Chapter 1279

Xie Ming is naturally extremely sensitive to the eyes and attitudes of others. Friendliness, malice, scrutiny, suspicion…Though Xie Ming didn’t care about these gazes, he could still feel it.

But Asuna actually has this kind of skill. Of course, it is for a certain person.

As long as her body stiffened slightly, Yuuki Kyoko must be looking at Xie Ming. And her body relaxed, Yuuki Kyoko returned her attention to work again.

Although I was a little sorry for Asuna, her reaction really made people want to laugh.

And the family of Asuna is very interesting. It can be said that it is a typical one who sings red face and the other sings white face. And the one who sang the white face was undoubtedly Kyoko Yuki.

This is a very smart and capable woman. Born in the country, with his abilities and skills, he became a full professor at a prestigious university. But it is precisely because of her own success that she wants to make all her children succeed.

If Kyoko Yuki really has a lot of problems, how could Yuki Shoji marry her and have maintained a married life for so many years?

He is not a fool. How can someone who can become a CEO from a big family like a family be a fool? However, his character is a bit weak.

But once he became tough, even Cheng Jingzi could not face him. That’s the case with Nobuchi Xugo.

But it was hard to value a person but was stabbed in the back. Not only did Yuuki Shoji lose confidence in himself, it made him a little bit unreliable in Yuuki’s family, and it also gave Yuuki Kyoko a greater say in the family.

So just now, Yuuki Shoji, who was supposed to stop his wife’s rude behavior, did not stop Yuuki Kyoko’s behavior. After all, the current family status is that Kyoko Yuki is relatively high.

This has also led to Asuna, who is still in the education and learning stage, under stricter management and supervision.

Koichiro Yuki felt that he owed Asuna a lot, and that was why. In his opinion, if he did not purchase NERvGear and SAO, then Asuna would not suffer so many things that she would not have suffered.

After learning about Sugo Nobuyuki’s affairs, Keisei Koichiro even wanted to rush into the police station and beat the scum to death.

So if Xie Ming wants to be recognized by Asuna’s family, he must be recognized by Kyoko Yuki. And this kind of socially successful people will naturally have a somewhat self-respecting attitude.

After all, one is a successful strong woman and a full professor at a prestigious university. One is an international student who is still studying in the university. The other party’s condescending evaluation of himself, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

This is the impact of the so-called social status. Although this so-called social status is no different from nail clippers in Xie Ming’s eyes.

But overall, Kyoko Yuki’s impression of Xie Ming should be pretty good.

First of all, Xie Ming rescued her daughter from the predicament. Second, because of Xie Ming’s reminder, Yuuki Akizo was a little bit prepared. Finally, just after returning to Japan, he expressed his desire to visit through Asuna.

Coupled with the impeccable etiquette just now, and a calm and gentle attitude. At least, in terms of character and ability, it is impeccable.

Ke Ke’s character and ability are just the entry requirements for her assessment. What Kyoko Yuuki really wants to evaluate Xie Ming is his future direction and goals, and whether he has any plans for the future.

And, the family situation behind him.

She had hired people to investigate Xie Ming’s background in this world through some of her contacts. Then, the answer that those people brought to her was: no problem.

What is called no problem, that is, it can only be investigated to this extent. More, it is beyond their ability. This also means that the Xie family, the family of martial artists behind Xie Ming, is not a simple family.

Then, all kinds of problems will be extended. Why do people from such a good family come to study in Japan? Will they return to China to develop in the future? What about Asuna? Are you going back with him?

All these things need to be considered by her mother. Therefore, she deliberately delayed the time to today. One of the purposes is to test the extent of the relationship between Xie Ming and Asuna.

Xie Ming, who comes from a good family, can be wronged for Asuna. It is precisely because of this that Xie Ming said that Yucheng Kyoko was deliberately pretending to be a black face.

Anyway, she is Asuna’s mother. Except for a very small number of scumbag parents, how many parents are not good for their children? She just felt that Asuna hadn’t grown up yet, she hadn’t had her own ideas, plans, and goals, so she made arrangements for Asuna based on her own values.

And what is Kyoko Yuki’s values, that is the right to become a successful person.

In order to become a so-called successful person, many considerations are required. From the academic point of view, it is to enter a prestigious university from a prestigious university, and then think about whether to continue further studies or get a job.

From the perspective of friends, we should make friends who are worth making and who are in good background. If the family background is not equal, it will only develop into unilateral solicitation, rather than mutual benefit exchange.

From the aspect of life, it is time to enrich yourself, not to waste time by playing games. Not to mention, it was playing the virtual world game that once wasted two years of my time.

As long as Asuna did not show her her persistence for a day, then she would continue to demand Asuna with her own values. So what Asuna needs most now is to have her own opinions, her own plans, and her own goals.

And, open heartedly, frankly, and communicate with Kyoko Yuki.

Last time, Xie Ming had already told Asuna about this. But now, it seems that Asuna hasn’t had a good conversation with Kyoko Yuuki.

Well, too. Seeing Yuki Kyoko’s expressionless face now, I am afraid that I will stammer when I change it. It is difficult to connect Shiro Shoji and Yuki Koichiro to speak, not to mention the grudged Asuna in his heart.

“At least, today I have to slightly change Yuuki Kyoko’s view in Asuna’s mind. Otherwise, I really don’t know when it will be delayed.”

Seeing the rigid atmosphere of the mother and daughter, Xie Ming couldn’t help but shook his head with a wry smile. Fortunately, he was prepared before he came.

It’s just that he just wanted to end the conversation with Yuuki Akira and his son, when he was about to chat with Yuuki Kyoko. Without thinking about it, Kyoko Yuki took the initiative to talk to him.

Hmm…it seems a little inappropriate to use the word “talking”. To be precise, it should be a question like an interview.

“Uranus Temple -kun.”

He moved his gaze away from the tablet computer in his hand, and calmly looked at Xie Ming. Kyoko Yuki spoke lightly.

“It seems that you have already obtained your permanent residence permit in Japan. At home, you must have done a lot.”

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