Chapter 1278

Xie Ming has never approached Asuna’s home. Every time Asuna was sent home, she just parked her motorcycle nearby, and Asuna walked home by herself. This shows what kind of image Yuuki Kyoko looks like in Asuna’s mind.

And when Xie Ming first came back, he communicated through Asuna that he wanted to visit Yucheng’s family, but it was abruptly delayed for 6 months. In terms of etiquette alone, it is really impossible to justify.

However, if the etiquette of others is not in place, it does not mean that you can be rude. What’s more, the other party is Asuna’s mother.

Can you still fight with your mother-in-law?

Under Asuna’s gaze, Xie Ming took out three gifts from the portable space and put them in the gift bag. There is nothing wrong with visiting and giving gifts.

“Well, that’s about it.”

Looking at the independent villa that is not far away, she smiled at Asuna: “Let’s go.”


Although still a little worried, Asuna led Xie Ming over and opened the door. Then, a handsome young man who was somewhat similar to Asuna came to face him, and said gently.

“I also thought that the guests are coming soon, what are you doing out there.”

“What else can I do, brother.” Asuna replied irritably, and then looked at Xie Ming: “Ming, let me introduce you. This is my brother, Koichiro Yuki.”

“Hello, you are the “Edmond”-Kun, I finally saw you today.”

Taking the initiative to reach out to Xie Ming, Yuki Koichiro’s voice was full of friendliness and curiosity: “I’m Yuki Koichiro, I’m so sorry that I have delayed the time so late.”

“No, it’s better to say that I’m a little negligent.”

Xie Ming stretched out his hand, took Yuki Koichiro’s hand, and smiled slightly.

“My name is Uranus Temple Hu Tailang, and China’s name is Xie Ming. Please call me whatever you want.”

“Then, just like my father, I will call you Hutalang-kun.” Koichiro Yue also laughed, and then patted Xie Ming’s arm: “You can also directly call my name, it doesn’t matter.”

“Then it’s better to be respectful, Koichiro.”

Released his holding hand, handed the gift in his hand to the waiting nanny, whispered his gratitude, and looked at Yuki Koichiro again.

“It’s just some special products from China, not a valuable thing.”

“That’s kind of polite, Hu Tailang-kun.”

Koichiro Yuki blamed it a little: “Originally, our family should have come to thank you. I really have been, I really want to say thank you to you, thank you for bringing my sister out of that game.”

“If something goes wrong with my sister because of me, I…”

“elder brother….”

“Brother Koichiro, thank you for the two words, it should be right for me.” Xie Ming said gently: “If there were no Brother Koichiro, I would not have met Asuna.”

“So, in a sense, Koichiro should be regarded as a matchmaker between me and Asuna. Is it possible that Koichiro regrets introducing me to Asuna?”

“Uh…hahahahaha, no regrets or regrets, it is better to say that I am very happy.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Yuki Koichiro was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. The little self-blame he had just revealed had disappeared: “Well, we’ve been chatting for a long time in the hallway. My father and mother are probably both I’m a little impatient.”

“That’s right, brother.”

Asuna complained a little bit: “How can you block the guests at the door and talk about a lot of things as soon as a guest comes in.”

“Sorry, sorry. Then, welcome to Yuki’s house. Brother-in-law Hutaro.”


“elder brother!”

“Hahahahahahaha.” Looking at Xie Ming who was stunned and Asuna who became embarrassed, Yuki Koichiro waved his hand and walked into the living room with a smile.

“Really…. There is no seriousness in front of Ming.”

“Okay, okay, not being serious is something to be happy about for me, isn’t it?”

“Though you say that…”

Asuna whispered a few words, then took out the guest slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them in front of Xie Ming: “Really, I feel like I’m nervous all alone, like a fool.”

This sentence was difficult to answer, so Xie Ming could only smile, put on the slippers prepared by Asuna, put his leather shoes neatly on the side, and followed Asuna into the living room.

On the sofa in the living room, except for the busy babysitter in the kitchen, Asuna’s family has gathered.

Koichiro Yuki sat on the sofa on the left, and there was no one on the sofa on the right. On the main sofa, Yuuki Shoji, who had met several times before, and the short-haired woman who had met for the first time were sitting on the sofa.

Asuna’s mother, Kyoko Yuki.

On the coffee table, it was the gift Xie Ming gave to the nanny.

The entry of Asuna and Xie Ming naturally attracted the attention of the two. But unlike Yuuki Shoji’s friendly smile, Yuuki Kyoko didn’t have any expression on his face, just staring at Xie Ming faintly.

The name of that kind of gaze is called sizing and evaluation. It is a very uncomfortable and unpleasant look.

With this look, Asuna, who had just relaxed, tightened her body and expression again. Both Yuki Shojiro and Yuki Koichiro didn’t know what to say.


With a sigh in his heart, Xie Ming took the initiative to move forward, slightly blocking Asuna, with a polite smile on his face.

“Uncles and aunts, I’m sorry to disturb you. It’s really my slack to come to visit Japan for so long. I hope that the uncles and aunts don’t mind. A little bit of heart, I hope to accept it.”

The fall of the words broke the atmosphere that was somewhat rigid because of Yuki Kyoko’s gaze, and also let Yuki Shoji and Yuki Koichiro breathe a sigh of relief. Because of Xie Ming’s actions, I became more satisfied.

“Too polite, Hu Tailang-kun.”

Yuuki Shoji stood up, blocked Kyoko’s sight intentionally or unintentionally, and said with a smile: “Come on, sit down. There is still a little time before eating, don’t be restrained, just treat this as your own home.”

“Thank you, Uncle Zhang.”

With a slight salute, from the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Asuna, who was still a little stiff, and turned her head back and whispered.

“Go, relax, trust me.”


After blinking, Asuna seemed to be awakened, and followed Xie Ming to sit on the sofa on the right. It didn’t take long for the babysitter to push the dining car out and put a cup of hot tea exuding aroma in front of everyone.

During this time, Xie Ming also chatted with Yuuki Shoji and Yuuki Koichiro. Kyoko Yuki and Asuna remained silent all the time.

Asuna kept her head down, and Yuuki Kyoko was operating the tablet in her hand. It’s just that she casts her gaze from time to time to let people know that she is still evaluating Xie Ming.

But I don’t know why, Xie Ming only finds it a little funny. The reason is naturally Asuna next to her.

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