlike the encouragement of players in GGO, ALO is still relatively peaceful. Every player group and guild basically keeps you from interfering with me and I don’t interfere with your course of action.

For example, when challenging Boss or encountering Boss in the wild, they follow the rule of first come, first served. If your group is destroyed, change the second batch of players to the strategy. Of course, if some player guilds rely on a large number of people and want to monopolize the opportunity, a pk is naturally inevitable.

For Xie Ming, he really wanted to encounter more such unreasonable player guilds. Do you think, kill a boss to get more benefits, or kill a boss plus a guild’s main player?

The answer is self-evident.

Therefore, in the ALO’s player forum, the title of Blood-Clothed Swordsman has slowly begun to spread. You know, having a title itself represents the player’s strength.

For example, Kirito got the title of black swordsman because of the black sword. Asuna is obviously a water elf who focuses on healing, but she often takes out her rapier and rushes to the front line to make up for high amounts of damage, thus earning the title of violent healer.

In the end, it was Silica’s armor-breaking dragon envoy.

That’s right, under the influence of Xie Ming, or the ‘Friendly Cheating’ that focuses on the armor-breaking bonus given by Xie Ming, Silica loves the armor-breaking weapon. Coupled with the short-term control of the upper ambassador, if she gets pk, she is really not afraid of the existence of the top players.

Although the other partners didn’t pay as much attention to Asuna and Xie Ming, they were relatively serious. After all, they are all partners who were born and died together. If they can help, everyone will also want to contribute.

As for how much this power can have, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is the mind, isn’t it?

And compared to other players who want to attack the 21st-tier Boss, they have a huge advantage. That’s the 21st floor boss in SAO, which was brought up by Xie Mingdan.

However, when Tongren and others asked about Xie Ming’s information on the 21st floor boss, Xie Ming’s answer made them dumbfounded.

“21st floor Boss…”

Xie Ming folded his arms and frowned for a long time before recalling some information.

“It seems to be a stone giant with a very thick skin. The attack mode has no impression. After all, I have not been hit. But it is for sure that the skin is very thick. I used the knife for a long time and destroyed several shields. In the end, it was really not. When I got impatient, I just hit it with my fist and beat it to death.”


“What’s wrong? Why do you look at me with such strange eyes?”

“We who ask you about this kind of thing are like idiots.”

Lisbeth waved her hand and said silently to the crowd, “Let’s go, let’s go, anyway, there is a bug in this game world, and then just follow him and rush directly to the maze area.”

“No, I can’t put it like this anymore.” Kirito smiled bitterly: “It’s not SAO’s hierarchy now, even if Edmond is singles out the boss now…”

Suddenly remembering Xie Ming’s deeds of killing wild Boss and overbearing guilds during this period, Kirito’s voice gradually weakened.

“Looks like…nothing has changed?”


Lisbeth flipped Byakugan: “So then everyone will just follow him. This time, the main force can’t be us anyway.”

“Right, Miss Berserker.”


Asuna couldn’t help but sighed, apparently she didn’t like the title of violent tonic. But in fact, on the day of Christmas on December 24, her rushing speed was not inferior to Xie Ming.

As a matter of course, the record of the fastest clearance level of the new SAO has been refreshed.

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