Chapter 1280 The Perfect Son-in-law

“Permanent residence permit?”

Yuki Koichiro was taken aback for a moment, and his gaze at Xie Ming seemed a little surprised. Japan’s permanent residence permit is not so easy to get. What’s more, Xie Ming is still a college student and has a dark history of “SAO Survivor”.

To be precise, it is incredible that he can come to Japan again. But now, he has actually obtained a permanent residence permit. After contacting his family of martial arts who came from China, this has to make people think about it.

Yuki Koichiro was originally a curious young man, otherwise he would not snap up the limited editions of NERvGear and SAO. In an instant, he imagined a mysterious, powerful, and powerful family living in China.

Had it not been for this question Kyoko Yuuki asked, I am afraid he would have asked Xie Ming excitedly if he would be “floating on the water” or “tiyunzong” or something handsome and light.

“Hahaha, Asuna should have told Auntie this news.”

Gently put his hand on Asuna’s clenched hand, Xie Ming smiled slightly.

“However, the family did not contribute much in the case of the permanent residence permit. The main thing is that I have provided a lot of help for the ‘Imagine Division’ on the SAO incident.”

“So, this can be regarded as the remuneration given to me by the Imagination Division, and some investment in future cooperation.”

“After all, in the future, the world’s development center will inevitably gradually shift to virtual reality. Japan, as the country with the most advanced virtual reality, will inevitably first occur in Japan for many virtual reality problems.”

“Although I can’t say that I can’t make it on the stage, I only have the advantage of playing the game well, which is not a strong point. Therefore, the opportunities that can be seized must be seized, not to mention the opportunities from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. ”

“I can’t. When someone asks Asuna what her husband does in the future, let Asuna answer, “My husband is a professional game player,” right?”

“Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha…”

“Hahahahaha, Hu Tailang-Kun, you are so funny, hahahahahaha…”


Xie Ming’s somewhat weird answer made Yuuki Koichiro and Yuuki Shoji both unable to help laughing. Even Kyoko Yuuki, who had been expressionless, let out a slight laugh.

I was more satisfied with Xie Ming in my heart.

What is the relationship between Asuna and her, how could Xie Ming not know? Even if you don’t know, even a fool can feel something is wrong with the atmosphere just now. However, Xie Ming deliberately became this fool.

Everyone knows that Xie Ming is pretending to be stupid, because Kyoko Yuuki is investigating people behind this matter, no matter who it is, it will feel uncomfortable. But if you feel uncomfortable, why do you face her?

So acting stupid is the best choice.

Neither made the atmosphere stiff, but also let her touch a soft knife. All wise people naturally understand who is right and who is wrong in this matter. If Xie Ming quarreled with her face to face, even Xie Ming would become irresponsible.

But acting stupid like this will only make people think that Xie Ming is sensible and understands the world. Compared with him, Yuki Kyoko seemed even more unreasonable and even more wrong.

It didn’t hurt the opponent’s face, but also counterattacked with retreat. This kind of wrist made Yucheng Kyoko very satisfied. However, having a wrist means that there is a scheming and a city government. The side effect of this is that parents will worry about whether their daughter will be wronged by this person.

But Xie Ming’s move of putting his hand on Asuna’s hand completely made the parents’ worries disappear. Because of her daughter’s personality, she would definitely get angry and even contradict her when she knew that she was investigating her beloved boy.

Kyoko Yuki was already ready to scold Asuna and plan to cool the atmosphere again. But Xie Ming stopped everything with one move.

It can be said that what the Master is talking to now is not Yuuki Kyoko, who is expressionlessly asking questions, but the Chinese student. Rather, since he came in, the conversation atmosphere in the living room has been in his Master.

Gentle, polite and witty, even Kyoko Yuki has to admit that this is a very good young man. He was even better than the Yuki Koichiro he had cultivated.

After that, the words elicited through the permanent residence permit let Yucheng Kyoko see Xie Ming’s maturity. He knew very well what he was worried about. So by deliberately embarrassing people, even with some mocking words, told her and Yuki Shoji about their plans and goals.

The two naturally read out Xie Ming’s potential meaning when saying these words.

“I have a clear goal, and I am also planning for the future of the two. It is not the kind of prodigal who depends entirely on a superior family. So please don’t worry too much.”

As a son-in-law, he has done his best. Even Kyoko Yuki did not want to continue embarrassing Xie Ming.

There is just one thing, she still has to say it. This is not to embarrass Xie Ming, but for his daughter. Since Xie Ming is so mature, she should understand her painstaking efforts.

So she wanted Xie Ming to help herself persuade Asuna.

“Uranus Temple-kun, you have a good idea.” Putting the tablet in his hand on the tea table, Kyoko Yuki’s face softened a little: “In this society, there are many capable people. But, you can catch it. There are very few opportunities.”

“The game of SAO is a disaster for many people. But you are the only one who turns the disaster into your own opportunity and opportunity. Just seeing this makes me feel more at ease.”

“Auntie praised.” Xie Ming smiled gently: “As I said before, I just can’t get the advantages of the countertop. However, I can get the aunt’s attention, and the stone in my heart has finally fallen to the ground.”

“You are too humble.”

Kyoko Yuki shook his head and said calmly: “You have your own plan, so I don’t want to interfere with you too much. Of course, if you want to continue your studies after graduating from university, I can also introduce you to some famous people you know. Professor, continue to learn from them.”

“This is another way I offer you. After you go back, you can think about it.”

“Okay, thank you auntie.”

“Yeah. As for the relationship between you and Asuna, which step you will take in the future, it all depends on the two of you. My husband and I will not interfere. However, I also hope you can persuade Asuna. Na.”

“Persuade Asuna?”


Nodded faintly, Yuki Kyoko’s voice appeared a little bit of hatred and frustration: “This child has been delayed for such a long time, but has no consciousness. If this goes on, it will only waste her talent and ability. ”

“In that unprofessional school, I was learning simple knowledge and random courses. I said it was a school, and they were all complimenting. Then, it is basically corrective measures used to contain and monitor students in accidents!”

“Before, I mentioned to Asuna and asked her to transfer to a more professional school for more in-depth study. With Asuna’s ability, she can definitely stand out and be admitted to an excellent university. In this way, she will be able to deal with it in the future. You have more help.”

“But this ignorant child actually refused, and even contradicted me! This made me understand that Asuna had been assimilated by those mediocre people. Originally, I planned to take coercive measures to transfer her. But today I saw you like this. Mature and rational, I want to ask your opinion.”

“Do you think it is really good for Asuna to go on like this?”

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