Chapter 1277

Today is December 28th. Xie Ming straightened the tie on his chest, then put on leather shoes and walked out of the house. No way, after all, to see Asuna’s family, it is a bit inappropriate to not dress formal.

Although he is from China, Asuna’s parents could not ask him too much with Japanese etiquette, but if they don’t ask for it, wouldn’t he not do it?

It’s all grown-ups, and you still have to be aware of this kind of things.

However, it has been half a year since he came back to Japan. In these half a year, Yuki Shōzo and Asuna’s brother Koichiro Yuki never returned to Tokyo for a reunion. Only a fool would believe it.

Obviously there is so much time, but Asuna’s family chose to come to see Xie Ming on the 28th. Xie Ming didn’t need to think about it. In all likelihood, it was Asuna’s mother, Kyoko Yuki’s idea.

That’s why Asuna was so careful when she brought it up. After all, she understands Xie Ming’s character and knows that Xie Ming hates others doing things behind their backs.

As for Xie Ming’s reaction, there was actually no reaction at all. Still the same sentence, he has seen the evil of this world and the hatred of humans, and this little calculation is not even evil in his eyes.

Nothing more than intending to get to know him, and then decide whether to accept him as a son-in-law. Do you want to take him back to Yuki’s home.

Yuki Akira Hina is an eldest lady, everyone knows about this. But for more details, Asuna did not say, nor did Xie Ming ask. But if he didn’t ask, it didn’t mean he didn’t care anymore. He also investigated all the people who should be investigated.

The Yuki family is also a big family in Japan, the big door, and Asuna is the so-called queen of the famous door. The Yuki Shoji family can only be regarded as one of the small families in the Yuki family, and it is just a mess.

In particular, the two events that happened one after another made the Asuna family feel a little bit unable to lift their heads in their home. Because of being involved in the SAO incident, Asuna lost the competition with her cousins.

The Sugo Nobuyuki incident caused Yucheng Akira’s three faces to lose face, after all, this is his most optimistic subordinate, and even wanted to let Asuna marry him.

Fortunately, Xie Ming’s proper handling made Yuuki Shoji a little more respectable. But if they want to continue to get support from Yuki’s family and continue to improve their social status, it will be a relatively difficult thing.

Therefore, the impression of Xie Ming by Zhang San and Kyoko Yuki should be pretty good. But just a good impression is naturally far from enough. Especially a strong woman like Yuki Kyoko would never marry Asuna to a mediocre.

Therefore, Yu Qi said that Xie Ming went to Yuki’s house this time to meet Asuna’s parents. It is better to say that Yuki Shoji and Yukisei Kyoko should conduct a thorough evaluation and comprehensive assessment of Xie Ming. .

Just like an interview with a large company, I have to say that this is not a second dimension, it is too realistic. But to be honest, Asuna’s family wanted to evaluate the current Xie Ming, which seemed to be a joke in Xie Ming’s eyes.

The levels are not at the same level, and the pursuits are not the same. How do you evaluate this? Taking 10,000 steps back, a university professor, the CEO of an electronic appliance manufacturer, to evaluate the existence of a person who has saved the world and became the king of the world?

Otinus had already laughed so much that he was rolling on the bed, and Xie Ming himself was a little bit dumbfounded.

But for the sake of Asuna, Xie Ming was a little serious. At least, the instrumentation should be more formal, right? As for other things, just see tricks.

In summary, seeing Asuna’s parents and going to Yuki’s main house, he would be a little more serious for Asuna’s sake. But you have to make Xie Mingtai take this matter seriously, it is really difficult for Xie Ming to do it.

Even Asuna’s worries were about Xie Ming’s emotions, not Xie Ming’s inability to cope with these messy things. Although she didn’t know Xie Ming’s deeds along the way, it didn’t mean she didn’t know how good Xie Ming was.

Xie Ming just stood there and did nothing, and the feeling for Asuna was many times stronger than that of the main family that I had seen before in the family. What’s more, beside him is Ortinus, who was named the demon god in Otherworld.

Why can Asuna not know how the main god-level figures of Norse mythology can accompany her by her side? It’s just that she doesn’t care about these.

She cares about Xie Ming forever. Not what power and identity. What she likes is simply Xie Ming. As long as Xie Ming is still Xie Ming, this is enough.

With a slight movement of thought, Xie Ming’s figure instantly appeared in an uninhabited alley in Tokyo’s Setagaya district, stepping on leather shoes, and walking towards the place where she had agreed to meet with Asuna.


The apartment Xie Ming lives in is actually a one-bedroom apartment in good condition. But compared with this area of ​​Setagaya, it seems a little insignificant. After all, this is a well-known district for the rich.

The residents who can live here are either rich or expensive. The environment is good, the transportation is convenient, and they are basically villas. Being able to live in a villa in the ward of Tokyo is enough to prove a lot of things, enough to make people feel the difference in birth, the difference between people.

Even if it was Lisbeth who had the best relationship with Asuna, Asuna never mentioned taking her to play at home, and Lisbeth never said it. Because none of them want to destroy the friendship between the two because of these things.

The class gap in capitalist society will only be worse than in China. There are a lot of examples of friendships breaking down because of the gap in family background, and even becoming jealous.

So even if Asuna and Lisbet knew that each other was not that kind of person, they would not try. Because temptation of these two words itself will break the friendship.

Thinking of something, Xie Ming saw Asuna waiting for her leaning on the railing in the small park near her home.


“Ming, you are here.”

Asuna, who had been staring at the sky in a daze, heard Xie Ming’s voice and reacted with a gentle smile.

“Yeah.” Walking to Asuna’s side and gently holding her hand, Xie Ming smiled: “You are very beautiful today, which makes me even more heartwarming.”

“Really, am I different from usual?”

Asuna sighed, and then tightened Xie Ming’s hand tightly: “Ming, if my mother says anything by then, I hope you don’t…”

“The mother-in-law said that the son-in-law is not the son-in-law, how dare the son-in-law talk anything.”

“Speaking of business, can you be more serious.”

“Hey? But I’m serious.”


“Okay, okay, take it easy.” Xie Ming squeezed Asuna’s cheek and said with a smile: “There is no need to worry so much, trust me, okay?”

“I will take care of it.”


The frowning brow loosened a little, and Asuna nodded lightly.

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